ブカレスト条約 (1918年)

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ルーマニア首相 アレクサンドル・マルギロマン が条約にサインする様子
署名場所コトロチェニ宮殿, ブカレスト, ルーマニア王国 (1916年から 中央同盟国の支配下)
現況ルーマニアと中央同盟国が 批准
言語German, Romanian, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Ottoman Turkish[3]

ブカレスト条約 (1918年) (ぶかれすとじょうやく 英語 Treaty of Bucharest )は1917年の中央同盟国の攻勢以降膠着後、 革命によりロシアが戦争を離脱したため孤立したルーマニア王国と中央同盟国の間で結ばれた和平条約である。

Following the Central Powers' ultimatum issued during the Meeting between King Ferdinand and Ottokar Czernin (1918)ルーマニア語版 between Ferdinand I of Romania and Ottokar Czernin, the Austro-Hungarian Foreign Minister, on 1918年27 Februaryユリウス暦 14 February) at the Răcăciuni railway station, King Ferdinand summoned a Romanian Crown Council (1918)ルーマニア語版 on Template:OldStyleDateNY in Iași, the Romanian capital-in-exile. After long and difficult discussions, which lasted 3 days, and despite the strong opposition of Queen Marie and General Constantin Prezan, the Crown Council decided to accept the ultimatum and send envoys to Buftea to negotiate a preliminary peace treaty. The preliminary peace treaty was concluded on 1918年5 Marchユリウス暦 20 February), by which Romania accepted frontier rectifications in favor of Austria-Hungary, to cede the whole of Dobruja, to demobilize at least 8 divisions, to evacuate the Austro-Hungarian territory still in its possession and to allow the transport of Central Powers' troops through Western Moldavia and Bessarabia towards Odessa.[4]

Alexandru Marghiloman, then Prime Minister of Romania, signed the final treaty at the Cotroceni Palace, Bucharest, on 1918年7 Mayユリウス暦 25 April) and it was ratified by the Chamber of Deputies on 28 June and by the Senate on 4 July 1918.[5] However, King Ferdinand refused to sign or promulgate it.


  1. ^ United States Department of State (1918). Texts of the Roumanian "Peace". Washington Government Printing Office. https://books.google.com/books?id=joHTAAAAMAAJ 
  2. ^ Preamble of the Treaty”. 2019年3月24日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2019年10月15日閲覧。
  3. ^ Article XXX of the Treaty”. 2019年3月24日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2017年8月10日閲覧。
  4. ^ Nicolae Iorga, Acte privitoare la istoria marelui războiu, „Revista Istorică", Year XVIII, Issues 7-9, Bucharest, 1932
  5. ^ Primary Documents - Treaty of Bucharest, 7 May 1918”. FirstWorldWar.com. 2019年10月18日閲覧。
