ナイラ証言(ナイラしょうげん、Nayirah testimony)とは、イラクによるクウェート侵攻の後、「ナイラ」を名乗る少女が行った証言。
「証言」は裏付けの取れたものと国際的に認識されていたが、クウェート解放以後マスコミが同国内に入り取材が許された結果、虚偽の「証言」であった事が発覚した。また、1992年に「ナイラ」なる女性は苗字がアッ=サバーハ(al-Ṣabaḥ、アラビア語:الصباح)であり、当時クウェート駐米大使であったサウード・アン=ナーセル・アッ=サバーハの娘だった事実が明らかになった。その上、証言自体がイラクから攻撃を受けて劣勢だったクウェート政府とヒル・アンド・ノウルトンによる自由クウェートのための市民運動の反イラク国際世論扇動のために行った広報キャンペーンの一環であったことが判明した。アメリカ合衆国大統領、上院議員や、各国のマスメディアに「証言」は幾度となく引用され、反イラク世論喚起どころか世論の高まりを受けたアメリカ参戦で敵対国イラク壊滅などクウェート政府によるプロパガンダとして大成功であった。この「証言」はアメリカ政府が目的としていた湾岸戦争の火付け役となり、「女性や子供の証言」「現地で現場を見た被害者は嘘をつかない」との人々の根強い思い込みを背景に、弱者側[注釈 1]が女性又は子供を利用したプロパガンダの例として引用される[1]。
[編集]イラク軍が爆弾や銃で民衆を襲撃しています。また、全ての病院施設に押し入り、新生児を連れ出しています。生命維持装置は切られています。抵抗したり、クウェート軍や警察と一緒にいる所が見つかれば、拷問を受けかねません。 |
—Evacuee's description as reported in St. Louis Post-Dispatch[2] |
[編集]アメリカの広告業者は軒並み、クウェート侵攻で一儲けしたがった |
—Advertisers steer clear of Mideast,St. Petersburg Times [29] |
[編集]ナイラ証言が広く喧伝される[43]と、集会の様子を撮影したヒル・アンド・ノウルトンは、全米に約700のテレビ局を擁するメディアリンクへビデオを配給[44]。当日夜、証言の一部がABC及びNBCのニュース番組で放映され、数千万人のアメリカ国民が視聴したという[42][44]。また、上院議員7名が武力行使を支持する演説の中でナイラ証言を引用している[注釈 2]。ブッシュ大統領もその後数週間のうちに少なくとも10回は証言を繰り返した[47]。暴虐の証言は湾岸戦争参戦に対する国民の支持を取り付ける切っ掛けとなった[48]。
[編集]ちょっとした調査報道が民主化の過程に大きな影響を与えるであろう。 |
—John MacArthur[52] |
[編集]我々はアメリカ国民に対して世論を形成すべく虚偽の情報を垂れ流した。 |
—Frank Mankiewicz, Vice Chairman, Hill & Knowlton[56][57] |
[編集]ペルシャ湾岸戦争の歴史を大きく書き換えるキャンペーンは進行中である。 |
-Tom Lantos response to MacArthur[64] |
[編集]20/20(ABC)や60 Minutes(CBS)は証言に関し調査報道を放映した。
[編集]実際のところ、アムネスティ・インターナショナルからクウェートの医師に至るまで、新生児の話にほぼ皆が巻き込まれ、素早く逃げていった。 |
—Newsday[75] |
[編集]問題は結局ヒル・アンド・ノウルトンが効果的に世論操作を行ったか否かではなく、アメリカ政府自身や外国における既得権益層、民間広告業者並びにロビー活動が一体となった勢力が、きちんとした理性的な、感情に拠らない議論を握り潰したかどうかにある。 |
—The power house: Robert Keith Gray and the selling of access and influence in Washington[78] |
このほか、『第二の戦線-湾岸戦争における検閲とプロパガンダ』を著したジョン・R・ マッカーサーは、「当時、外国政府によりアメリカ国内で行われた、最も洗練された高価な広報キャンペーンであった」と述べた[72]。
[編集]2002年、HBOが映画『ライブ・フロム・バグダッド 湾岸戦争最前線』を公開。真偽を決定しようとした登場人物が少なからずいたものの、結論を出せずに終わっている。なお、エンドロールにおいて、保育器の話は決して実証されていない旨のコメントが添えられている[81]。
[編集]- ^ NHK (2003). NHK 放送研究と調查 - 第53巻626~631号p24. NHK
- ^ “U.S. Evacuates 171 From Iraq, Kuwait - Women Who Made It Out Recount Tales Of Terror”. St. Louis Post-Dispatch: p. 1A. (1990年9月8日). "Cindy of San Francisco, who declined to be identified further, said, Iraqis are beating people, bombing and shooting. They are taking all hospital equipment, babies out of incubators . Life-support systems are turned off. . . . They are even removing traffic lights. "The Iraqis are beating Kuwaitis, torturing them, knifing them, beating them, cutting their ears off if they are caught resisting or are with the Kuwaiti army or police," she said."
- ^ a b United Nations Security Council masthead document Letter Dated 2 September 1990 From The Permanent Representative Of Kuwait To The United Nations Addressed To The Secretary-General S/21694 September 3, 1990.
- ^ Leff, Lisa (1990年9月11日). “Weary, wary evacuees bring tales of horror”. Washington Post. "The evacuees told of soldiers looting office buildings, schools and hospitals for air conditioners, computers, blackboards, desks, and even infant incubators and radiation equipment. They described food shortages that afflicted soldiers as well as civilians, and random acts of violence."
- ^ a b Beeston, Nicholas (1990年9月5日). “A battle ground to test Saddam - Iraq invasion of Kuwait”. London, England
- ^ a b c Rendall, p. 24
- ^ a b c d e Frankel, Glenn (1990年9月10日). “Iraq, Kuwait Waging an Old-Fashioned War of Propaganda (要購読契約)”. Washington Post. オリジナルの2012年11月5日時点におけるアーカイブ。 2011年3月15日閲覧。
- ^ United Nations Security Council masthead document Letter Dated 5 September 1990 From The Permanent Representative Of Kuwait To The United Nations Addressed To The Secretary-General S/21713 September 5, 1990.
- ^ Walton, p 771
- ^ “Kuwait says seizure of hospital equipment caused many deaths”. Reuters News. (1992年9月6日)
- ^ “Iraq equipment removal killed patients - Kuwait.”. Reuters News. (1992年9月6日)
- ^ “Kuwaiti says Iraq plundered hospitals”. Associated Press (North Carolina: Charlotte Observer): p. A16. (1990年9月7日)
- ^ “Official: Hospitalized in Kuwait are left to die”. Associated Press (Chicago Tribune): p. 12. (1990年9月7日)
- ^ “Persian Gulf crisis - More about the Mideast”. Houston Chronicle: p. A18. (1990年9月7日)
- ^ “Kuwait Says Iraq Plundered Hospitals” (Associated Press). The San Francisco Chronicle: p. A21. (1990年9月7日)
- ^ “Released Hostages Tell of Kuwait Terror” (Transcription of broadcast). All Things Considered (National Public Radio). (1990年9月7日). "Total destruction everywhere, cars wrecked, burned, people thrown out of cars on the street you're driving down; they just throw people over the street. They're hitting children with the butts of the guns, taking infants out of incubators and taking the incubators."
- ^ “Kuwait offers to help cover mideast costs - contributions should offset U.S. liability”. Newport News (Virginia). (1990年9月8日). "Cindy, who refused to give her last name, and another woman who identified herself only as Rudi, told the Reuters news agency that Iraqi troops took premature babies out of incubators in Kuwait in order to steal the equipment."
- ^ Tamayo, Juan O. (1990年9月8日). “Iraqi hostage horror: `It smelled of death'”. Austin American-Statesman: p. A1
- ^ “Weekend Edition Sunday (News)” (Transcription of broadcast). National Public Radio. (1990年9月9日). "`Time is running out,' said one, a pediatrician. She said in the last few days, the Iraqi troops had looted a local hospital. In a ward for premature infants, soldiers had turned off the oxygen on incubators , she said, and packed the equipment for shipment to Iraq. Dr. Fawzi al-Said said the report came to her by the hospital attendants, who had buried the dead infants."
- ^ “Iraq tightens its grip on Kuwait”. Ohio. (1990年9月29日). pp. 6A. "The U.S. ambassador-designate to Kuwait, Edward Gnehm Jr., told reporters Monday that Kuwaiti health officials told him 22 babies born prematurely died when Iraqi troops removed them from incubators they stole. Gnehm has been named to replace current ambassador Nathaniel Howell, who is holed up inside the U.S. Embassy in Kuwait."
- ^ Murphy, Kim (1990年9月17日). “Kuwaitis bolt for border amid reports of atrocities”. The Los Angeles Times (The Tampa Tribune): p. 1A. "Western officials said that they are still investigating reports of atrocities in Kuwait and added that many appeared to be well-documented and supported by enough eyewitness accounts that they could be considered true. In one case, refugees reported that incubators for premature babies were confiscated by Iraqi troops and the babies inside were piled on the floor and left to die."
- ^ “Air Cutoff of Iraq Gains U.N. Support Kuwaiti Refugees Spill Across Border”. San Jose Mercury News (California): p. 1A. (1990年9月17日). "In one case, refugees reported that incubators for premature babies were confiscated by Iraqi troops and the babies inside were piled on the floor and left to die. "This is the kind of thing that some people call genocide, and if people wanted to construe it as such, it could be cause for some kind of military intervention," said a Western diplomat in close contact with the Kuwaitis."
- ^ Hoagland, Jim (1990年9月25日). “End Saddam's Reign of Terror”. Washington Post: p. a23. "But while dissidents have been making such arguments, Saddam's actions in Kuwait show that he is not interested in compromise or in leaving Kuwait -- on any terms. He has begun to depopulate Kuwait, as he once did with Kurdistan, and to send in Iraqis with phony new citizenship documents. Based on Saddam's bloodstained track record, it is almost certain that the young Kuwaiti men being grabbed at the border and elsewhere in Kuwait are being sent to Iraq to die. American refugees and others report that Kuwait City's hospitals are being stripped of incubators and any other supplies that can be sent to Baghdad, leaving babies and infirm patients to die.ld give sanctions and negotiations a chance so he can avoid the costs of attacking Iraq's occupation forces is not enough. That does not stay Saddam's ruthless hand."
- ^ Hall, Lawrence. “Suffer the Children: Summit must herald a new era in lives of our endangered young”. Newark, New Jersey. "The president of Citizens for a Free Kuwait recently wrote Rep. Gus Yatron (D-Pa.), decrying the brutality of this madman."Nothing points to the ruthlessness of Saddam Hussein more poignantly than his unmerciful misuse of the very young. His manipulation of political opponents through the abuse of their children is, sadly, a well documented fact. We recently learned that the Iraqi leader has ordered that maternity hospital incubators (in Kuwait ), used for treating premature babies, be turned off, allowing these infants to die of exposure," he wrote."
- ^ “Iraq plunders Kuwait, US warns war closer- The Gulf crisis”. The Sun Herald (Sydney, Australia): p. 8. (1990年9月30日). "The emir told Bush of Iraqis going into hospitals, taking babies out of incubators and people off life-support machines to send the equipment back to Iraq."
- ^ Raum, Tom. “Iraqi provocation\Emir's tales of Iraqi atrocities in Kuwait may spur U.S. military response”. Associated Press (Philadelphia Daily News)
- ^ “Remarks Following Discussions With Amir Jabir al-Ahmad al-Jabir Al Sabah of Kuwait”. (1990年9月28日) . "Iraqi aggression has ransacked and pillaged a once peaceful and secure country, its population assaulted, incarcerated, intimidated, and even murdered. Iraq's leaders are trying to wipe an internationally recognized sovereign state, a member of the Arab League and the United Nations, off the face of the map."
- ^ “The President's News Conference”. The American Presidency Project. (1990年10月9日)
- ^ a b c d AMOS, DENISE L. (1990年9月3日). “Advertisers steer clear of Mideast”. p. 9
- ^ a b Deparle, Jason (1990年9月3日). “THE MEDIA BUSINESS; Gulf Crisis Starts a Costly Fight for Good Press”. The New York Times: p. 31
- ^ “Kuwaitis loan jets to transport troops”. Associated Press (The Times News): p. 5. (1990年8月28日)
- ^ a b c Roschbwalb, p. 268
- ^ Rowse, Aruther E. (1992年10月18日). “Teary Testimony to Push America Toward War”. The San Francisco Chronicle: p. 9/Z1
- ^ Andersen, p. 170
- ^ a b “Jury says 3 took Kuwaiti money to promote war”. Sun-Sentinel (The Washington Post): p. 3A. (1992年7月8日)
- ^ a b “Deception on Capitol Hill”. The New York Times: p. A20. (1992年1月15日)
- ^ MacArthur, p. 58
- ^ Eemeren, p. 70
- ^ a b c d e Rowse, "Kuwaitgate - killing of Kuwaiti babies by Iraqi soldiers exaggerated"
- ^ a b Brosnan, James W. (1990年10月11日). “Witenesses describe atrocities by Iraqis”. The Commercial Appeal
- ^ Pratt, p. 288
- ^ a b Sriramesh, p. 864
- ^ Walton, p. 772
- ^ a b Rowse, "How to build support for war"
- ^ Walton, p. 772
- ^ Eemeren, p. 70
- ^ Walton, p.771
- ^ a b c d e Krauss, Clifford (1992年1月12日). “CONGRESSMAN SAYS GIRL WAS CREDIBLE”. The New York Times
- ^ Alderson, Andrew; Wavell, Stuart (1991年1月13日). “Paradise lost: The full story of Iraq's violation of Kuwait - Gulf Crisis”. Sunday Times
- ^ “Iraq rejects U.S. charges of atrocities”. Reuters News. (1990年10月16日)
- ^ a b “Doctors deny babies killed in Iraqi invasion”. Reuters News. (1990年10月21日)
- ^ a b c d Arthur, John (1992年1月6日). “Remember Nayirah, Witness for Kuwait?”. The New York Times
- ^ Fowler, p. 22
- ^ Cohen, Mitchel (2002-12-28). “How George Bush, Sr. Sold the 1991 Bombing of Iraq to America”. CounterPunch .
- ^ “MacArthur, John R.”. Harper's Magazine. 2011年3月16日閲覧。
- ^ Bennett, p. 131
- ^ a b Gilboa, p. 9
- ^ a b c d “P.R. Firm Had No Reason to Question Kuwaiti's Testimony”. The New York Times. (1992年1月17日)
- ^ Roschwalb, p. 273
- ^ Lee, Gary (1992年8月28日). “Troubled Public Relations Firm Names New Washington Manager; Paster Replaces Gray, Who Retains Title as Chairman of the Board”. The Washington Post: p. A24
- ^ Trento, p. 381
- ^ Grunig, pp. 137-138
- ^ Roschbwalb, p. 267
- ^ a b c d e “Kuwaiti Gave Consistent Account of Atrocities”. The New York Times: p. A20. (1992年1月27日)
- ^ MacArthur, John (1992年1月27日). “Kuwaiti Gave Consistent Account of Atrocities; Retracted Testimony”. The New York Times
- ^ Stauber, p. 143
- ^ Leonard Doyle, "Iraqi Baby Atrocity is Revealed as Myth," The Independent (12 January 1992) p. 11.
- ^ “INCUBATOR STORY NEEDED VERIFICATION (要購読契約)”. Sun Sentinel. (1992年1月21日)
- ^ Koenig, Robert L. (1992年1月9日). “Testimony Of Kuwaiti Envoy's Child Assailed”. St. Louis Post-Dispatch: p. 1C
- ^ Priest, Dana (1992年1月7日). “Legislator to Probe Allegations of Iraqi Atrocities; Accuser Identified as Daughter of Kuwait Ambassador to U.S. (要購読契約)”. The Washington Post
- ^ Ted Rowse, "Kuwaitgate - killing of Kuwaiti babies by Iraqi soldiers exaggerated," Washington Monthly (September 1992).
- ^ a b c Weiss, Tara (2001年3月15日). “NPR insists funding doesn't influence news”. The Hartford Courant (Chicago Tribune)
- ^ Hebert, James (2003年7月14日). “Always consider the source … if you can identify it”. Copley News Service. ""It was a corrupt, unethical thing to be doing," Broom says of the incident and Hill and Knowlton's role in it."
- ^ Sepahpour-Ulrich, Soraya (2009年12月18日). “Deadly Intentions: The Truth Behind The Iran Rumors”
- ^ Dwyer, Jim (1992年7月3日). “Desert Mirage Of Dead Babies (要購読契約)”. Long Island, New York
- ^ a b Brough, David (1992年9月6日). “IRAQ RETURNS STOLEN INCUBATORS TO KUWAIT.”. Reuters
- ^ Richissin, Todd (2001年10月17日). “Media finds war access denied ; Coverage: Journalists are bristling at the Pentagon's tightening control on what they're allowed to see (要購読契約)”
- ^ Qtd. in Trento, p. 389
- ^ Eemeren pp. 70-71
- ^ Roschwalb, p. 272
- ^ Live From Baghdad アーカイブ 2009年6月30日 - ウェイバックマシン HBO: Related articles.
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