

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
原作 Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird
Characters created
  • Ant Ward
  • Andy Suriano
作曲 Matt Mahaffey
オープニング "Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"
エンディング "Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" (instrumental)
国・地域 United States
言語 English
シーズン数 2
話数 39 (70 segments)
各話の長さ 22 minutes (2 11–minute segments)
  • Ant Ward
  • Andy Suriano
プロデューサー Vladimir Radev
製作 Nickelodeon Animation Studio
放送期間2018年7月20日 (2018-07-20) - 2019年7月6日 (2019-7-6)
関連番組Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012)


声の出演はオマー・ベンソン・ミラー ,ベン・シュワルツ ,ブランドン・マイカル・スミス 、 ジョシュ・ブレナー、Kat GrahamEric Bauza 。 2017年3月にニコロデオンから発表され、当初は少なくとも26エピソードが予定されていた。 ウォードとスリアーノは、 ショーランナー およびエグゼクティブ・プロデューサーとして起用された。 このシリーズは ニコロデオン・アニメーション・スタジオ によって制作され、 フライング・バーク・プロダクション がアニメーションを提供した。Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles』は2018年7月20日にNickelodeon で初放送され、その後初放送はNicktoons に移った。 2018年7月27日、26エピソードからなる第2シーズンに向けてシリーズが更新された。 しかし、このシーズンの制作の途中で、13エピソードに短縮された。 最終回は2020年8月7日に放送された。 長編映画 続編が Netflix で2022年8月5日、シリーズ最終回に続いて公開された。



ニューヨークの下水道の奥深くには、ミュータントのカメ4兄弟が潜んでいる。 ラファエル、ドナテロ、レオナルド、ミケランジェロ(マッド・ドッグス)はシリーズで最も若い兄弟たちは新たなエキサイティングな冒険に出かける。 彼らはミスティック・ニンジャ・パワーで、団結力のあるチームとして協力することを学び、地上の世界や他の隠された領域をナビゲートするヒーローチームとなる。 ニューヨークの地下に隠された都市を発見し、大好きなピザを食べる時間を見つけながら、兄弟はまったく新しい姿、新しい武器、新しい力を手に入れる。 第1シーズンでは、カメ兄弟は友人のエイプリル・オニールとともに、バロン・ドラクサムという邪悪な錬金術師と危険なフット軍団に出会う。彼らはまた、スプリンター先生の秘密を知る。彼はかつて武術の達人で、映画スターのロウ・ジツだったのだ。彼らは、フット軍団とドラクサムがかつてスプリンターの祖先によって追放されたシュレッダーを復活させるのを阻止するために、黒鎧(くろいよろい)と呼ばれる古代の闇の鎧の破片を集めなければならない。





  • ラファエロ(原語:オマー・ベンソン・ミラー、日本:三宅健太)は15〜16歳(映画では17歳)のワニガメ(カミツキガメ)で、チームの長男である。シーズン2の最終回以前は自称「マッド・ドッグス」のリーダー。ラファエロは以前、赤いミスティックパワーで自分の体力を増幅できる2つのトンファーを戦闘で使用しており、シーズン2の4部構成の「Finale」では、同じエネルギーから自分のクローンを作る能力を持つ新しいサイを創り出した。 彼は戦闘中に三人称で話す癖がある。ラファエロには、驚いたときの「ジャンピン・ジャックフラッシュ」、戦いの掛け声として「ホットスープ」、トンファーを使用するときの「パワーパンチ術」など、多くのキャッチフレーズがある。
  • レオナルド(原語:ベン・シュワルツ、日本:福山潤)は14〜15歳(映画では16歳)のミシシッピアカミミガメで、シーズン2の最終話時点でチームの現在のリーダー。チームのトリックスターで、彼のジョークが「チームを盛り上げる」と考えているが、実際にはジョークよりもチームを励まし導くカリスマ性を持つ。レオはポータルを開くことができる大太刀を戦闘で使用するが、シーズン2の最終話では、自分自身または他の人をテレポートできる新しい刀を創り出した。 傲慢な印象を与えるにもかかわらず、レオには不安な面があり、常に正しくなければならないと感じている。4部構成の「Finale」の終わりまでに、スプリンターはレオをチームの新しいリーダーに任命する。
  • ドナテロ(原語:ジョシュ・ブレナー、日本:興津和幸)は14〜15歳(映画では16〜17歳)のスッポンで、「チームの天才」であり、他の人からの賞賛を喜んで受け入れる。彼にはシェルドンという相棒のドローンと、種族の特性上、戦闘で役立つように作った多くのバトルシェルがある。彼は兄弟のように魔法の武器を主張することを拒否し、代わりにドリルやロケット推進ハンマーなど、さまざまな武器に変形できる伝統的な棒のハイテク版を戦闘で振るう。これはシーズン2の終わり近くに破壊され、彼のガジェットの魔法エネルギー版を備えた神秘的な棒に置き換えられた。新しい神秘的なステッキは、彼の技術的な付属品とリンクすることもできる。
  • ミケランジェロ(ブランドン・マイケル・スミス、日本:豊永利行)は、13〜14歳(映画では15歳)のハコガメで、最年少の冗談好きでいたずら好きな兄弟です。彼は愛情深く繊細な芸術家であり、チームのワイルドカードとも呼ばれています。マイキーは戦いで火の精霊になることができる鎖鎌を振るいますが、シーズン2の最終話で、非常に長く伸ばして意志をコントロールする能力を持つ新しいヌンチャクのセットを作り出した。


  • ヨシ・ハマト/スプリンター(原語:エリック・バウザ、日本:高木渉)は、ニンジャ・タートルズの師匠であり、父親でもある突然変異の灰色のネズミ。ロウ・ジツ、ミルク、ケーキの番組を見るのが好き。タートルズのトレーニングは、ロウ・ジツのテープのコピーと視聴に表れており、兄弟が予想していたよりも効果的であることが明らかになっている。「The Evil League of Mutants」と「Shadow of Evil」では、スプリンターはヨシ・ハマトであることが明らかになった。彼は、ハリウッドで「ロウ・ジツ」という芸名で働いて、シュレッダーの復活を阻止するというハマト一族の任務を怠ったため、ヨシ・ハマトであることが明らかになる。また、4部構成の「Finale」では、幼い頃に母親に去るよう強いた家族の使命に憤慨していたことが判明した。彼は、タートルズを作成するために彼の遺伝子サンプルを使用したバロン・ドラクサムや、フット軍団の一部のメンバーを含む大規模なファンベースをキャリアを通じて獲得した。「Many Unhappy Returns」と「Goyles, Goyles, Goyles」の回想シーンでは、ヨシ・ハマトがビッグママに誘拐されてバトルネクサスで戦うことになった経緯や、ネズミに何度も噛まれて突然変異を起こした経緯、そしてドラクサムが彼のDNAを使ってタートルズを作った経緯が明かされる。
  • エイプリル・オニール(声:キャット・グラハム)はニンジャ・タートルズの人間の友人で、番組開始の5年前から彼らと知り合い、タートルズは彼女を家族として受け入れ姉のように思っている。エイプリルは遊び好きで高潔だがおてんばな眼鏡をかけた女の子で、常にバイトを探しているが、いつもうまくいかない。「Hypno: Part Deux!」では、彼女の勇ましさにもかかわらず、学校では友達を作るのが難しく、高校の集まりには緊張していることが描かれている。彼女は戦うときは、見つけた鈍器、主に野球のバットも使う。「Warren & Hypno, Sitting in a Tree」では、エイプリルがウォーレン・ストーンのファンクラブ「ストーンヘッズ」の一員だったことからウォーレン・ストーンが誰であるかを知っており、16歳(映画では後に18歳)であることが明らかになった。 「Donnie vs. Witch Town」では、エイプリルのコウモリがヒドゥンシティのウィッチタウンを訪れた際に魔法をかけられる。
  • バロン・ドラクサム(シーズン1ではジョン・シナ、  シーズン2ではロジャー・クレイグ・スミスが声を担当)は、栗色の肌、栗色の髪、牧神のような脚を持つ、ヒドゥン・シティ出身の妖怪戦士兼錬金術師。紫色の鞘を手に押し潰して自分の体を増強する力を持ち、巨大な紫色の触手のような蔓を操って物体や敵をつかんだり、移動手段として利用したりすることができる。自称妖怪の守護者であり、妖怪の破滅を予言する予言を回避するために人類を変異させようとする。人類を妖怪に変えようとする以前の試みの中での事件により、ティーンエイジ・ミュータント・ニンジャ・タートルズが誕生し、ハマト・ヨシがスプリンターに変身して、フット軍団と力を合わせてクロイ・ヨロイを再構築しシュレッダーを復活させる前に、前者を味方につけようとした。「敵を作り、人々を意のままに操る方法」では、ドラクサムはフット軍団のルールの抜け穴を利用して、フット中尉とフット・ブルートが手に入れられなかったクロイ・ヨロイの破片を手に入れる戦術でフット軍団のリーダーになった。エピソード「End Game」では、ドラクサムは復元されたクロイ・ヨロイの鎧を装備し、人類を完全に滅ぼそうとする。フット中尉とフット・ブルートは彼をシュレッダーと呼ぶが、彼は「シュレッダー」という名前と混同してその称号を拒否した。ジュピター・ジムのアクションフィギュアがヘルメットの後ろの穴に挟まっていたため、タートルズはその部分を攻撃してドラクサムの鎧を脱がせることに成功したが、鎧はドラクサムの生命力をいくらか吸い取って復活し、彼の体は死体同然にまで劣化し、彼の力はかなり弱まった。歩兵新兵が先生を助けるために開いたポータルから現れた後、ドラクサムは弱った能力を使ってそこから脱出した。「Repairin' the Baron」では、ミケランジェロが弱ったドラクサムを引き取り、ラファエロの助けを借りて人間を許容することを教える。アルベアトランドでガルムとフレキが彼を捕まえようとした際に観覧車から母娘を救い、その過程でマスクを失い、ゆっくりと失われた力を取り戻し始めた後、彼は人間を許容し始め、その後ラファエロとミケランジェロはエイプリルの学校のカフェテリアで働く仕事を彼に手配する。4部構成の「Finale」のエピソードで、ドラクサムは、予言で言及されている妖怪に対する脅威は人類ではなくシュレッダーであるとわかった。



2017年3月2日、Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesはTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles フランチャイズの新たな再構築として発表された。 このシリーズは当初26エピソードからなり、2018年秋にスタートする予定だった。 アンディ・スリアーノとアント・ウォードがショーランナーとエグゼクティブ・プロデューサーに就任した。 [ サイマ・ザルガミニコロデオン・グループ の社長はプレスリリースで次のように述べている:シリーズのロゴタイプは2017年10月中旬に公開された 同年11月、ニコロデオンはタートルズ側のメインキャラクターの公式声優キャストを発表した。 このニュースに加え、声優ロブ・ポールセンラファエロ1987年シリーズ) (2012年シリーズ)の ドナテロ シリーズの声優を務めた。 ジョン・シナは後に悪役のバロン・ドラクサムにキャスティングされた。 ロブ・ポールセンは声優の他に、声優仲間のモーリス・ラマルシェ と共に声の仕事を提供した。 『ライズ・オブ・ザ・ティーンエイジ・ミュータント・ニンジャ・タートルズ』のアニメーション制作はオーストラリアのアニメーションスタジオ Flying Bark Productions が担当。主要なメインキャラクターのアートデザインは、2018年2月にニコロデオンによって発表・公開された これは、その日に生放送されたFacebook イベントで行われた。 2018年3月23日、シリーズの最初の予告編がニコロデオンによって公開された。 各エピソードは2つの11分で構成され、それぞれが大きな物語と繋がる一話完結型の独立したストーリーを語る。[ この番組は、2018年7月に開催された「キッズ・チョイス・スポーツ」の後にスニークピークとして放送された。 2018 Kids' Choice Sports 7月に放送され、その後9月17日にニコロデオンで初放送された、 2018. 2018年7月27日、ニコロデオンは26エピソードの第2シーズンのためにシリーズを更新した。 しかし、シーズンオーダーは後に13エピソードに縮小された。



Series overview

136202018年7月20日 (2018-07-20)2019年7月6日 (2019-7-6)Nickelodeon
234192019年10月12日 (2019-10-12)2020年8月7日 (2020-8-7)Nicktoons
136202018年7月20日 (2018-07-20)2019年7月6日 (2019-7-6)Nickelodeon
234192019年10月12日 (2019-10-12)2020年8月7日 (2020-8-7)Nicktoons
タイトル監督脚本Storyboarded by放送日製作
番号 [1]
11"Mystic Mayhem"Brendan Clogher & Sebastian MontesIan Busch, Russ Carney, Ron Corcillo
and Jesse Gordon
Julia Braid & Kevin Molina-Ortiz2018年7月20日 (2018-07-20)1010.60[2]
The Turtles discover that they are not the only weirdest things in New York when they encounter two villains from the Hidden City pursuing a dog-like agent. They have their first encounter with Baron Draxum, who is making mutants with the help of his Oozesquitos.
22"Donnie's Gifts"Sebastian MontesRuss Carney & Ron CorcilloJessica Zammit2018年9月17日 (2018-09-17)102B0.65[3]
Donnie creates new gear for his brothers for them to overcome their bad habits. However, the gear only becomes a nuisance as they fight a mutated chef dubbed Meat Sweats, who plans to cook the turtles to gain their powers.
33"War and Pizza"Brendan ClogherIan BuschJulia Braid2018年9月17日 (2018-09-17)103A0.65[3]
To save April's job as a party captain at Albearto's Pizzeria, Donnie upgrades the main animatronic of Albearto only for it to go out of control.
44"Down With the Sickness"Jamie VickersJesse GordonChristina "Kiki" Manrique2018年9月18日 (2018-09-18)104B0.97[4]
Splinter has come down with the rat flu, and the Turtles must deal with its 7 different stages involving fever, "Wild Rat Man", "Captain Cuddle Cakes", "Ninja Supreme", karaoke love songs, and fan fiction. The Turtles hope that Splinter will make it to the final stage called "Must Say Yes" so that they can ask him for whatever they want.
55"Shell in a Cell"Sebastian MontesDale MalinowskiKevin Molina-Ortiz2018年9月19日 (2018-09-19)106A0.83[5]
Leo unseats Raph's wrestling idol Ghostbear from his title as the champion of the world after accidentally falling on him from the rafters. Raph soon becomes irked by Leo's cockiness and decides to wrestle him himself. When Ghostbear joins the fight, Raph learns that Ghostbear doesn't play by the rules.
66"Repo Mantis"Jamie VickersRuss Carney & Ron CorcilloChristopher Luc2018年9月20日 (2018-09-20)104A1.02[6]
Mikey and Donnie try to get a Jupiter Jim moon buggy vehicle from a repo yard, where they run afoul of its owner Repo Mantis. In exchange for the prop vehicle, Mikey and Donnie are hired as repo men and are sent to repossess an RV on Long Island. However, the deal deteriorates when they meet the RV's possessor, a kind mutant named Todd Capybara and his puppies.
77"The Fast and the Furriest"Brendan ClogherRuss Carney & Ron CorcilloChristine Liu2018年9月24日 (2018-09-24)105A0.90[7]
When Donnie's newly built Turtle Tank goes missing, he and the Turtles must find it. While going after some usual suspects, they are unaware that the Turtle Tank was taken by Splinter, who is additionally invited to "dinner" with Meat Sweats.
88"Origami Tsunami"Jamie VickersRuss Carney & Ron CorcilloChristopher Luc2018年9月25日 (2018-09-25)102A1.19[8]
Longing for the excitements of his life, Leo talks the team into tracking down the paper thief duo currently stalking the city. In doing so, the Turtles run into the Foot Clan, who use their mystic ability to create origami warriors from the stolen paper.
99"Mascot Melee"Sebastian MontesIan BuschJJ Conway2018年9月26日 (2018-09-26)105B0.92[9]
While looking for a new robe for Splinter, the Turtles traverse through Times Square, where they fight the mascots lurking there who get jealous of Raph's "Turtlepotamus" meme. When they take the money that Raphael has made, the other Turtles suit up and take action against the mascot - until they discover the true identity of the mascots as mutant cockroaches.
1010"Newsworthy"Sebastian MontesJesse GordonKevin Molina-Ortiz2018年9月27日 (2018-09-27)103B0.98[10]
To prove himself as the greatest enemy of the Turtles, former news anchor-turned-mutant earthworm Warren Stone gets in the way of the Turtles as they track down Hypno-Potamus who is abducting the animal partners of other magicians.
1111"Minotaur Maze"Brendan ClogherJesse GordonChristine Liu2018年10月6日 (2018-10-06)106B1.02[11]
After the Turtles stumble across a pizza restaurant called Run of the Mill Pizza in the mystical Undercity while following a Fire Yōkai, Leo drags his brothers into a pizza-shaped Maze of Death to obtain the ultimate prize... a free helping to the titular parlor's "world's greatest pizza". But to claim it, they will have to contend with the maze's "no mystic powers" rule and the pizza's guardian in the form of the Minotaur who is the maze's assistant manager.
1212"The Longest Fight"Sebastian MontesIan BuschBrandon McKinney & Shawna Mills2018年10月6日 (2018-10-06)108A1.02[11]
The Turtles have a hard time watching their skateboarding idol Sydney Allen on the "Extreme Skateboarding Finals" and stopping a burglary at Gilbert's Department Store conducted by the Foot Clan at the same time.
1313"The Gumbus"Sebastian MontesRuss Carney & Ron CorcilloKevin Molina-Ortiz2018年10月13日 (2018-10-13)109A1.09[12]
Leo, Mikey, and April investigate a mysterious specter haunting a themed supermarket called Stock 'n Shop, which leads to their encounter with Baxter Stockboy.
1414"Mrs. Cuddles"Abe Audish & Jamie VickersIan BuschChristina "Kiki" Manrique2018年10月20日 (2018-10-20)109B0.94[13]
April and the brothers make Raph face his greatest fear: an adorable kids' TV show rabbit named Mrs. Cuddles. However, things aren't so funny anymore when Mrs. Cuddles suddenly comes to life and begins hunting the Turtle family to feed on their fears.
1515"Hypno! Part Deux"Jamie VickersJesse GordonChristina "Kiki" Manrique2018年11月3日 (2018-11-03)108B0.99[14]
Hypno-Potamus returns and causes havoc at April's homecoming dance by hypnotizing the attendees.
1616"Stuck on You"Brendan ClogherJesse GordonJulia Braid2018年11月10日 (2018-11-10)110A1.20[15]
After an unfortunate glue accident, the Turtles have to fight a whole host of villains like the Mutant Silverfish, the Foot Clan, Hypno-Potamus, and Warren Stone while literally being stuck together.
1717"Bug Busters"Abe Audish, Brendan Clogher
and Jamie Vickers
Ian Busch, Russ Carney, Ron Corcillo
and Jesse Gordon
Julia Braid & Christopher Luc2018年11月17日 (2018-11-17)1070.95[16]
The Turtles look for a way to eliminate New York City's Oozesquito problem before more mutants are made. This plot brings them into conflict with Big Mama in her plot to make mutants fight for her entertainment in the Battle Nexus, which is soon joined by Baron Draxum.
1818"Al Be Back"Brendan ClogherF.M. De MarcoChristine Liu2018年12月1日 (2018-12-01)110B0.95[17]
The Turtles plan their first public musical gig at Albearto Land. When it happens, it gets crashed by Albearto and his army of animatronic bears from failed Albearto's fast-food franchises.
1919"The Evil League of Mutants"Sebastian MontesJesse GordonJulia Braid, Kai Jiang and Kevin Molina-Ortiz2019年1月19日 (2019-01-19)1130.77[18]
The Turtles end up facing a new and dangerous threat in their beloved city as Baron Draxum, Huginn, and Muninn gather some of their toughest mutant enemies like Meat Sweats, Hypno-Potamus, Warren Stone, Repo Mantis, and the Sando Brothers in a plot to destroy them.
2020"The Purple Jacket"Abe AudishRuss Carney & Ron CorcilloChris Luc2019年1月26日 (2019-01-26)111A0.99[19]
During a visit to April's school, Donnie becomes enamored with an exclusive tech club, the Purple Dragons, and joins them on the spot. However, when the Dragons abuse his tech for criminal purposes, Don is forced to choose between stopping the crooks and losing his treasured purple membership jacket.
2121"Pizza Pit"Sebastian MontesBrian PosehnGladyfaith Abcede & Kai Jiang2019年2月2日 (2019-02-02)111B0.55[20]
DIGG, a trio of unsuccessful girl musicians mutated into burrowing animals by the Oozesquitos, begin sinking the Turtles' favorite pizza places into the ground during Pizza Week, prompting the Turtles to go after them before they have no place left to get their favorite food.
2222"Smart Lair"Brendan ClogherIan BuschChristine Liu2019年2月9日 (2019-02-09)112A0.99[21]
To ease their household chores, Donnie invents a new artificial intelligence, S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N., who begins to see exclusively to his creator's needs. Disgruntled, Raph, Mikey, and Leo choose to rewire the robot, which leads to near-fatal consequences for their brother.
2323"Hot Soup: The Game"Abe AudishRuss Carney & Ron CorcilloAlicia Chan & Christina "Kiki" Manrique2019年2月16日 (2019-02-16)112B0.84[22]
Mikey goes on a solo mission to retrieve a classic video game based on Lou Jitsu's film Hot Soup. Incidentally, however, he will have to contend with the Foot Clan's recruit who is on a very similar mission at the very same auction house.
2424"Late Fee"Abe AudishDale MalinowskiChris Luc2019年2月23日 (2019-02-23)114A0.79[23]
The simple task of returning a single DVD just before its loan period runs out is complicated by endless craziness in New York, including an encounter with Ghostbear.
2525"Bullhop"Sebastian MontesRuss Carney & Ron CorcilloGladyfaith Abcede & Max Collins2019年3月2日 (2019-03-02)114B0.86[24]
Things go sour when the Turtles try to help a down-and-out mutant in the form of the bellhop-turned-mutant bull from "Bug Busters" while at the same time planning a raid on the Grand Nexus Hotel to obtain more of Big Mama's web goo. Bullhop eagerly decides to help his benefactors out.
2626"Mind Meld"Abe AudishJesse GordonChris Luc2019年3月9日 (2019-03-09)115A0.68[25]
Frustrated by his brothers' childishness during an important mission, Donnie enhances their intelligence. However, things get quickly out of hand when they begin displaying Donatello's personality traits as well.
2727"Nothing But Truffle"Alan WanRuss Carney & Ron CorcilloChristine Liu2019年3月16日 (2019-03-16)115B0.81[26]
When Mikey and Todd spy on Meat Sweats to learn his most delicious recipe, the Turtle and the mutant chef become BFFs after Meat Sweats accidentally absorbs Todd's niceness. The two of them go on a look for the extremely rare lunar truffle that only grows when the Moon is in alignment with Jupiter and faces its Were-Tree guardian.
2828"Portal Jacked!"Sebastian MontesRuss Carney & Ron CorcilloMax Collins & Zane Yarbrough2019年4月6日 (2019-04-06)117A0.65[27]
Leo loses his brothers in a portal and must venture to the mystic Hidden City to save them while dragging Señor Hueso along for the ride. He suspects that they are on the pirate ship run by Señor Hueso's brother Capitán Piel.
2929"Sparring Partner"Abe AudishIan BuschAlicia Chan2019年4月13日 (2019-04-13)118B0.71[28]
Raph becomes friends with a new sparring partner in the form of Frankenfoot and must keep it secret from his brothers, who don't like the guy. When Frankenfoot is driven from the lair, this gives the Foot Lieutenant and Recruit the opportunity to take it into the Foot Clan.
3030"Shadow of Evil"JJ Conway & Alan WanIan BuschJulia Braid, JJ Conway and Kevin Molina-Ortiz2019年4月20日 (2019-04-20)1160.61[29]
As the Turtles try to find pieces of a strange metal Baron Draxum is looking for, Splinter intends to get to the bottom of these odd activities at April's new job at the Foot Shack. He soon learns that the Foot plan to resurrect their ancient master the Shredder by reassembling the Kuroi Yoroi armor. As the parties clash, the secrets of Splinter's past finally come to light.
3131"Warren & Hypno, Sitting in a Tree"JJ ConwayJesse GordonChristine Liu2019年6月1日 (2019-06-01)117B0.68[30]
Baron Draxum, Huginn, and Muninn want the gauntlet that Warren Stone has since its part of the Kuroi Yōroi armor, but he's not giving it up without a fight and a side of betrayal. As the Turtles get involved with Warren's roommate Hypno-Potamus being threatened, April remembers who Warren Stone is as she was part of a fan club dedicated to him called the Stoneheads.
3232"Operation: Normal"Alan WanLaura SreebnyJulia Braid2019年6月8日 (2019-06-08)118A0.74[31]
Leo and Donnie try desperately to help April enjoy a quiet day with a new friend named Sunita. They learn that she is a slime Yōkai who uses a special amulet to turn into a human. They soon get targeted by the Foot Clan since the boots that Sunita's human form is wearing are part of the Kuroi Yōroi.
3333"You Got Served"Sebastian MontesIan BuschMax Collins & Polyna Kim2019年6月15日 (2019-06-15)119A0.54[32]
Señor Hueso has just remembered that an ogre gang called the Makers of Brutality and a reptilian gang called the Masters of Barbarianism to have book reservations at Run of the Mill Pizza. While helping Señor Hueso at Run of the Mill Pizza since his employees have fled, Leo and Mikey get sidetracked by brotherly competition. They must overcome this to keep the peace while trying not to wreck Run of the Mill Pizza.
3434"How to Make Enemies and Bend People to Your Will"Abe AudishRuss Carney & Ron CorcilloChristopher Luc2019年6月22日 (2019-06-22)119B0.49[33]
Baron Draxum struggles to move up the ladder in the Foot Clan while Foot Recruit was displeased that she hasn't gotten her mark yet. Upon finding a loophole where a Foot Clan member who can outdo an acting leader can assume this position, Draxum leads the Foot Recruit into organizing a blunder for the Foot Lieutenant and the Foot Brute when the next Kuroi Yōroi fragment is at the botanical gardens. Meanwhile, the Turtles hold a contest to see who can withstand the smell of the corpse flower at the same botanical gardens.
3535"Mystic Library"Sebastian MontesRuss Carney & Ron CorcilloKevin Molina-Ortiz2019年6月29日 (2019-06-29)120A0.52[34]
The Turtles plumb the depths of a mysterious hidden library in search of a way to rescue Mayhem from within April's bathroom mirror. While trying to be quiet, they must also evade not having a sound heard by the Bat Librarian's Hush-Bats and contend with the Foot Lieutenant and Brute.
3636"The Purple Game"Alan WanJesse GordonChristine Liu2019年7月6日 (2019-07-06)120B0.61[35]
When a competitive new video game sweeps New York, Donnie will do anything to reach rank #1. Donnie is unaware that the video game was created by the Purple Dragons as a way of getting revenge on him where he secretly controls a giant robot that attacks the city.

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Season 1 (2018–19)

タイトル監督脚本Storyboarded by放送日製作
番号 [36]
11"Mystic Mayhem"Brendan Clogher & Sebastian MontesIan Busch, Russ Carney, Ron Corcillo
and Jesse Gordon
Julia Braid & Kevin Molina-Ortiz2018年7月20日 (2018-07-20)1010.60[37]
The Turtles discover that they are not the only weirdest things in New York when they encounter two villains from the Hidden City pursuing a dog-like agent. They have their first encounter with Baron Draxum, who is making mutants with the help of his Oozesquitos.
22"Donnie's Gifts"Sebastian MontesRuss Carney & Ron CorcilloJessica Zammit2018年9月17日 (2018-09-17)102B0.65[3]
Donnie creates new gear for his brothers for them to overcome their bad habits. However, the gear only becomes a nuisance as they fight a mutated chef dubbed Meat Sweats, who plans to cook the turtles to gain their powers.
33"War and Pizza"Brendan ClogherIan BuschJulia Braid2018年9月17日 (2018-09-17)103A0.65[3]
To save April's job as a party captain at Albearto's Pizzeria, Donnie upgrades the main animatronic of Albearto only for it to go out of control.
44"Down With the Sickness"Jamie VickersJesse GordonChristina "Kiki" Manrique2018年9月18日 (2018-09-18)104B0.97[38]
Splinter has come down with the rat flu, and the Turtles must deal with its 7 different stages involving fever, "Wild Rat Man", "Captain Cuddle Cakes", "Ninja Supreme", karaoke love songs, and fan fiction. The Turtles hope that Splinter will make it to the final stage called "Must Say Yes" so that they can ask him for whatever they want.
55"Shell in a Cell"Sebastian MontesDale MalinowskiKevin Molina-Ortiz2018年9月19日 (2018-09-19)106A0.83[39]
Leo unseats Raph's wrestling idol Ghostbear from his title as the champion of the world after accidentally falling on him from the rafters. Raph soon becomes irked by Leo's cockiness and decides to wrestle him himself. When Ghostbear joins the fight, Raph learns that Ghostbear doesn't play by the rules.
66"Repo Mantis"Jamie VickersRuss Carney & Ron CorcilloChristopher Luc2018年9月20日 (2018-09-20)104A1.02[40]
Mikey and Donnie try to get a Jupiter Jim moon buggy vehicle from a repo yard, where they run afoul of its owner Repo Mantis. In exchange for the prop vehicle, Mikey and Donnie are hired as repo men and are sent to repossess an RV on Long Island. However, the deal deteriorates when they meet the RV's possessor, a kind mutant named Todd Capybara and his puppies.
77"The Fast and the Furriest"Brendan ClogherRuss Carney & Ron CorcilloChristine Liu2018年9月24日 (2018-09-24)105A0.90[41]
When Donnie's newly built Turtle Tank goes missing, he and the Turtles must find it. While going after some usual suspects, they are unaware that the Turtle Tank was taken by Splinter, who is additionally invited to "dinner" with Meat Sweats.
88"Origami Tsunami"Jamie VickersRuss Carney & Ron CorcilloChristopher Luc2018年9月25日 (2018-09-25)102A1.19[42]
Longing for the excitements of his life, Leo talks the team into tracking down the paper thief duo currently stalking the city. In doing so, the Turtles run into the Foot Clan, who use their mystic ability to create origami warriors from the stolen paper.
99"Mascot Melee"Sebastian MontesIan BuschJJ Conway2018年9月26日 (2018-09-26)105B0.92[43]
While looking for a new robe for Splinter, the Turtles traverse through Times Square, where they fight the mascots lurking there who get jealous of Raph's "Turtlepotamus" meme. When they take the money that Raphael has made, the other Turtles suit up and take action against the mascot - until they discover the true identity of the mascots as mutant cockroaches.
1010"Newsworthy"Sebastian MontesJesse GordonKevin Molina-Ortiz2018年9月27日 (2018-09-27)103B0.98[44]
To prove himself as the greatest enemy of the Turtles, former news anchor-turned-mutant earthworm Warren Stone gets in the way of the Turtles as they track down Hypno-Potamus who is abducting the animal partners of other magicians.
1111"Minotaur Maze"Brendan ClogherJesse GordonChristine Liu2018年10月6日 (2018-10-06)106B1.02[11]
After the Turtles stumble across a pizza restaurant called Run of the Mill Pizza in the mystical Undercity while following a Fire Yōkai, Leo drags his brothers into a pizza-shaped Maze of Death to obtain the ultimate prize... a free helping to the titular parlor's "world's greatest pizza". But to claim it, they will have to contend with the maze's "no mystic powers" rule and the pizza's guardian in the form of the Minotaur who is the maze's assistant manager.
1212"The Longest Fight"Sebastian MontesIan BuschBrandon McKinney & Shawna Mills2018年10月6日 (2018-10-06)108A1.02[11]
The Turtles have a hard time watching their skateboarding idol Sydney Allen on the "Extreme Skateboarding Finals" and stopping a burglary at Gilbert's Department Store conducted by the Foot Clan at the same time.
1313"The Gumbus"Sebastian MontesRuss Carney & Ron CorcilloKevin Molina-Ortiz2018年10月13日 (2018-10-13)109A1.09[45]
Leo, Mikey, and April investigate a mysterious specter haunting a themed supermarket called Stock 'n Shop, which leads to their encounter with Baxter Stockboy.
1414"Mrs. Cuddles"Abe Audish & Jamie VickersIan BuschChristina "Kiki" Manrique2018年10月20日 (2018-10-20)109B0.94[46]
April and the brothers make Raph face his greatest fear: an adorable kids' TV show rabbit named Mrs. Cuddles. However, things aren't so funny anymore when Mrs. Cuddles suddenly comes to life and begins hunting the Turtle family to feed on their fears.
1515"Hypno! Part Deux"Jamie VickersJesse GordonChristina "Kiki" Manrique2018年11月3日 (2018-11-03)108B0.99[47]
Hypno-Potamus returns and causes havoc at April's homecoming dance by hypnotizing the attendees.
1616"Stuck on You"Brendan ClogherJesse GordonJulia Braid2018年11月10日 (2018-11-10)110A1.20[48]
After an unfortunate glue accident, the Turtles have to fight a whole host of villains like the Mutant Silverfish, the Foot Clan, Hypno-Potamus, and Warren Stone while literally being stuck together.
1717"Bug Busters"Abe Audish, Brendan Clogher
and Jamie Vickers
Ian Busch, Russ Carney, Ron Corcillo
and Jesse Gordon
Julia Braid & Christopher Luc2018年11月17日 (2018-11-17)1070.95[49]
The Turtles look for a way to eliminate New York City's Oozesquito problem before more mutants are made. This plot brings them into conflict with Big Mama in her plot to make mutants fight for her entertainment in the Battle Nexus, which is soon joined by Baron Draxum.
1818"Al Be Back"Brendan ClogherF.M. De MarcoChristine Liu2018年12月1日 (2018-12-01)110B0.95[50]
The Turtles plan their first public musical gig at Albearto Land. When it happens, it gets crashed by Albearto and his army of animatronic bears from failed Albearto's fast-food franchises.
1919"The Evil League of Mutants"Sebastian MontesJesse GordonJulia Braid, Kai Jiang and Kevin Molina-Ortiz2019年1月19日 (2019-01-19)1130.77[51]
The Turtles end up facing a new and dangerous threat in their beloved city as Baron Draxum, Huginn, and Muninn gather some of their toughest mutant enemies like Meat Sweats, Hypno-Potamus, Warren Stone, Repo Mantis, and the Sando Brothers in a plot to destroy them.
2020"The Purple Jacket"Abe AudishRuss Carney & Ron CorcilloChris Luc2019年1月26日 (2019-01-26)111A0.99[52]
During a visit to April's school, Donnie becomes enamored with an exclusive tech club, the Purple Dragons, and joins them on the spot. However, when the Dragons abuse his tech for criminal purposes, Don is forced to choose between stopping the crooks and losing his treasured purple membership jacket.
2121"Pizza Pit"Sebastian MontesBrian PosehnGladyfaith Abcede & Kai Jiang2019年2月2日 (2019-02-02)111B0.55[53]
DIGG, a trio of unsuccessful girl musicians mutated into burrowing animals by the Oozesquitos, begin sinking the Turtles' favorite pizza places into the ground during Pizza Week, prompting the Turtles to go after them before they have no place left to get their favorite food.
2222"Smart Lair"Brendan ClogherIan BuschChristine Liu2019年2月9日 (2019-02-09)112A0.99[54]
To ease their household chores, Donnie invents a new artificial intelligence, S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N., who begins to see exclusively to his creator's needs. Disgruntled, Raph, Mikey, and Leo choose to rewire the robot, which leads to near-fatal consequences for their brother.
2323"Hot Soup: The Game"Abe AudishRuss Carney & Ron CorcilloAlicia Chan & Christina "Kiki" Manrique2019年2月16日 (2019-02-16)112B0.84[55]
Mikey goes on a solo mission to retrieve a classic video game based on Lou Jitsu's film Hot Soup. Incidentally, however, he will have to contend with the Foot Clan's recruit who is on a very similar mission at the very same auction house.
2424"Late Fee"Abe AudishDale MalinowskiChris Luc2019年2月23日 (2019-02-23)114A0.79[56]
The simple task of returning a single DVD just before its loan period runs out is complicated by endless craziness in New York, including an encounter with Ghostbear.
2525"Bullhop"Sebastian MontesRuss Carney & Ron CorcilloGladyfaith Abcede & Max Collins2019年3月2日 (2019-03-02)114B0.86[57]
Things go sour when the Turtles try to help a down-and-out mutant in the form of the bellhop-turned-mutant bull from "Bug Busters" while at the same time planning a raid on the Grand Nexus Hotel to obtain more of Big Mama's web goo. Bullhop eagerly decides to help his benefactors out.
2626"Mind Meld"Abe AudishJesse GordonChris Luc2019年3月9日 (2019-03-09)115A0.68[58]
Frustrated by his brothers' childishness during an important mission, Donnie enhances their intelligence. However, things get quickly out of hand when they begin displaying Donatello's personality traits as well.
2727"Nothing But Truffle"Alan WanRuss Carney & Ron CorcilloChristine Liu2019年3月16日 (2019-03-16)115B0.81[59]
When Mikey and Todd spy on Meat Sweats to learn his most delicious recipe, the Turtle and the mutant chef become BFFs after Meat Sweats accidentally absorbs Todd's niceness. The two of them go on a look for the extremely rare lunar truffle that only grows when the Moon is in alignment with Jupiter and faces its Were-Tree guardian.
2828"Portal Jacked!"Sebastian MontesRuss Carney & Ron CorcilloMax Collins & Zane Yarbrough2019年4月6日 (2019-04-06)117A0.65[60]
Leo loses his brothers in a portal and must venture to the mystic Hidden City to save them while dragging Señor Hueso along for the ride. He suspects that they are on the pirate ship run by Señor Hueso's brother Capitán Piel.
2929"Sparring Partner"Abe AudishIan BuschAlicia Chan2019年4月13日 (2019-04-13)118B0.71[61]
Raph becomes friends with a new sparring partner in the form of Frankenfoot and must keep it secret from his brothers, who don't like the guy. When Frankenfoot is driven from the lair, this gives the Foot Lieutenant and Recruit the opportunity to take it into the Foot Clan.
3030"Shadow of Evil"JJ Conway & Alan WanIan BuschJulia Braid, JJ Conway and Kevin Molina-Ortiz2019年4月20日 (2019-04-20)1160.61[62]
As the Turtles try to find pieces of a strange metal Baron Draxum is looking for, Splinter intends to get to the bottom of these odd activities at April's new job at the Foot Shack. He soon learns that the Foot plan to resurrect their ancient master the Shredder by reassembling the Kuroi Yoroi armor. As the parties clash, the secrets of Splinter's past finally come to light.
3131"Warren & Hypno, Sitting in a Tree"JJ ConwayJesse GordonChristine Liu2019年6月1日 (2019-06-01)117B0.68[63]
Baron Draxum, Huginn, and Muninn want the gauntlet that Warren Stone has since its part of the Kuroi Yōroi armor, but he's not giving it up without a fight and a side of betrayal. As the Turtles get involved with Warren's roommate Hypno-Potamus being threatened, April remembers who Warren Stone is as she was part of a fan club dedicated to him called the Stoneheads.
3232"Operation: Normal"Alan WanLaura SreebnyJulia Braid2019年6月8日 (2019-06-08)118A0.74[64]
Leo and Donnie try desperately to help April enjoy a quiet day with a new friend named Sunita. They learn that she is a slime Yōkai who uses a special amulet to turn into a human. They soon get targeted by the Foot Clan since the boots that Sunita's human form is wearing are part of the Kuroi Yōroi.
3333"You Got Served"Sebastian MontesIan BuschMax Collins & Polyna Kim2019年6月15日 (2019-06-15)119A0.54[65]
Señor Hueso has just remembered that an ogre gang called the Makers of Brutality and a reptilian gang called the Masters of Barbarianism to have book reservations at Run of the Mill Pizza. While helping Señor Hueso at Run of the Mill Pizza since his employees have fled, Leo and Mikey get sidetracked by brotherly competition. They must overcome this to keep the peace while trying not to wreck Run of the Mill Pizza.
3434"How to Make Enemies and Bend People to Your Will"Abe AudishRuss Carney & Ron CorcilloChristopher Luc2019年6月22日 (2019-06-22)119B0.49[66]
Baron Draxum struggles to move up the ladder in the Foot Clan while Foot Recruit was displeased that she hasn't gotten her mark yet. Upon finding a loophole where a Foot Clan member who can outdo an acting leader can assume this position, Draxum leads the Foot Recruit into organizing a blunder for the Foot Lieutenant and the Foot Brute when the next Kuroi Yōroi fragment is at the botanical gardens. Meanwhile, the Turtles hold a contest to see who can withstand the smell of the corpse flower at the same botanical gardens.
3535"Mystic Library"Sebastian MontesRuss Carney & Ron CorcilloKevin Molina-Ortiz2019年6月29日 (2019-06-29)120A0.52[67]
The Turtles plumb the depths of a mysterious hidden library in search of a way to rescue Mayhem from within April's bathroom mirror. While trying to be quiet, they must also evade not having a sound heard by the Bat Librarian's Hush-Bats and contend with the Foot Lieutenant and Brute.
3636"The Purple Game"Alan WanJesse GordonChristine Liu2019年7月6日 (2019-07-06)120B0.61[68]
When a competitive new video game sweeps New York, Donnie will do anything to reach rank #1. Donnie is unaware that the video game was created by the Purple Dragons as a way of getting revenge on him where he secretly controls a giant robot that attacks the city.

Season 2 (2019–20)

タイトル監督脚本Storyboarded by放送日製作
371"Flushed, But Never Forgotten"
"Lair Games"
2019年10月12日 (2019-10-12)2030.18[69]

"Flushed, But Never Forgotten": The Turtles learn a hard lesson in telling the truth when a secret that comes back to haunt them in the form of Splinter's pet goldfish Piebald who was accidentally flushed down the toilet by Leo a year prior and mutated after eating an Oozesquito.

"Lair Games": April presents her award-winning documentary about the Turtles' annual event: The Lair Games. This year's event, however, takes a surprise turn when Donnie unexpectedly gains ground against the past games' constant champion, Leo, sparking a fierce competition between the two brothers.
382"Man vs. Sewer"
"The Mutant Menace"
2019年10月19日 (2019-10-19)1210.15[70]

"Man vs. Sewer": The Turtles' lazy river ride through the sewers turns savage when Raph is accidentally separated and left alone. This leads to him trying to survive the sewers and having an encounter with the crab mutant Sando Brothers.

"The Mutant Menace": Baxter Stockboy begins revealing the Turtles' existence and turning public opinion against them to make some big money and as revenge. The Turtles' failed attempts to clear their image turn all of New York against them.
393"Turtle-dega Nights: The Ballad of Rat Man"
"The Ancient Art of Ninja Hide and Seek"
2019年10月26日 (2019-10-26)1220.19[71]

"Turtle-dega Nights: The Ballad of Rat Man": Wanting to live with glory again, Splinter ropes Donnie and Mikey into modifying the Turtle Tank and entering it into a mutant demolition derby run by Big Mama. They face competition from Meat Sweats, Repo Mantis, Hypno-Potamus, and Warren Stone. It gets intense when Big Mama, the Fox Bellhop, the Otter Bellhop, and the Owl Bellhop get involved.

"The Ancient Art of Ninja Hide and Seek": To prepare the Turtles for any future threats, Splinter teaches them some stealth training. After that is done, he sends them on a test to infiltrate the Grand Nexus Hotel to steal Gus's dog tags. When they appear to take too long, Splinter sneaks into the Grand Nexus Hotel, steals the Octopus Elevator Operator's outfit, and plans to find the Turtles before Gus, Big Mama, or the bellhops do.
404"One Man's Junk"
"Snow Day"
2019年11月2日 (2019-11-02)1230.10[72]

"One Man's Junk": Donnie and Mikey try to recover a piece of the Dark Armor from Repo Mantis' scrap yard that he claimed. Though they will have to contend with Repo Mantis first. Meanwhile, Raph and Leo get impatient and check out a bus where they accidentally release Repo Mantis' pet cat Mrs. Nubbins.

"Snow Day": The Turtles, April, and Mayhem are spending a snow day together. Meanwhile, Ghostbear has mutated into a mutant polar bear after coming in contact with an Oozesquito that Mikey defrosted. In this form, he uses his intangibility in a plot to ruin April and the Turtles' fun day in the snow by targeting their snowman.
415"Cloak, and Swaggart"
"Jupiter Jim Ahoy!"
2019年11月9日 (2019-11-09)124TBD

"Cloak, and Swaggart": April helps Sunita in New York to search for her stolen cloaking brooch after attending a DIGG concert. They find that it was stolen by Meat Sweats so that he can regain his human form and his hosting job on "Kondescending Kitchen" from a bound and gagged Guy Flambe. Meanwhile, Splinter's plan to take the Turtles on a wilderness survival training backfires when Raph accidentally places the tank on lockdown for 24 hours.

"Jupiter Jim Ahoy!": Having gotten bored of Splinter's Lou Jitsu stories, the Turtles head to a convention and meet Marcus Moncrief who portrays their favorite sci-fi movie character, Jupiter Jim. When they go to his apartment, they find that he has started to see the different trapped fans as the aliens that Jupiter Jim fought in the movies and comics where Marcus has become more immersed in his character to the point he thinks he is actually Jupiter Jim.
426"Insane in the Mama Train"Sebastian MontesJesse GordonJake Castorena, JJ Conway,
Kevin Molina-Ortiz and Sam Montes
2019年11月16日 (2019-11-16)1250.06[73]
With the help of Baron Draxum and the Guardsmen, the Foot Clan begins to move the nearly completed Kuroi Yōroi armor to a ritual site. To transport it, Draxum persuades Big Mama to lend the Foot Clan her train. After training the Turtles following the advice of his ancestors, Splinter trains the Turtles for this fight.
437"End Game"Abe AudishRuss Carney & Ron CorcilloJJ Conway, Chris Luc, Sam Montes,
Sam Syzmanski and Sheldon Vella
2019年11月16日 (2019-11-16)1260.09[73]
The Turtles have been captured, and Baron Draxum sends April back to have Splinter bring the final piece of the Kuroi Yōroi armor to him or else. As the faceplate is on his teapot, Splinter comes up with a plan to rescue his sons with the help of April, Bullhop, Frankenfoot, S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N, and Todd Capybara. When Draxum reassembles the armor and dons it, the Turtles must find a way to get the armor off of him.
448"Many Unhappy Returns"Kevin Molina-Ortiz & Sebastian MontesIan BuschJake Castorena, Alicia Chan, Phil Jacobson,
Kevin Molina-Ortiz and Sam Montes
2019年11月23日 (2019-11-23)2010.18[74]
Now that the Shredder has been reconstructed, the Turtles must stop this persistent foe from shredding New York. Due to how the Shredder is acting, the Foot Clan retreats to figure out what went wrong. Problems arise when they split up to handle different things. Leo takes Splinter, who has a history with Big Mama, to the Grant Nexus Hotel to enlist her help while April and the Turtle trio work to fight Shredder. Though the condition is that Splinter and Leo must fight a Kraken in the Battle Nexus.
459"Todd Scouts"
"Goyles, Goyles, Goyles"
2019年11月30日 (2019-11-30)2020.15[75]

"Todd Scouts": Splinter has gotten fed up with his sons and their phones, so he leaves them in the forest with Todd supervising them. The Turtles need to learn how to listen and get in touch with nature to save Todd after he's captured by a group of dentists that mistook Todd for a Sasquatch.

"Goyles, Goyles, Goyles": With Baron Draxum out of commission, Huginn and Muninn look for new work. After getting trapped by Meat Sweats, Huginn and Muninn recall their first day working for Draxum where their first mission is to obtain Lou Jitsu from the Battle Nexus.
4610"Breaking Purple"
"Repairin' the Baron"
2020年4月24日 (2020-04-24)204TBD

"Breaking Purple": Donnie's parenting causes S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. to run away. When he makes his way to the park, he runs into the Purple Dragons who remove the restraining bolt from him and use him in their plans to win the drone races at the Thunder Dome hosted by Billionaire Guy Eccentric and obtain the Shadow Transmitter that would enable them to hack any system on the planet. Now Donatello must work to find S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. and makeup with him before the Purple Dragons succeed in their plot.

"Repairin' the Baron": The Council of Heads will forgive Garm and Freki if they bring Baron Draxum to the Hidden City to answer for his crimes that they assisted in. Raph finds out that April's new neighbor is Draxum, who is still recuperating and has Mikey as his guest. Mikey states that he is helping to get Draxum to tolerate humans as he still was the one who created them. When Mikey drags Raph into helping him by taking him to Albeartoland, they must also contend with Garm and Freki.
4711"Air Turtle"
"Pizza Puffs"
2020年4月24日 (2020-04-24)205TBD

"Air Turtle": Leo gets his dream job as the mascot of the local professional basketball team called the New York Daves owned by Tim Dunkman. Leo finds that the members of the New York Daves are terrible players and talks him into doing whatever it takes to change his mojo. He uses an ancient "good luck" arch called the Arch of Aquinonn that causes the players to become possessed by evil spirits that start to change them into demonic forms.

"Pizza Puffs": Raph thwarts Meat Sweats' plans to sabotage his rivals with pizza puffs spiked with a mystic poison. When he finds that they ate the poisoned pizza puffs, Raph teaches his brothers a lesson in responsibility as the poisoned pizza puffs affect them in different ways. Raph must get them to solve things themselves as they track down Meat Sweats to find the antidote.
4812"Sidekick Ahoy!"
"The Hidden City Job"
2020年5月15日 (2020-05-15)206TBD

"Sidekick Ahoy!": With Marcus Moncrief requires a sidekick for his latest "Jupiter Jim" project, the TMNT do all they can to win their dream job. When Raph wins, he and Marcus work to pursue the villainous Scor-Pion. Meanwhile, the others persuade Red Fox to return to Marcus.

"The Hidden City Job": Leo and Señor Hueso help the reformed Capitán Piel on one last dangerous mission. This mission involves obtaining an item from an auction house owned by Big Mama.
4913"Always Be Brownies"
"Mystery Meat"
2020年5月15日 (2020-05-15)207TBD

"Always Be Brownies": April and Splinter encounter a gang of dangerous middle school brownie sellers at the time when April is selling cookies as part of a fundraiser to save the trees. What they soon discover is that these girl scouts are working for Grandma C.J. who is the alias of the Foot Recruit in her plans to get to world domination.

"Mystery Meat": Baron Draxum is up for a lunch person award from the Superintendent of Cafeterias Vivian Slopworth. Thanks to an Oozesquito getting loose, Draxum's mystery meat concoction comes to life and terrorizes April's school by targeting every food there and eating it to grow big. When Michelangelo shows up, Draxum must defeat this creation called Sloppy Joseph without making use of his mystic abilities or endangering the school.
5014"Donnie vs. Witch Town"
"Raph's Ride-Along"
2020年6月19日 (2020-06-19)208TBD

"Donnie vs. Witch Town": The Turtles, Splinter, and April visit the Hidden City. Always a man of science, Donnie can't accept April going to the witches of Witch Town for mystic help on a science project. They meet Mayor Mira who is holding a Peace Offering Day festival that honors Abigail the Good. Donnie starts to lose his temper and April gets help from Gentry in exchange for helping to catch aged worms for a peace potion to appease The Great Morgan.

"Raph's Ride-Along": When he wants to go for a ride-along with the Hidden City Police, Raph is mistaken for a heinous criminal called Heinous Green and is taken to the maximum-security facility. Raph fools the Mud Dogs (consisting of Dastardly Danny, Malicious Mickey, and Loathsome Leonard) he is riding with that he is Heinous Green. Following the breakout, Raph states to the Mud Dogs that has a plan to have them apprehended until they have a run-in with Big Mama and the real Heinous Green.
5115"Hidden City's Most Wanted"
"Bad Hair Day"
2020年6月19日 (2020-06-19)209TBD

"Hidden City's Most Wanted": Splinter learns from Mikey that he gave Baron Draxum a cloaking broach to disguise him as Splinter takes them on a tour around the neighborhood. When Draxum's disguised form is taken by a Hidden City police officer as a gift for his daughter Heather, Mikey persuades Splinter into helping to rescue Draxum while having to contend with the Hidden City Police when the disguise is broken.

"Bad Hair Day": Leo goes to the Hirsuté Resort and Spa to do a day of relaxation. Unfortunately, it is a private club for those who have hair and is thrown out by a double-sided centaur that works as a resort guard while being sent to the terrible club across the street. Their masseus states that the people in the club have hair and Leo gets a hair serum that gives him hair which gets him the Hirsuté Resort and Spa. Though he starts to sleepwalk when the hair has a mind of its own and starts stealing stuff and now must avoid being caught by the double-sided resort guard.
5216"Fists of Furry"
"The Clothes Don't Make the Turtle"
2020年7月17日 (2020-07-17)210TBD

"Fists of Furry": Splinter informs his sons about his Lou Jitsu Dojos in New York City. In his alias of Randall, he takes April on one of his inspections and finds out that all of his dojos have been taken over by the Komodo Dojo run by Kristoff van Bradford except for one where its students are not doing a good job with the infamous Lou Jitsu moves. To fend off the Komodo Dojo, Splinter trains April in each of the Lou Jitsu moves including the Seven Vipers move.

"The Clothes Don't Make the Turtle": Raphael tries on new suits for the Magic Town House's "Night of a Million Secrets" event as Leo, Donnie, and Mikey try on different outfits as well. When they find that they are already here due to the selfies that were previously taken, they find that Hypno-Potamus was responsible for what had previously happened and were hypnotized by his hypnotic music into trying different clothes from the '80s so that Hypno-Potamus can target the journals that were written by Harry Houdini and learn how to bend reality with them.
5317"Battle Nexus: New York"Kevin Molina-Ortiz & Alan WanDale MalinowskiMax Collins & Christine Liu2020年7月17日 (2020-07-17)211TBD
Big Mama transforms New York into one big Battle Nexus. Raph, Leo, Mikey, and Donnie are paired up with Ghostbear, Carl Sando, Meat Sweats, and Hypno-Potamus against the Battle Nexus champions Troll, Sprite, Amphisbaena, and Cortex in different challenges. Meanwhile, Splinter, April, Baron Draxum, Todd, the Foot Recruit, and the people of New York are put on a cruise that is surrounded by a mystical barrier within the orb as they work to escape. Even when they beat their challengers, the Turtles will still have to contend with Big Mama's latest champion Shadow Fiend whose identity is someone they'd least suspect.
"Finale"Sebastian MontesJosh Riley Brown
Ian Busch, Russ Carney & Ron Corcillo, Tony Gama-Lobo and Dale Malinowski (parts 3 & 4 only)
Max Collins (parts 1-2 & 4)
Sheldon Vella (parts 1-2)
Morgan Hillebrand & Cassey Kuo (parts 2-4)
Christine Liu (part 2)
Jules Bridgers (part 3)
Alicia Chan (parts 3-4)
Jake Castorena, JJ Conway & Sebastian Montes (part 4)
2020年8月7日 (2020-08-07)212TBD
JJ ConwayJosh Riley Brown
Ian Busch, Russ Carney & Ron Corcillo, Tony Gama-Lobo and Dale Malinowski (parts 3 & 4 only)
Max Collins (parts 1-2 & 4)
Sheldon Vella (parts 1-2)
Morgan Hillebrand & Cassey Kuo (parts 2-4)
Christine Liu (part 2)
Jules Bridgers (part 3)
Alicia Chan (parts 3-4)
Jake Castorena, JJ Conway & Sebastian Montes (part 4)
2020年8月7日 (2020-08-07)213TBD

Part 1: E-Turtle Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: With the Shredder back with the Foot Clan, Baron Draxum enables the Turtles to enter Splinter's subconscious memories to search for the means of vanquishing their demonic foe for good. However, upon recovering the secret, they find out that its retrieval from the Twilight Realm comes at the price of fully unleashing the Shredder - although they also gain an unexpected new ally in his daughter Hamato Karai who was trapped in the Twilight Realm.

Part 2: Shreddy or Not: With her return from the Twilight Realm, Karai proceeds to teach the Turtles about a mystical technique that would link them to the spirits of their Hamato ancestors, thus giving them the power to defeat their enemy. Before they can learn it, the Shredder, having regained his full consciousness, attacks their hideout. His attack forces the Turtles and April to evacuate while Splinter and Draxum remain behind to stall him.

Part 3: Anatawa Hitorijanai: The Turtles are forced to retreat to the forests of New Jersey. April comes upon the mortally wounded Karai who transfers her soul into April's body, and then rejoins the Turtles to teach them the Hamato Ninpo. In Karai's stead, Shredder prepares to drain Splinter's life essence to make him fully invincible, but he needs a rare substance called Empyrean for the ritual. Draxum leads the Shredder to his lab in the Hidden City, where he has stored some Empyrean, only to turn against him upon realizing that the Shredder is the threat against which he intended to create his Yōkai army in the first place.

Part 4: Rise: Now knowing where the Empyrean is, the Shredder promotes the Foot Recruit to be his new general, leaving the Foot Lieutenant and the Foot Brute trapped in the rubble. Upon visiting a recuperating Big Mama, the Turtles and April learn that the Shredder is going to the Crying Titan where the Empyrean is. As the Shredder prepares the ritual to drain Splinter's essence, Splinter tries to get the Foot Recruit to defect so that the Turtles can receive aid in defeating the Shredder. After their victory, Splinter announces Leo as the team's leader.


1"Race"2019年11月27日 (2019-11-27)
The Turtles race to April's apartment.
2"Turtle Tots"2019年11月27日 (2019-11-27)
The young turtles play with their original weapons.
3"Sentient Bed"2022年8月2日 (2022-08-02)
Donatello reveals his latest invention to his brothers.
4"Raph's Catchphrase"2022年8月2日 (2022-08-02)
Raph tries to come up with a new catchphrase while fighting the Foot Clan.
5"C.O.W.A.B.U.N.G.A."2022年9月1日 (2022-09-01)
The Turtles play a basketball match with Meat Sweats.
6"Cucumber-Mikey Vs. Manticat"2022年9月1日 (2022-09-01)
For his online presence, Donnie has Mikey dress up as a Cucumber and has him go against Repo Mantis' pet cat.



同シリーズは2018年9月17日に米国の Nickelodeon で初放送された。 その時すでに、カナダでは同年7月27日に YTV でスニークプレビューとして初放送され、同年9月21日に正式初放送された。 イギリスでは、この番組はNicktoonsChannel 5 で放送されている。 また、地上波の権利のために、両方のチャンネルで同時にエピソードが放送されることもある。



ニコロデオンパラマウント・ホーム・エンターテイメント は現在、このシリーズの単巻DVDを発売しており、それぞれ6~7話の非連続エピソードを収録している。

Volume Title Season Episodes Region 1 Release Date Region 2 Release Date
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1 7 March 12, 2019 July 15, 2019[76]
This release contains seven episodes from season one: "Mystic Mayhem", "Donnie's Gifts", "War and Pizza", "Shell in a Cell", "Origami Tsunami", "Mascot Melee", and "Minotaur Maze".
Mutant Mania 1 6 February 4, 2020 March 15, 2020
This release contains six episodes from season one: "The Evil League of Mutants", "Repo Mantis", "Bug Busters", "Hypno! Part Deux", "Stuck on You", and "Al Be Back".

Awards and nominations

Year Award Category Recipient Result Refs
2019 Annie Awards Best Animated Television/Broadcast Production for Children Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ノミネート [77]
Outstanding Achievement for Animated Effects in an Animated Television/Broadcast Production Jeffrey Lai ノミネート [77]
Outstanding Achievement for Storyboarding in an Animated Television/Broadcast Production Kevin Molina-Ortiz 受賞 [77][78]
Kids' Choice Awards Favorite Cartoon Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ノミネート [79]
Daytime Emmy Awards Outstanding Children's Animated Series Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ノミネート [80]
2020 Annie Awards Best Animated Television/Broadcast Production for Children Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ノミネート [81]
2021 Annie Awards Best Animated Television/Broadcast Production for Children Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ノミネート [82]
Outstanding Achievement for Directing in an Animated Television/Broadcast Production Alan Wan ノミネート [82]



2019年2月5日、同シリーズを原作とする長編映画がNetflix で製作中であることが発表された、 を原作とした 長編映画とともに The Loud House . ティーンエイジ・ミュータント・ニンジャ・タートルズのライズ: The Movie レオナルド[要曖昧さ回避] 兄弟たちを率いることを余儀なくされる ラフドニー 、そしてマイキー クランゲ として知られるエイリアンの侵略者に対抗する。 ケイシー・ジョーンズ がデビューし、 ヘイリー・ジョエル・オスメント が声を担当する。 2021年公開予定だったが、結局2022年8月5日公開となった。

Merchandise and media




IDW 2018年7月より、同シリーズを原作としたコミック本 を出版。 コミックスは入門号(#0)、5号の本編、ハロウィン・コミックフェスト・スペシャルで完結した。 活動休止期間を経て、2019年7月から9月まで「サウンド・オフ!」と題した3号のストーリー・アークで継続された。



2018年2月16日、ニューヨークのトイ・フェアで、シリーズ に基づく最初の のおもちゃが発表された。 2018年10月1日、ライズ・オブ・ザ・ティーンエイジ・ミュータント・ニンジャ・タートルズの最初のおもちゃが発売された。2018年8月、アメリカのファーストフードチェーン ソニックドライブイン は、同シリーズを題材にしたキッズミールトイのセットを発売し、ワッキーパックのミールで販売した。

Video game


シリーズ発売までの数ヶ月間、 Viacom任天堂 は、2017年発売のゲームソフト「スプラトゥーン2」の期間限定特別オンラインマルチプレイイベントを通じて、「ライズ・オブ・ジ・ティーンエイジ・ミュータント・ニンジャ・タートルズ」を販売するために協力した。2017年のビデオゲームSplatoon 2 のオンラインマルチプレイイベントで、インクリングたちがスプラトゥーンのトーナメントに参加し、4兄弟の中で誰が一番強いかを争う。 ドニーは1回戦でマイキーを破り、決勝ではラファエロ(順番にレオを破っていた)を破って総合優勝した。


  1. ^ Shows A-Z - rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles on nicktoons”. The Futon Critic. September 23, 2023時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブMay 4, 2022閲覧。
  2. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Friday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 7.20.2018”. Showbuzz Daily. July 23, 2018時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  3. ^ a b c d SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Monday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 9.17.2018”. Showbuzz Daily. September 18, 2018時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  4. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Tuesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 9.18.2018”. Showbuzz Daily. September 20, 2018時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  5. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 9.19.2018”. Showbuzz Daily. September 20, 2018時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  6. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Thursday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 9.20.2018”. Showbuzz Daily. September 22, 2018時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  7. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Monday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 9.24.2018”. Showbuzz Daily. September 26, 2018時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  8. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Tuesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 9.25.2018”. Showbuzz Daily. September 27, 2018時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  9. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 9.26.2018”. Showbuzz Daily. September 28, 2018時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  10. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Thursday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 9.27.2018”. Showbuzz Daily. 29 September 2018時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブMay 4, 2022閲覧。
  11. ^ a b c d SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 10.6.2018”. Showbuzz Daily. October 9, 2018時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  12. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 10.13.2018”. Showbuzz Daily. October 17, 2018時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  13. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 10.20.2018”. Showbuzz Daily. October 23, 2018時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  14. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 11.3.2018”. Showbuzz Daily. November 7, 2018時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  15. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 11.10.2018”. Showbuzz Daily. November 13, 2018時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  16. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 11.17.2018”. Showbuzz Daily. November 20, 2018時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  17. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 12.1.2018”. Showbuzz Daily. December 5, 2018時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  18. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 1.19.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. January 23, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  19. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 1.26.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. January 30, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  20. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 2.2.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. February 6, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  21. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 2.9.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. February 13, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  22. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 2.16.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. February 21, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  23. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 2.23.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. February 26, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  24. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 3.2.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. March 6, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  25. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 3.9.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. March 12, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  26. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 3.16.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. March 21, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  27. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 4.6.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. April 9, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  28. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 4.13.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. April 16, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  29. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 4.20.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. April 23, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  30. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 6.1.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. June 4, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  31. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 6.8.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. June 14, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  32. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 6.15.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. June 19, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  33. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 6.22.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. June 26, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  34. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 6.29.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. July 2, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  35. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 7.6.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. July 10, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  36. ^ Shows A-Z - rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles on nicktoons”. The Futon Critic. September 23, 2023時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブMay 4, 2022閲覧。
  37. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Friday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 7.20.2018”. Showbuzz Daily. July 23, 2018時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  38. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Tuesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 9.18.2018”. Showbuzz Daily. September 20, 2018時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  39. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 9.19.2018”. Showbuzz Daily. September 20, 2018時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  40. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Thursday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 9.20.2018”. Showbuzz Daily. September 22, 2018時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  41. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Monday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 9.24.2018”. Showbuzz Daily. September 26, 2018時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  42. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Tuesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 9.25.2018”. Showbuzz Daily. September 27, 2018時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  43. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 9.26.2018”. Showbuzz Daily. September 28, 2018時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  44. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Thursday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 9.27.2018”. Showbuzz Daily. 29 September 2018時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブMay 4, 2022閲覧。
  45. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 10.13.2018”. Showbuzz Daily. October 17, 2018時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  46. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 10.20.2018”. Showbuzz Daily. October 23, 2018時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  47. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 11.3.2018”. Showbuzz Daily. November 7, 2018時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  48. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 11.10.2018”. Showbuzz Daily. November 13, 2018時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  49. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 11.17.2018”. Showbuzz Daily. November 20, 2018時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  50. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 12.1.2018”. Showbuzz Daily. December 5, 2018時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  51. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 1.19.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. January 23, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  52. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 1.26.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. January 30, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  53. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 2.2.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. February 6, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  54. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 2.9.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. February 13, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  55. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 2.16.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. February 21, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  56. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 2.23.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. February 26, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  57. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 3.2.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. March 6, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  58. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 3.9.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. March 12, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  59. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 3.16.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. March 21, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  60. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 4.6.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. April 9, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  61. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 4.13.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. April 16, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  62. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 4.20.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. April 23, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  63. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 6.1.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. June 4, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  64. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 6.8.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. June 14, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  65. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 6.15.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. June 19, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  66. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 6.22.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. June 26, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  67. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 6.29.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. July 2, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  68. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 7.6.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. July 10, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  69. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 10.12.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. October 15, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  70. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 10.19.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. October 22, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  71. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 10.26.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. October 29, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  72. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 11.2.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. November 5, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  73. ^ a b SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 11.16.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. November 21, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  74. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 11.23.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. November 27, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。May 4, 2022閲覧。
  75. ^ SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Saturday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 11.30.2019”. Showbuzz Daily. December 4, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2019年12月4日閲覧。
  76. ^ Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”. Amazon UK (July 15, 2019). September 23, 2023時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブFebruary 5, 2020閲覧。
  77. ^ a b c Carolyn Giardina (December 3, 2018). “Annie Awards: Incredibles 2, Ralph Lead Feature Nominees; Mary Poppins Returns Also Nominated”. The Hollywood Reporter. July 9, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブApril 27, 2021閲覧。
  78. ^ Erik Pedersen (February 2, 2019). “Annie Awards: Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse Snares Best Animated Feature & Six Others – Winners List”. Deadline Hollywood. February 3, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブApril 27, 2021閲覧。
  79. ^ Kimberly Nordyke (March 23, 2019). “Kids' Choice Awards: Full List of Winners”. The Hollywood Reporter. March 24, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブApril 27, 2021閲覧。
  80. ^ Carlos Aguilar (March 21, 2019). “2019 Daytime Emmys: Complete List of Animation Nominations”. Cartoon Brew. January 26, 2022時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブApril 28, 2021閲覧。
  81. ^ Carolyn Giardina (December 2, 2019). “Annie Awards: Frozen 2, Missing Link Lead Year of Surprises and Snubs”. The Hollywood Reporter. December 3, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブApril 28, 2021閲覧。
  82. ^ a b Erik Pedersen (March 3, 2021). “Annie Awards Nominations: Soul & Wolfwalkers Lead Field For Animation Prizes”. Deadline Hollywood. December 3, 2019時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブApril 27, 2021閲覧。



Template:Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles television series Template:Former Nickelodeon original series