

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』


















2010年夏、"The AQ chef"によって書かれた「お母さんの台所で爆弾を作ろう」と題する記事がアルカーイダ関連雑誌の『インスパイア英語版』に掲載されたが、その中では圧力鍋爆弾の製造法が事細かく解説されていた[3][11][12]。記事は、非常に効果的な爆弾を製造するための簡単な手法としてこの技術を紹介する[13]。専門家は、これがアンワル・アウラキによって考案され、彼とサミール・ハーン英語版によって編集されたものと見ている[14][15]。『インスパイア』の目的は、「ローンウルフ」(一匹狼)型のジハーディを、ジハードの敵であるアメリカ合衆国とその同盟国に対する攻撃へと駆り立てることにあった[16]










  1. ^ a b “A Short Recent History of Pressure Cooker Bombs”. swampland. (April 16, 2013). http://swampland.time.com/2013/04/16/a-short-history-of-pressure-cooker-bombs/ April 16, 2013閲覧。 
  2. ^ “What we know about the Boston bombing and its aftermath”. CNN. (April 19, 2013). https://edition.cnn.com/2013/04/18/us/boston-marathon-things-we-know/ April 19, 2013閲覧。 
  3. ^ a b “Boston Bombs Were In Pressure Cookers And Hidden In Black Duffel Bags, Says Person Briefed On Probe”. Huffington Post. (April 16, 2013). http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/16/boston-bombs-pressure-cookers_n_3093288.html April 17, 2013閲覧。 
  4. ^ US Department of Homeland Security (2004年). “POTENTIAL TERRORIST USE OF PRESSURECOOKERS”. 2019年7月24日閲覧。  この記述には、アメリカ合衆国内でパブリックドメインとなっている記述を含む。
  5. ^ a b “凄まじい威力、圧力釜爆弾~こなごなになったマイクロバス~”, 焦点 (警察庁) 226: 2-3, (1988), 全国書誌番号:00038605, 国立国会図書館書誌ID:000000038135 
  6. ^ How pressure-cooker bombs boost the deadliness of 'low explosives'”. Ctvnews.ca (February 20, 2005). April 17, 2013閲覧。
  7. ^ a b c d “A history of pressure cooker bombs”. CBC News. http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/story/2013/04/16/f-pressure-cooker-bomb.html April 17, 2013閲覧。 
  8. ^ a b c d e f Crowley, Michael (April 16, 2013). A Short Recent History of Pressure Cooker Bombs. Time. http://swampland.time.com/2013/04/16/a-short-history-of-pressure-cooker-bombs/ April 17, 2013閲覧。. 
  9. ^ a b “Taliban claims Kabul suicide attack”. smh.com.au. (December 29, 2003). http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/12/29/1072546443203.html April 19, 2013閲覧。 
  10. ^ “Death Toll at 209”. CNN. (September 30, 2006). http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/asiapcf/09/30/india.bombs/index.html?section=cnn_world# April 17, 2013閲覧。 
  11. ^ “Boston bombing investigators focus on possible suspect in surveillance video”. CBS/AP News Article (CBS News). (April 17, 2013). http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-201_162-57579984/investigators-focus-on-possible-suspect-in-surveillance-video/ April 18, 2013閲覧。 
  12. ^ “Pressure-cooker bomb instructions in Al-Qaeda magazine”. USA Today. (April 16, 2013). https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/04/16/al-qaeda-magazine-pressure-cooker-bomb-directions/2088109/ April 16, 2013閲覧。 
  13. ^ “Pressure cooker bombs suspected in Boston blast”. Associated Press. (April 16, 2013). http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_BOSTON_MARATHON_EXPLOSIONS?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2013-04-16-21-49-48 April 16, 2013閲覧。 
  14. ^ Paul Koring (April 17, 2013). “Lone-wolf bomber scenario poses special challenges for law agencies”. Toronto: The Globe and Mail. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/lone-wolf-bomber-scenario-poses-special-challenges-for-law-agencies/article11338055/ April 17, 2013閲覧。 
  15. ^ Spencer, Richard (April 16, 2013). “Boston Marathon bombs: Al-Qaeda's Inspire magazine taught pressure cooker bomb-making techniques”. The Telegraph (London). https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/al-qaeda/9998886/Boston-Marathon-bombs-Al-Qaedas-Inspire-magazine-taught-pressure-cooker-bomb-making-techniques.html April 16, 2013閲覧。 
  16. ^ Lee Keath. “Pressure Cooker Bombs Used in Past by Militants”. ABC News. http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/pressure-cooker-bombs-past-militants-18971893#.UW88_Vfhf5k April 18, 2013閲覧。 
  17. ^ a b “Pressure-cooker bombs used around the world”. MSN. (April 13, 2013). オリジナルのApril 19, 2013時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20130419113809/http://news.msn.com/world/pressure-cooker-bombs-used-around-the-world December 28, 2015閲覧。 
  18. ^ a b c d “'Pressure Cooker' Bombs: Crude Devices In Boston Marathon Explosions Used In Previous Attacks Around The World )”. Huffington Post. (April 16, 2013). http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/16/pressure-cooker-bombs-history_n_3094193.html April 17, 2013閲覧。 
  19. ^ Jill Lawless and Malin Rising (December 13, 2010). “Taimour Abdulwahab, Stockholm Bomber, Seen As Radical By U.K. Muslims”. Huffington Post. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/12/13/taimour-abdulwahab-stockh_n_796095.html April 19, 2013閲覧。 
  20. ^ “Forensic Investigators Gather Clues to the Boston Bombing”. San Francisco Chronicle. (July 1, 2010). http://www.sfgate.com/business/bloomberg/article/Forensic-Investigators-Gather-Clues-to-the-Boston-4440090.php#page-2 April 17, 2013閲覧。 [リンク切れ]
  21. ^ ROLL CALL RELEASE; (U) Prepared by the DHS/I&A Homeland Counterterrorism Division, the FBI/Directorate of Intelligence, and the Interagency Threat Assessment and Coordination Group; Warning: This document is UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (U//FOUO). Pressure Cookers as IED Components”. publicintelligence.net. April 17, 2013閲覧。
  22. ^ Vinograd, Cassandra; Dodds, Paisley (April 16, 2013). “AP Glance: Pressure Cooker Bombs”. The Boston Globe. Associated Press. http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/2013/04/16/glance-pressure-cooker-bombs/MYVLq4WWSAOVsVjCMIiP2N/story.html April 16, 2013閲覧。 
  23. ^ Seelye, Katharine Q.; Schmitt, Eric; Shane, Scott (April 16, 2013). “Boston Bombs Were Loaded to Maim”. New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/17/us/officials-investigate-boston-explosions.html April 16, 2013閲覧。 
  24. ^ “Congressman: Boston bombs triggered by remote control”. CBS News. (24 April 2013). http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-201_162-57581244/congressman-boston-bombs-triggered-by-remote-control/ 1 October 2013閲覧。 
  25. ^ “Search of Tsarnaevs' phones, computers finds no indication of accomplice, source says”. nbcnews.com. http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/04/23/17877288-search-of-tsarnaevs-phones-computers-finds-no-indication-of-accomplice-source-says?lite April 25, 2013閲覧。 
  26. ^ Reuters (2 July 2013). “Pressure cooker bomb plot thwarted in Canada”. The Telegraph (UK) (London). https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/canada/10156289/Al-Qaeda-pressure-cooker-bomb-plot-thwarted-in-Canada.html 1 October 2013閲覧。 
  27. ^ Gregor Gowans, "No Fatalities Following Explosion Involving Bus 145", Wroclaw Uncut, 19 May 2016.
  28. ^ “New York City shaken by 'intentional' explosion, 29 injured”. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-new-york-blast-idUSKCN11O012 September 18, 2016閲覧。 
  29. ^ Powerful Blast Injures at Least 29 in Manhattan; Second Device Found” (September 17, 2016). September 17, 2016閲覧。
  30. ^ NY, NJ bombings: Suspect in custody after shootout with police, sources say”. CNN (September 19, 2016). September 19, 2016閲覧。
  31. ^ “Han hade ett bombbälte” (Swedish). Aftonbladet. (13 December 2010). http://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/article8272064.ab 21 February 2017閲覧。 
  32. ^ “Teaching student jailed over Sweden terror plot”. The Local. (2 June 2016). http://www.thelocal.se/20160602/ex-teaching-student-found-guilty-of-sweden-terror-plot 20 February 2017閲覧。 



