

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

大塚 富美子(おおつか ふみこ)は、日本の女性数学茨城大学准教授。専門は幾何学[1]。日本数学会会員[2]

大塚 富美子おおつか ふみこ
国籍 日本の旗 日本
出身校 埼玉大学理学部
研究分野 幾何学
研究機関 茨城大学
学位 博士(数学)(筑波大学)
学会 日本数学会





  • Ohtsuka, Fumiko (2018). “Structure of 2-skeletons of higher dimensional regular polytopes”. Math. J. Ibaraki Univ 50: 27-33. doi:10.5036/mjiu.50.27. NAID 130007466611. 
  • Itoh, Jin-ichi; Ohtsuka, Fumiko (2017). “A natural generalization of regular convex polyhedra”. Topology and its Applications 219: 43-54. doi:10.1016/j.topol.2017.01.004. 
  • Itoh, Jin-ichi; Ohtuka, Fumiko; Zamfirescu, Tudor (2009). “Some remarks on simple closed geodesics of surfaces with ends”. Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie 52 (100): 311-319. https://www.jstor.org/stable/43679140?seq=1. 
  • Ohtuka, Fumiko (2005). “Errantum to "Structure of flat piecewise Riemannian 2―polyhedra"”. Math.J.Ibaraki Univ. 37: 107-114. 
  • Itoh, Jin-ichi; Ohtuka, Fumiko (2005). “Total curvature of noncompact piecewise Riemannian 2―polyhedra”. Thukuba J. Math. 29: 471-493. doi:10.21099/tkbjm/1496164966. 
  • Ohtuka, Fumiko (2004). Structure of flat piecewise Riemannian 2―polyhedra. 36. pp. 57-64. 
  • Machigashira, Yoshiroh; Ohtuka, Fumiko (2001). “Total excess on length surface”. Mathematische Annalen 319: 675-706. 
  • Kawamura, Kazuhiro; Ohtuka, Fumiko (1999). “Total excess and Tits metric for piecewise Riemannian 2―manifolds”. Topology and its Applications 94: 173-193. 
  • Kawamura, Kazuhiro; Ohtuka, Fumiko (1998). “The existence of a straight line of piecewise Riemannian 2―manifolds”. Note di Mathematica 18: 119-130. 
  • Ohtuka, Fumiko (1996). “Haussdorff approximations on Hadamard manifolds and their ideal boundaries”. Thukuba Journal of Mathematics 20: 425-433. doi:10.21099/tkbjm/1496163092. 
  • 大塚富美子 (1995). Geometry of total curvature and Tits metric of noncompact Riemannian manifolds. (非コンパクトリーマン多様体の全曲率とティッツ・メトリックに関する幾何学). 乙第1067号. 筑波大学. NAID 500000127755. 
  • Ohtuka, Fumiko (1994). “Rigidity of compact ideal boundaries of manifolds joined by Haussdorff approximations”. Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics (筑波大学) 18: 439-447. ISSN 0387-4982. NAID 110000027408. https://hdl.handle.net/2241/7009. 
  • Ohtuka, Fumiko (1991). “On manifolds having some restricted ideal boundaries”. Geometriae Dedicata 38: 151-157. doi:10.1007/BF00181214. NAID 30012447621. 
  • Adachi, Toshiaki; Ohtuka, Fumiko (1991). “The Euclidean factor of a Hadamard manifold”. Proceedings of the American mathematical Society 113: 209-212. 
  • Ohtsuka, Fumiko (1988). “On a relation between the total curvature and Tits metric”. Bulletin of the Faculity of Science, Ibaraki University, Series A 20: 5-8. 
  • Ohtsuka, Fumiko (1988). “On the existence of a straight line”. Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics 12: 269-272. 
  • Ohtsuka, Fumiko (1987). “Complete 2-transnormal hypersurfaces in a kaehler manifold of negative constant holomorphic sectional curvature”. Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics 11: 361-366. 
  • Ohtsuka, Fumiko (1986). “Compact 2-transnormal hypersurface in a kaehler manifold of constant holomorphic sectional curvature”. Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics 10: 49-55. NAID 110000027070. https://hdl.handle.net/2241/11490. 





