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フランクフルト学派に関連して「[[文化的マルクス主義]]」と呼ばれる[[陰謀論]]がある<ref name="Jamin2018-conclusion">{{cite journal |last1=Jamin |first1=Jérôme |title=Cultural Marxism: A survey |journal=Religion Compass |url=https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/rec3.12258|date=February 6, 2018 |volume=12 |issue=1–2 |pages=e12258 |doi=10.1111/REC3.12258|quote=When looking at the literature on Cultural Marxism as a piece of cultural studies, as a conspiracy described by Lind and its followers, and as arguments used by Buchanan, Breivik, and other actors within their own agendas, we see a common ground made of unquestionable facts in terms of who did what and where, and for how long at the Frankfurt School. Nowhere do we see divergence of opinion about who Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, and Herbert Marcuse really were, when they have met and in which universities. But this changes if we look at descriptions of what they wanted to do: conducting research or changing deeply the culture of the West? Were they working for political science or were they engaging with a hidden political agenda? Were they working for the academic community or obeying foreign secret services?}}</ref><ref name="Tuters2018-control">{{cite journal |author-last1=Tuters |author-first1=M. |title=Cultural Marxism |journal=Krisis: Journal for Contemporary Philosophy |year=2018 |volume=2018 |issue=2 |pages=32–34 |hdl=11245.1/7b72bcec-9ad2-4dc4-8395-35b4eeae0e9e |url=https://hdl.handle.net/11245.1/7b72bcec-9ad2-4dc4-8395-35b4eeae0e9e |quote=The concept of Cultural Marxism seeks to introduce readers unfamiliar with – and presumably completely uninterested in – Western Marxist thought to its key thinkers, as well as some of their ideas, as part of an insidious story of secret operations of mind-control&nbsp;...}}</ref><ref name="Tuters2018-distort">{{cite journal |author-last1=Tuters |author-first1=M. |title=Cultural Marxism |journal=Krisis: Journal for Contemporary Philosophy |year=2018 |volume=2018 |issue=2 |pages=32–34 |hdl=11245.1/7b72bcec-9ad2-4dc4-8395-35b4eeae0e9e |url=https://hdl.handle.net/11245.1/7b72bcec-9ad2-4dc4-8395-35b4eeae0e9e |language=en |quote=The Cultural Marxist narrative attributes incredible influence to the power of the ideas of the Frankfurt School to the extent that it may even be read as a kind of 'perverse tribute' to the latter (Jay 2011). In one account, for example (Estulin 2005), Theodor Adorno is thought to have helped pioneer new and insidious techniques for mind control that are now used by the 'mainstream media' to promote its 'liberal agenda' – this as part of Adorno's work, upon first emigrating to the United States, with Paul Lazarsfeld on the famous Princeton Radio Research Project, which helped popularize the contagion theory of media effects with its study of Orson Welles' 1938 broadcast of The War of the Worlds. In an ironical sense this literature can perhaps be understood as popularizing simplified or otherwise distorted versions of certain concepts initially developed by the Frankfurt School, as well as those of Western Marxism more generally.}}</ref><ref name="Woods 2019"/><ref>{{cite journal|author-first1=Sven |author-last1=Lütticken |title=Cultural Marxists Like Us |url=https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/700248 |journal=Afterall: A Journal of Art, Context and Enquiry |date=August 24, 2018 |issn=1465-4253 |pages=66–75 |volume=46 |doi=10.1086/700248 |s2cid=150160559}}</ref>。この陰謀論は[[右派]]の政治家や宗教指導者、政治コメンテーター、[[白人至上主義]]の[[テロリスト]]によって支持されている<ref name="Mirrlees 2018">{{cite journal|author-last=Mirrlees |author-first=Tanner |date=2018 |title=The Alt-Right's Discourse of 'cultural Marxism': A political Instrument of Intersectional Hate |url=https://journals.msvu.ca/index.php/atlantis/article/view/5403/pdf_55 |journal=Atlantis Journal |volume=39 |issue=1 |publisher=[[Mount Saint Vincent University]] |location=Halifax, Nova Scotia |access-date=November 5, 2020 |archive-date=December 1, 2020 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20201201120536/https://journals.msvu.ca/index.php/atlantis/article/view/5403/pdf_55 |url-status=live}}</ref>。
フランクフルト学派に関連して「[[文化的マルクス主義]]」と呼ばれる[[陰謀論]]がある<ref name="Jamin2018-conclusion">{{cite journal |last1=Jamin |first1=Jérôme |title=Cultural Marxism: A survey |journal=Religion Compass |url=https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/rec3.12258|date=February 6, 2018 |volume=12 |issue=1–2 |pages=e12258 |doi=10.1111/REC3.12258|quote=When looking at the literature on Cultural Marxism as a piece of cultural studies, as a conspiracy described by Lind and its followers, and as arguments used by Buchanan, Breivik, and other actors within their own agendas, we see a common ground made of unquestionable facts in terms of who did what and where, and for how long at the Frankfurt School. Nowhere do we see divergence of opinion about who Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, and Herbert Marcuse really were, when they have met and in which universities. But this changes if we look at descriptions of what they wanted to do: conducting research or changing deeply the culture of the West? Were they working for political science or were they engaging with a hidden political agenda? Were they working for the academic community or obeying foreign secret services?}}</ref><ref name="Tuters2018-control">{{cite journal |author-last1=Tuters |author-first1=M. |title=Cultural Marxism |journal=Krisis: Journal for Contemporary Philosophy |year=2018 |volume=2018 |issue=2 |pages=32–34 |hdl=11245.1/7b72bcec-9ad2-4dc4-8395-35b4eeae0e9e |url=https://hdl.handle.net/11245.1/7b72bcec-9ad2-4dc4-8395-35b4eeae0e9e |quote=The concept of Cultural Marxism seeks to introduce readers unfamiliar with – and presumably completely uninterested in – Western Marxist thought to its key thinkers, as well as some of their ideas, as part of an insidious story of secret operations of mind-control&nbsp;...}}</ref><ref name="Tuters2018-distort">{{cite journal |author-last1=Tuters |author-first1=M. |title=Cultural Marxism |journal=Krisis: Journal for Contemporary Philosophy |year=2018 |volume=2018 |issue=2 |pages=32–34 |hdl=11245.1/7b72bcec-9ad2-4dc4-8395-35b4eeae0e9e |url=https://hdl.handle.net/11245.1/7b72bcec-9ad2-4dc4-8395-35b4eeae0e9e |language=en |quote=The Cultural Marxist narrative attributes incredible influence to the power of the ideas of the Frankfurt School to the extent that it may even be read as a kind of 'perverse tribute' to the latter (Jay 2011). In one account, for example (Estulin 2005), Theodor Adorno is thought to have helped pioneer new and insidious techniques for mind control that are now used by the 'mainstream media' to promote its 'liberal agenda' – this as part of Adorno's work, upon first emigrating to the United States, with Paul Lazarsfeld on the famous Princeton Radio Research Project, which helped popularize the contagion theory of media effects with its study of Orson Welles' 1938 broadcast of The War of the Worlds. In an ironical sense this literature can perhaps be understood as popularizing simplified or otherwise distorted versions of certain concepts initially developed by the Frankfurt School, as well as those of Western Marxism more generally.}}</ref><ref name="Woods 2019">{{cite book |author-last1=Woods |author-first1=Andrew |title=Critical Theory and the Humanities in the Age of the Alt-Right |publisher=[[Springer International Publishing]] |location=New York City |isbn=978-3-030-18753-8 |pages=39–59 |chapter-url=https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-18753-8_3 |chapter=Cultural Marxism and the Cathedral: Two Alt-Right Perspectives on Critical Theory |date=2019 |doi=10.1007/978-3-030-18753-8_3 |access-date=September 11, 2020 |archive-date=October 30, 2020 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20201030141727/https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-18753-8_3 |url-status=live }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal|author-first1=Sven |author-last1=Lütticken |title=Cultural Marxists Like Us |url=https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/700248 |journal=Afterall: A Journal of Art, Context and Enquiry |date=August 24, 2018 |issn=1465-4253 |pages=66–75 |volume=46 |doi=10.1086/700248 |s2cid=150160559}}</ref>。この陰謀論は[[右派]]の政治家や宗教指導者、政治コメンテーター、[[白人至上主義]]の[[テロリスト]]によって支持されている<ref name="Mirrlees 2018">{{cite journal|author-last=Mirrlees |author-first=Tanner |date=2018 |title=The Alt-Right's Discourse of 'cultural Marxism': A political Instrument of Intersectional Hate |url=https://journals.msvu.ca/index.php/atlantis/article/view/5403/pdf_55 |journal=Atlantis Journal |volume=39 |issue=1 |publisher=[[Mount Saint Vincent University]] |location=Halifax, Nova Scotia |access-date=November 5, 2020 |archive-date=December 1, 2020 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20201201120536/https://journals.msvu.ca/index.php/atlantis/article/view/5403/pdf_55 |url-status=live}}</ref>。

== 沿革 ==
== 沿革 ==

2023年2月11日 (土) 11:31時点における版


フランクフルト学派(フランクフルトがくは、ドイツ語: Frankfurter Schule)は、ルカーチグラムシの理論をベースにマルクス主義を進化させ、これにヘーゲル弁証法フロイト精神分析理論の融合を試みた、批判理論によって啓蒙主義を批判する社会理論や哲学を研究したグループの他称。











主催者はフランクフルト大学フェリクス・ヴァイルドイツ語版で、この会議の主なる目的はマルクス主義の新潮流を模索することであり、一週間に渡る会議においてはマルクス主義に関する話題が議論された[7]。 この研究会に参加したメンバーはルカーチ・ジェルジカール・コルシュ、当時留学中で両氏からマルクス主義を学んでいた福本和夫、後に日本でゾルゲスパイ団のリーダーとしてスパイ容疑により逮捕・死刑となるリヒャルト・ゾルゲ、かつてはローザ・ルクセンブルクと活動を共にしたフェミニスト・女性解放運動家でドイツ共産党中央委員・コミンテルン代表委員を歴任したこともあるクララ・ツェトキンフリードリヒ・ポロック、後にフランクフルト学派のメンバーになるカール・ウィットフォーゲルなどであった。この他に多くのマルクス研究家、その家族などが参加した。




  • 1924年6月24日、マルクス主義の研究を継続する機関「社会研究所」(Institut für Sozialforschung)が設置され、カール・グリュンベルクドイツ語版が所長に就任した。
  • 1927年、社会研究所初代所長のカール・グリュンベルクが病気で倒れる。
  • 1930年マックス・ホルクハイマーがフランクフルト大学正教授に就任、同時に社会研究所の2代目所長に就任。
  • 1931年1月、マックス・ホルクハイマーの社会研究所所長就任公開演説が行われる。同年ホルクハイマーはナチの台頭により社会研究所の国外分散を検討、最終的にジュネーブに設置。また社会研究所基金は後にオランダに移される。
  • 1932年の暮、ヘルベルト・マルクーゼが社会研究所所員になる。
  • 1933年1月、フランクフルト社会研究所はナチス突撃隊の襲撃を受ける。6万冊に及ぶ蔵書が押収され3月までに研究所は閉鎖。
  • 2月、ホルクハイマーがジュネーブに移住する。この時欧州各地に分室や研究者が分散した事から「国際社会研究協会」という名称になり、ホルクハイマーとポロックが共同で会長になる。
  • 4月、ホルクハイマーがフランクフルト大学の教授職を解任される。フランツ・ノイマンが社会民主党左派の活動を行って逮捕される(後釈放され1ヶ月後にロンドンに逃れる)。
  • 1934年、スイスにおいてもナチの手が伸びており危険と判断、ロンドンとパリに社会研究所分室を設置。同時期にホルクハイマーは渡米、ニューヨークを訪問する。当時コロンビア大学の学長だったニコラス・バトラーからコロンビア大学への社会研究所移転の提案を受ける。同年夏〜秋にかけて社会研究所移転および所員のアメリカ亡命が始まる。ホルクハイマーがニューヨークに移住。
  • 1935年、フェリクス・ヴァイルがニューヨークで再び社会研究所に参加、改めて10万ドルを寄贈したことで研究所は財政的に持ち直す。
  • 1936年、「権威と家族」出版。フランツ・ノイマンが渡米、社会研究所に参加。後にアメリカの戦時機関である「経済戦争委員会」のコンサルタントに就任。
  • 1937年、社会研究所ロンドン分室閉鎖。パリ在住のヴァルター・ベンヤミンが社会研究所に参加。
  • 1938年2月テオドール・アドルノが最初の亡命先であるイギリス・ロンドンからニューヨークに移住、社会研究所に参加する。


  • 1940年、マックス・ホルクハイマーがニューヨークからカリフォルニアに移る。これを追うようにアドルノもカルフォルニアに移住、この時期に代表的著作の一つ「啓蒙の弁証法」がホルクハイマーとアドルノの共著で執筆開始。
  • 9月24日 ナチスに追われたヴァルター・ベンヤミンが逃亡中ピレネーの山中で服毒自殺(近年暗殺説もあり)。








ヘーゲル左派の影響が垣間見られる。ゲオルク・ヴィルヘルム・フリードリヒ・ヘーゲルカール・マルクスの視点(弁証法哲学)をもって、科学と哲学の統合による社会哲学(「批判理論」)によって、非合理的な社会からの人間の開放を目指す実践的な姿勢によって特徴づけられる。第一世代とされる人々は、マルクスの「経済学批判」に根拠を求め、資本主義社会が滅びた後に「理性」の実現を予見し、既存の制度を厳しく批判した[9]。 二代目所長のホルクハイマーはジークムント・フロイトの心理学を取り入れることを強く意識した(研究所所長就任演説など)。この結果多くの研究所メンバーがとフロイト派の心理学とマルクス思想の融合を試みた(エーリヒ・フロムヘルベルト・マルクーゼなど)。 フランクフルト学派は近代の啓蒙思想合理主義に疑問を持ち、機械化が官僚主義ファシズムなど非人間的な体制をもたらす、と考える傾向が強い[10]








  1. ^ Jamin, Jérôme (February 6, 2018). “Cultural Marxism: A survey”. Religion Compass 12 (1–2): e12258. doi:10.1111/REC3.12258. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/rec3.12258. "When looking at the literature on Cultural Marxism as a piece of cultural studies, as a conspiracy described by Lind and its followers, and as arguments used by Buchanan, Breivik, and other actors within their own agendas, we see a common ground made of unquestionable facts in terms of who did what and where, and for how long at the Frankfurt School. Nowhere do we see divergence of opinion about who Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, and Herbert Marcuse really were, when they have met and in which universities. But this changes if we look at descriptions of what they wanted to do: conducting research or changing deeply the culture of the West? Were they working for political science or were they engaging with a hidden political agenda? Were they working for the academic community or obeying foreign secret services?" 
  2. ^ “Cultural Marxism”. Krisis: Journal for Contemporary Philosophy 2018 (2): 32–34. (2018). hdl:11245.1/7b72bcec-9ad2-4dc4-8395-35b4eeae0e9e. https://hdl.handle.net/11245.1/7b72bcec-9ad2-4dc4-8395-35b4eeae0e9e. "The concept of Cultural Marxism seeks to introduce readers unfamiliar with – and presumably completely uninterested in – Western Marxist thought to its key thinkers, as well as some of their ideas, as part of an insidious story of secret operations of mind-control ..." 
  3. ^ “Cultural Marxism” (英語). Krisis: Journal for Contemporary Philosophy 2018 (2): 32–34. (2018). hdl:11245.1/7b72bcec-9ad2-4dc4-8395-35b4eeae0e9e. https://hdl.handle.net/11245.1/7b72bcec-9ad2-4dc4-8395-35b4eeae0e9e. "The Cultural Marxist narrative attributes incredible influence to the power of the ideas of the Frankfurt School to the extent that it may even be read as a kind of 'perverse tribute' to the latter (Jay 2011). In one account, for example (Estulin 2005), Theodor Adorno is thought to have helped pioneer new and insidious techniques for mind control that are now used by the 'mainstream media' to promote its 'liberal agenda' – this as part of Adorno's work, upon first emigrating to the United States, with Paul Lazarsfeld on the famous Princeton Radio Research Project, which helped popularize the contagion theory of media effects with its study of Orson Welles' 1938 broadcast of The War of the Worlds. In an ironical sense this literature can perhaps be understood as popularizing simplified or otherwise distorted versions of certain concepts initially developed by the Frankfurt School, as well as those of Western Marxism more generally." 
  4. ^ “Cultural Marxism and the Cathedral: Two Alt-Right Perspectives on Critical Theory”. Critical Theory and the Humanities in the Age of the Alt-Right. New York City: Springer International Publishing. (2019). pp. 39–59. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-18753-8_3. ISBN 978-3-030-18753-8. オリジナルのOctober 30, 2020時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-18753-8_3 September 11, 2020閲覧。 
  5. ^ “Cultural Marxists Like Us”. Afterall: A Journal of Art, Context and Enquiry 46: 66–75. (August 24, 2018). doi:10.1086/700248. ISSN 1465-4253. https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/700248. 
  6. ^ “The Alt-Right's Discourse of 'cultural Marxism': A political Instrument of Intersectional Hate”. Atlantis Journal (Halifax, Nova Scotia: Mount Saint Vincent University) 39 (1). (2018). オリジナルのDecember 1, 2020時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20201201120536/https://journals.msvu.ca/index.php/atlantis/article/view/5403/pdf_55 November 5, 2020閲覧。. 
  7. ^ 多くの時間がフリードリヒ・ポロックの『マルクス主義と哲学』の講義であったと言われている。
  8. ^ 横井邦彦「フランクフルト学派」(「プロメテウス」34号)
  9. ^ 山口 1984
  10. ^ 横井前掲論文。




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