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→‎歴史: en:Child Soldiers 21:55, 25 July 2007
1行目: 1行目:
{{翻訳中|[[:en:Child Soldiers]] 21:55, 25 July 2007}}
[[画像:Child soldier in the US Civil War.jpg|thumb|[[南北戦争]]で使われた少年兵]]
[[画像:Child soldier in the US Civil War.jpg|thumb|[[南北戦争]]で使われた少年兵]]
'''少年兵'''(しょうねんへい 英:'''Child soldier''')、あるいは'''少女兵'''は、18歳未満の[[子供]]の兵隊のこと。特に、[[陣地]]を守らせたり、[[プロパガンダ]]を提供するために、軍事活動に強制動員する場合を指す。
'''少年兵'''(しょうねんへい 英:'''Child soldier''')、あるいは'''少女兵'''は、18歳未満の[[子供]]の兵隊のこと。特に、[[陣地]]を守らせたり、[[プロパガンダ]]を提供するために、軍事活動に強制動員する場合を指す。
18行目: 19行目:


58行目: 56行目:
*国連事務総長特別代表報告[http://www.iccnow.org/documents/SpRepChildrenArmedConflictReport.A.60.335.pdf?PHPSESSID=295dcc83edc71a63c89ae2c67a452846 A/60/335(2005)]
*国連事務総長特別代表報告[http://www.iccnow.org/documents/SpRepChildrenArmedConflictReport.A.60.335.pdf?PHPSESSID=295dcc83edc71a63c89ae2c67a452846 A/60/335(2005)]
*国連事務総長報告[http://daccessdds.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N05/215/07/PDF/N0521507.pdf?OpenElement S/2005/72]:武力紛争と子供について、監視・報告、国際法違反者の名前公開、制裁などのメカニズムの使用について報告。
*国連事務総長報告[http://daccessdds.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N05/215/07/PDF/N0521507.pdf?OpenElement S/2005/72]:武力紛争と子供について、監視・報告、国際法違反者の名前公開、制裁などのメカニズムの使用について報告。



Also in a practice dating back to antiquity, children were routinely taken on campaign, together with the rest of a military man's family, as part of the [[:en:baggage|baggage]]. This exposed them to harm from rearguard attacks, such as the one at the [[:en:battle of Agincourt|battle of Agincourt]], where the retainers and children of the English army were massacred by the French.

The [[:en:Roman empire|Romans]] also made use of youths in war, though it was understood that it was unwise and cruel to use children in war, and [[:en:Plutarch|Plutarch]] implies that regulations required youths to be at least sixteen years of age.

In [[:en:medieval|medieval]] Europe, young boys from about twelve years of age were used as military aides ("[[:en:squires|squires]]"), though in theory their role in actual combat was limited. The so-called [[:en:Children's Crusade|Children's Crusade]] in 1212 recruited thousands of children as untrained soldiers under the assumption that divine power would enable them to conquer the enemy, although none of the children actually entered combat; according to the legend, they were instead sold into [[:en:slavery|slavery]]. While most scholars no longer believe that the Children's Crusade consisted solely, or even mostly, of children, it nonetheless exemplifies an era in which the entire family took part in a war effort.

[[Image:NinoHeroe.jpg|thumb|Mexico honors [[:en:Ninos Heroes|its heroic cadets]] who died in the [[:en:battle of Chapultepec|battle of Chapultepec]] (1847).]]
Young boys often took part in battles during [[:en:Gunpowder warfare|early modern warfare]]. One of their more visible roles was as the ubiquitous "[[:en:drummer boy|drummer boy]]" &ndash; the film [[:en:Waterloo (movie)|''Waterloo'']] (based on the [[:en:Battle of Waterloo|Battle of Waterloo]]) graphically depicts French drummer boys leading Napoleon's initial attack, only to be gunned down by Allied soldiers. During the [[:en:age of sail|age of sail]], young boys formed part of the crew of British [[:en:Royal Navy|Royal Navy]] ships and were responsible for many important tasks including bringing powder and shot from the [[:en:Magazine (artillery)#Naval Magazines|ship's magazine]] to the gun crews. These children were called "powder monkeys". During the [[:en:Siege of Mafeking|Siege of Mafeking]] in the [[:en:Second Boer War|Second Boer War]], [[:en:Robert Baden-Powell|Robert Baden-Powell]] recruited and trained 12-15 year old boys as scouts, thus freeing up the limited number of men for the actual fighting. The boys' success led indirectly to Baden-Powell founding the [[:en:Scouting|Boy Scouts]], a youth organisation originally run along military lines.

By a law signed by [[:en:Nicholas I of Russia|Nicholas I of Russia]] in 1827, a disproportionate number of [[:en:Jew|Jew]]ish boys, known as the [[:en:cantonist|cantonist]]s, were forced into military training establishments to serve in the army. The 25-year [[:en:conscription|conscription]] term officially commenced at the age of 18, but boys as young as eight were routinely taken to fulfill the hard quota.

[[Image:Warsaw Uprising boyscouts.jpg|thumb|left|225px|1944年[[ワルシャワ蜂起]]中の、ポーランドのボーイスカウトによる地下組織''[[スザーレ・スゼレジ]]''<small>([[:en:Szare Szeregi|Szare Szeregi]])</small>の兵士]]
[[Image:Russian_warchild_about_1942.jpg|thumb|140px|right|Russian war child, mascot of a German parashoot unit in Russia (about 1942)]]
第二次世界大戦において、反乱時に少年が戦うことが多かった。青年運動[[:en:Hashomer Hatzair|Hashomer Hatzair]]の多くのメンバーは、[[1943年]]の[[ワルシャワ・ゲットー]における反乱で戦闘に参加した。その他のナチス統治下にあったヨーロッパの[[反ファシズム]]<small>([[:en:Anti-fascism|Anti-fascism]])</small>[[レジスタンス運動]]は、部分的に少年によって構成されていた。[[赤軍|ソビエト赤軍]]でも、[[戦争]]中に少年兵を起用している。

反対側の[[ドイツ]]軍でも、[[:en:Hitler Youth|Hitler Youth]] (Hitlerjugend)は、[[ナチス]]ドイツの正式な組織として、少年を、肉体的に訓練し、ナチスの[[イデオロギー]]に染め上げていた。第二次世界大戦の終わりまで、[[:en:Hitler Youth|Hitler Youth]]のメンバーが軍隊に入隊する年齢は、時間を追うごとに下がっていき、[[1945年]]の[[:en:Battle of Berlin|Battle of Berlin]]では、ドイツ軍の主力の一つとなっていた。

いくらかの場合、[[:en:youth organization|youth organization]]は、いまだに団体内での規律をしつけるために軍事化しているものがある。時に[[プロパガンダ]]を植え付け、その後の軍隊での活動を準備する場合もある。

[[Image:VietnamchildsoldierEdit.jpg|thumb|right|12 year old [[:en:ARVN|ARVN]] soldier with [[:en:M-79 grenade launcher|M-79 grenade launcher]], [[:en:Tan Son Nhut|Tan Son Nhut]], 1968 ([[:en:Vietnam War|Vietnam War]])]]
{{Main|:en:Vietnam War}}
During the [[:en:Vietnam War|Vietnam War]], American soldiers reported (and US military sources documented) a number of incidents where Vietnamese children were given hand grenades and/or explosives and used as weapons against American troops. In one variation, a young girl is instructed to throw a hand grenade (with or without pulling the pin to activate it first, depending on whether direct or psychological casualties are intended.) In another variation, children had explosives strapped to their bodies and were encouraged to mingle with American soldiers, with detonation either by a mechanical device or by remote control. The frequency of such incidents, and whether deadly force was necessary as often as it was actually used, is hotly debated; critics claim the military cited such incidents to justify use of deadly force against children.{{fact|date=April 2007}}

===Sierra Leone===

Thousands of children were recruited and used by all sides during Sierra Leone’s conflict (1993 -2002), including the Revolutionary United Front (RUF), the AFRC, and the pro-government Civil Defense Forces (CDF). Children were often forcibly recruited, given drugs and used to commit atrocities. Thousands of girls were also recruited as soldiers and often subjected to sexual exploitation. Many of the children were survivors of village attacks, while others were found abandoned. They were used for patrol purposes, attacking villages, and guarding workers in the diamond fields. In his book “A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Child Soldier,” Ishmael Beah chronicles his life during the conflict in Sierra Leone.

In June 2007, the Special Court for Sierra Leone found three accused men from the rebel Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (AFRC) guilty of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and other serious violations of international humanitarian law, including the recruitment of children under the age of 15 years into the armed forces. With this, the Special Court became the first-ever UN backed tribunal to deliver a guilty verdict for the military conscription of children.<ref>{{PDFlink|[http://www.sc-sl.org/Press/pressrelease-062007.pdf "Guilty Verdicts in the Trial of the AFRC Accused"]|104&nbsp;[[:en:Kibibyte|KiB]]<!-- application/pdf, 107243 bytes -->}}, press release from the Special Court for Sierra Leone, [[:en:20 June|20 June]] [[:en:2007|2007]]; [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/06/20/AR2007062000952.html?hpid=moreheadlines"Sierra Leone Convicts 3 of War Crimes"], ''[[:en:Associated Press|Associated Press]]'', [[:en:20 June|20 June]] [[:en:2007|2007]] (hosted by ''[[:en:The Washington Post|The Washington Post]]''); [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6221112.stm "First S Leone war crimes verdicts"], ''[[:en:BBC News|BBC News]]'', [[:en:20 June|20 June]] [[:en:2007|2007]]</ref>

===Iran-Iraq War===
During the later stages of the [[:en:Iran-Iraq War|Iran-Iraq War]], both sides were accused of using teenaged children to fill out the ranks of soldiers depleted by years of warfare. During that war, [[:en:Iran|Iran]] was accused of using children to clear [[:en:land mine|minefields|land mine|minefields]] by having them run or [[:en:Bicycle infantry|bicycle through the fields|.{{fact|date=April 2007}}
===Israeli-Palestinian conflict ===
{{main|:en:Child suicide bombers in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict}}

Child soldiers have also been used in the [[:en:Israeli-Palestinian conflict|Israeli-Palestinian conflict]].
According to the [[:en:Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers|Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers]] "2004 Global Report on the Use of Child Soldiers", there were at least nine documented [[:en:Child suicide bombers in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict|suicide attacks involving Palestinian minors| between October [[:en:2000|2000]] and March [[:en:2004|2004]]:<ref name=CSGR2004-292>{{PDFlink|1=[http://www.child-soldiers.org/document_get.php?id=966 Child Soldiers Global Report 2004]}} [[:en:Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers|Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers]] p. 292</ref> "There was no evidence of systematic recruitment of children by Palestinian armed groups. However, children are used as messengers and couriers, and in some cases as fighters and suicide bombers in attacks on Israeli soldiers and civilians. All the main political groups involve children in this way, including [[:en:Fatah|Fatah]], [[:en:Hamas|Hamas]], [[:en:Islamic Jihad|Islamic Jihad]], and the [[:en:Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine|Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine]]."<ref name=CSGR2004-304>{{PDFlink|1=[http://www.child-soldiers.org/document_get.php?id=966 Child Soldiers Global Report 2004]}} [[:en:Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers|Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers]] p. 304 cites in footnote 18 that this Information is from Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group (PHRMG), March 2004.</ref> According to [[:en:Israeli security forces|Israeli security forces]], there have been 229 cases of minors involved in militant activity.{{fact|date=May 2007}}

Arab journalist Huda Al-Hussein wrote in the London newspaper ''Al-Sharq Al-Awsat'' on October 27, 2000: "While UN organizations save child-soldiers, especially in Africa, from the control of militia leaders who hurl them into the furnace of gang-fighting, some Palestinian leaders… consciously issue orders with the purpose of ending their childhood, even if it means their last breath."<ref>[http://memri.org/bin/articles.cgi?Page=archives&Area=sd&ID=SP14700 Arab Journalist Decries Palestinian Child-Soldiers] translated by [[:en:MEMRI|MEMRI]]. Special Dispatch 147, Nov. 1, 2000.</ref>

In an interview with the [[:en:Kuwait|Kuwait]]i newspaper ''Azzaman'' on [[:en:June 20|June 20]], [[:en:2002|2002]], [[:en:Mahmoud Abbas|Mahmoud Abbas]] condemned the practice, saying that he opposed "that little children go to die", stating that "[i]t is a horrible thing. At least 40 children in [[:en:Rafah|Rafah]] became cripples after their hands were blown off by [[:en:pipe bomb|pipe bomb]]s. They received 5 [[:en:shekel|shekel]]s [slightly over $1] to throw them" (Quoted in the [[:en:Jordan|Jordan]]ian newspaper ''Alrai'')<ref> [http://www.idf.il/hebrew/announcements/2002/june/mazen.stm] This link is dead as of 9 May 2007)</ref>{{fact|date=May 2007}}<!-- whole paragraph not just the last sentence-->

On [[:en:23 May|23 May]], 2005, [[:en:Amnesty International|Amnesty International]] reiterated its calls to Palestinian armed groups to
put an immediate end to the use of children in armed activities: "Palestinian armed groups must not use children under any circumstances to carry out armed attacks or to transport weapons or other material." <ref>[http://web.amnesty.org/library/Index/ENGMDE150332005 Israel/Occupied Territories: Palestinian armed groups must not use children] [[:en:23 May|23 May]] 2005</ref>


2007年12月8日 (土) 10:55時点における版


少年兵(しょうねんへい 英:Child soldier)、あるいは少女兵は、18歳未満の子供の兵隊のこと。特に、陣地を守らせたり、プロパガンダを提供するために、軍事活動に強制動員する場合を指す。


戦争武力紛争に兵隊として子供たちが使われていることに対し、社会の関心を引き出すために、毎年2月12日に、レッドハンドデー(Red Hand Day)を開催している。レッドハンドデーは、国連総会で採択された武力紛争における児童の関与に関する児童の権利に関する条約の選択議定書(Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflicts)2002年2月12日に発効される日に開始された。






歩兵としての少年兵が多く用いられるようになった理由の一つに、武器の小型化がある。かつて武器の主力であった刀剣弓矢などを使いこなすには熟練が必要であった上に大きく嵩張り、重量もあった。15世紀にが登場してからも、20世紀後半まで主力であった火縄銃マスケット銃ボルトアクション方式小銃は全長が長く重い上に反動も強かったため、子供では大人と同様に使いこなしてすばやく移動することは難しかった。以上のような理由で、戦争当事国がよほど追い詰められている状況でもない限り少年兵は「動員しても(正面戦力としては)役に立たない存在」とされ、陸戦の主役たる歩兵として前線に立たされることを防いでいた。 ただし、歩兵以外では、古くは帆船時代の軍艦では火薬運搬手などとして少年を用いることは多かったし、近代戦でも戦車航空機など個別の技能を要求される兵器では少年時代からの訓練が効果的であるため、志願による少年訓練生の制度は一般的であった。












  • (1977年採択) ジュネーブ諸条約第一追加議定書:国際的武力紛争における15歳未満の児童の徴募及び敵対行為への参加を控えるよう要請し、15歳以上18歳未満の者を徴募する場合の最年長の優先を規程。(77条)
  • (1977年採択) ジュネーブ諸条約第二追加議定書:非国際的武力紛争における15歳未満の児童の徴募及び敵対行為への参加を禁止。(4条)
  • (1989年採択) 児童の権利に関する条約:15歳未満の児童の軍隊への採用を禁止。(38条)
  • (1990年採択) 子どもの権利および福祉に関するアフリカ憲章:18歳未満の児童の徴募及び敵対行為への参加を禁止。(22条)
  • (1998年採択) 国際刑事裁判所規程:18歳未満の児童の自国軍隊への徴募及び敵対行為への直接的参加のための利用を戦争犯罪として規定。(8条)犯罪実行時に18歳未満であったものに対する管轄権の排除。(26条)
  • (1999年採択)最悪の形態の児童労働に関する条約
  • (2000年採択) 武力紛争における児童の関与に関する児童の権利条約選択議定書:18歳未満の児童の強制的徴集及び敵対行為への参加を禁止。自国の軍隊に志願する者ついては、18歳未満の者の採用を認めているが(3条)、その際低年齢を引き上げ、最低年齢について拘束力のある宣言をする義務がある。(3条)また、国の軍隊とは異なる武装集団は、18歳未満の者の採用及び敵対行為への使用をすべきではないと規定され、締約国は、そのような行為を国内法上の犯罪とする措置をとる義務を有する。(4条)



  • 国連事務総長特別代表報告A/60/335(2005)
  • 国連事務総長報告S/2005/72:武力紛争と子供について、監視・報告、国際法違反者の名前公開、制裁などのメカニズムの使用について報告。


歴史を通じ多くの文化の中、子供は広く軍事行動の一端を担っていた。そのようなことが、文化的倫理に反する時でも、同じように行われた。 戦争に関与する子供について、もっとも古い記録は、古代遺産から見ることが出来る。地中海沿岸の低地では、若い者が大人の戦士の助手、二輪戦車操縦士、または鎧持ちとして仕えることが慣習となっていた。


Also in a practice dating back to antiquity, children were routinely taken on campaign, together with the rest of a military man's family, as part of the baggage. This exposed them to harm from rearguard attacks, such as the one at the battle of Agincourt, where the retainers and children of the English army were massacred by the French.

The Romans also made use of youths in war, though it was understood that it was unwise and cruel to use children in war, and Plutarch implies that regulations required youths to be at least sixteen years of age.

In medieval Europe, young boys from about twelve years of age were used as military aides ("squires"), though in theory their role in actual combat was limited. The so-called Children's Crusade in 1212 recruited thousands of children as untrained soldiers under the assumption that divine power would enable them to conquer the enemy, although none of the children actually entered combat; according to the legend, they were instead sold into slavery. While most scholars no longer believe that the Children's Crusade consisted solely, or even mostly, of children, it nonetheless exemplifies an era in which the entire family took part in a war effort.

Mexico honors its heroic cadets who died in the battle of Chapultepec (1847).

Young boys often took part in battles during early modern warfare. One of their more visible roles was as the ubiquitous "drummer boy" – the film Waterloo (based on the Battle of Waterloo) graphically depicts French drummer boys leading Napoleon's initial attack, only to be gunned down by Allied soldiers. During the age of sail, young boys formed part of the crew of British Royal Navy ships and were responsible for many important tasks including bringing powder and shot from the ship's magazine to the gun crews. These children were called "powder monkeys". During the Siege of Mafeking in the Second Boer War, Robert Baden-Powell recruited and trained 12-15 year old boys as scouts, thus freeing up the limited number of men for the actual fighting. The boys' success led indirectly to Baden-Powell founding the Boy Scouts, a youth organisation originally run along military lines.

By a law signed by Nicholas I of Russia in 1827, a disproportionate number of Jewish boys, known as the cantonists, were forced into military training establishments to serve in the army. The 25-year conscription term officially commenced at the age of 18, but boys as young as eight were routinely taken to fulfill the hard quota.


1944年ワルシャワ蜂起中の、ポーランドのボーイスカウトによる地下組織スザーレ・スゼレジ(Szare Szeregi)の兵士
Russian war child, mascot of a German parashoot unit in Russia (about 1942)

第二次世界大戦において、反乱時に少年が戦うことが多かった。青年運動Hashomer Hatzairの多くのメンバーは、1943年の[[ワルシャワ・ゲットー]における反乱で戦闘に参加した。その他のナチス統治下にあったヨーロッパの反ファシズム(Anti-fascism)レジスタンス運動は、部分的に少年によって構成されていた。ソビエト赤軍でも、戦争中に少年兵を起用している。

反対側のドイツ軍でも、Hitler Youth (Hitlerjugend)は、ナチスドイツの正式な組織として、少年を、肉体的に訓練し、ナチスのイデオロギーに染め上げていた。第二次世界大戦の終わりまで、Hitler Youthのメンバーが軍隊に入隊する年齢は、時間を追うごとに下がっていき、1945年Battle of Berlinでは、ドイツ軍の主力の一つとなっていた。

いくらかの場合、youth organizationは、いまだに団体内での規律をしつけるために軍事化しているものがある。時にプロパガンダを植え付け、その後の軍隊での活動を準備する場合もある。


12 year old ARVN soldier with M-79 grenade launcher, Tan Son Nhut, 1968 (Vietnam War)

During the Vietnam War, American soldiers reported (and US military sources documented) a number of incidents where Vietnamese children were given hand grenades and/or explosives and used as weapons against American troops. In one variation, a young girl is instructed to throw a hand grenade (with or without pulling the pin to activate it first, depending on whether direct or psychological casualties are intended.) In another variation, children had explosives strapped to their bodies and were encouraged to mingle with American soldiers, with detonation either by a mechanical device or by remote control. The frequency of such incidents, and whether deadly force was necessary as often as it was actually used, is hotly debated; critics claim the military cited such incidents to justify use of deadly force against children.[要出典]

Sierra Leone

Thousands of children were recruited and used by all sides during Sierra Leone’s conflict (1993 -2002), including the Revolutionary United Front (RUF), the AFRC, and the pro-government Civil Defense Forces (CDF). Children were often forcibly recruited, given drugs and used to commit atrocities. Thousands of girls were also recruited as soldiers and often subjected to sexual exploitation. Many of the children were survivors of village attacks, while others were found abandoned. They were used for patrol purposes, attacking villages, and guarding workers in the diamond fields. In his book “A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Child Soldier,” Ishmael Beah chronicles his life during the conflict in Sierra Leone.

In June 2007, the Special Court for Sierra Leone found three accused men from the rebel Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (AFRC) guilty of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and other serious violations of international humanitarian law, including the recruitment of children under the age of 15 years into the armed forces. With this, the Special Court became the first-ever UN backed tribunal to deliver a guilty verdict for the military conscription of children.[1]

Iran-Iraq War

During the later stages of the Iran-Iraq War, both sides were accused of using teenaged children to fill out the ranks of soldiers depleted by years of warfare. During that war, Iran was accused of using children to clear minefields|land mine|minefields by having them run or [[:en:Bicycle infantry|bicycle through the fields|.[要出典]

Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Child soldiers have also been used in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. According to the Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers "2004 Global Report on the Use of Child Soldiers", there were at least nine documented [[:en:Child suicide bombers in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict|suicide attacks involving Palestinian minors| between October 2000 and March 2004:[2] "There was no evidence of systematic recruitment of children by Palestinian armed groups. However, children are used as messengers and couriers, and in some cases as fighters and suicide bombers in attacks on Israeli soldiers and civilians. All the main political groups involve children in this way, including Fatah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine."[3] According to Israeli security forces, there have been 229 cases of minors involved in militant activity.[要出典]

Arab journalist Huda Al-Hussein wrote in the London newspaper Al-Sharq Al-Awsat on October 27, 2000: "While UN organizations save child-soldiers, especially in Africa, from the control of militia leaders who hurl them into the furnace of gang-fighting, some Palestinian leaders… consciously issue orders with the purpose of ending their childhood, even if it means their last breath."[4]

In an interview with the Kuwaiti newspaper Azzaman on June 20, 2002, Mahmoud Abbas condemned the practice, saying that he opposed "that little children go to die", stating that "[i]t is a horrible thing. At least 40 children in Rafah became cripples after their hands were blown off by pipe bombs. They received 5 shekels [slightly over $1] to throw them" (Quoted in the Jordanian newspaper Alrai)[5][要出典]

On 23 May, 2005, Amnesty International reiterated its calls to Palestinian armed groups to put an immediate end to the use of children in armed activities: "Palestinian armed groups must not use children under any circumstances to carry out armed attacks or to transport weapons or other material." [6]




  1. ^ "Guilty Verdicts in the Trial of the AFRC Accused" (PDF, 104 KiB) , press release from the Special Court for Sierra Leone, 20 June 2007; "Sierra Leone Convicts 3 of War Crimes", Associated Press, 20 June 2007 (hosted by The Washington Post); "First S Leone war crimes verdicts", BBC News, 20 June 2007
  2. ^ Child Soldiers Global Report 2004 (PDF) Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers p. 292
  3. ^ Child Soldiers Global Report 2004 (PDF) Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers p. 304 cites in footnote 18 that this Information is from Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group (PHRMG), March 2004.
  4. ^ Arab Journalist Decries Palestinian Child-Soldiers translated by MEMRI. Special Dispatch 147, Nov. 1, 2000.
  5. ^ [1] This link is dead as of 9 May 2007)
  6. ^ Israel/Occupied Territories: Palestinian armed groups must not use children 23 May 2005