

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
設立 1966
設立者 William Benitez, L・ロン・ハバード
種類 薬物リハビリ・プログラム
本部 アメリカ合衆国カリフォルニア州ロサンゼルス市ハリウッド
President Clark Carr
ウェブサイト narconon.org

ナルコノン・インターナショナル(Narconon International)は、薬物乱用の治療プログラム[1][2][3][4]であり、サイエントロジーの創始者であるL・ロン・ハバードによって開発された[5]


組織は、1966年にアリゾナ州立刑務所の元受刑者であるウィリアム・ベニテズ(William Benitez)によって形成された。ベニテズはL・ロン・ハバードの著作『サイエントロジー:思考の原理』を読んだ後に彼に連絡をとり、ナルコノンはハバードの助けで1970年に設立された[8]












ナルコノンの創設者であるウィリアム・C・ベニテズ(William C. Benitez)は、アリゾナ州立刑務所の元受刑者で麻薬犯罪のために服役していた[21]。彼の働きはサイエントロジーの創始者であるL・ロン・ハバードに支援されており、1972年にハバドは組織としてのナルコノンの設立を後押しした[22]ベニテズと2人のサエントロジー信者であるヘニング・ ヘルド(Henning Heldt)とアーサー・マレンによって共同で設立された。













デトックス・プログラムは、ハバードの「脂肪に蓄えられた少量の薬物(とそれらの代謝物)が後に放出されることでその薬物の作用を再体験し再び使用したいと渇望する」[15]という理論に基づいている。ナルコノンによれば、運動によって、 脂肪蓄積物がエネルギーとして燃焼され、体の脂肪から化学物質を放出するのを助け、同時に発汗、皮脂(皮膚の脂肪分泌腺によって生成される)、定期的な排便を介して化学物質を放出する。

ナルコノンのプログラムは依存の疫病モデル英語版を却下し、 そのプログラムの資料において、モデルで使われている専門用語は患者の力を損なわせると説明している[30]


主流の医学と中毒学の専門家は、ハバドの手法には妥当性がないことを繰り返し論じきてた:「強制的な発汗により身体から薬物を追い出すという発想には、薬理学的な観点から強い疑問がある」と、Folke Sjoqvist教授は1996年のスイス政府の報告書で述べた[31]














1999年、クリアウォーターからのサイエントロジー信者が、ピネラス郡の学区でナルコノン薬物教育プログラムを導入しようとした。 その問題について聞いた後、学校区の委員会は、学生に「トーン・スケール英語版」について教えるとか他のサイエントロジーの虚飾は、それらの学校における薬物教育プログラムとして不適切であるとして、サイエントロジー創始者のL・ロン・ハバードの教義に基づく薬物反対プログラムに学生を参加させることを拒否した。[40]











2008年には、ナルコノンの幹部であるマリー・チェッキーニ(Marie Cecchini)はリチャード・ルノックス(Richard Lennox)と共に論文を掲載し、ナルコノンの教育プログラムが若者の薬物使用を減少させたことを示したと主張した[45]。しかしその研究は、ナルコノンの親会社であるより良い生活と教育のための会英語版(ABLE)によって出資されていた[46][47]。論文が掲載された雑誌のその後の対応によって、同研究におけるデータに矛盾していると結論された:対照群のほうが、ナルコノンの群よりも薬物を服用する圧力に抵抗できる[48]



ジョセリン・ドーフマン、グランセ=シュル=ウルス、フランス (1984年)



パリド・エラとジュゼッペ・トンバ、ヴァルサッシナ、イタリア (1995年)


1995年には、パリド・エラ(Paride Ella、22歳)とジュゼッペ・トンバ(Giuseppe Tomba、26歳)はヴァルサッシナ英語版タチェーノのナルコノン施設で急死した。パリド・エラは、は急性腎不全(ナイアシンの過剰摂取と一致した症状)で死亡し、ジュゼッペ・トンバは心筋梗塞で死亡したと記録されていた。







後にナルコノンの患者であるジョヴァンニ・コスタ(Giovanni Costa)は、職員のロドルフォ・サヴィーノ(Rodolfo Savino)を刺した。コスタは、フェデリカの症状を無視し十分な医療を施せなかったと主張した。コスタは殺人未遂で逮捕され起訴された。[52]



パトリック・W・“リコー”・デズモンド(Patrick W. "Ricko" Desmond)は、元海兵隊員で、2008年6月11日にジョージア州のナルコノン施設で、ヘロイン過剰摂取によって28歳で死亡した[53]





この捜査には、最近の4人の患者の死亡が含まれる:ステイシー・ドーン・マーフィー(Stacy Dawn Murphy、20歳)は、2012年7月19日にナルコノン・アローヘッドで死亡した;ヒラリー・ホルテン(Hillary Holten、21歳)は、2012年4月11日に施設にて死体となって発見された; 32歳のガブリエル・グレイブス(Gabriel Graves)は、2011年10月26日にそこで死んだ;そして、28歳のケイジー・ダイアン・ワーニック(Kaysie Dianne Werninck)もまたナルコノン・アローヘッドの患者であり、2009年3月3日に死体で発見された[60][61][62]。 死亡についてのメディアでの注目の後、国立法廷弁護士協会(National Association of Forensic Counselors)は、何人かのナルコノン・アローヘッドの従業員の薬物依存相談認証の資格を永久に取り消し、ナルコノンが判決に抗議するすべての手段を使い果たした後、2013年8月にオクラホマ精神福祉・薬物乱用局は、永久に施設の医療解毒の許可を取り消した[63]





カリフォルニアにおけるナルコノンの施設は、州監査役によって繰り返して違反が挙げられた。違反には、許可なく医薬品を投与すること、施設にアルコールを持ち込むこと、患者のための適切な寝具がないことを含む。ナルコノンは反対者を黙らせようと企てており、それはレオナ・バレー英語版に計画された施設の近隣住民に対して、法的手段に出るぞと脅すという内容の手紙を送ることを含んでいる。レオナ・バレーの住人は、ナルコノンが犯罪を増やすのではと懸念していた。[64] 自治体は安全確保のための8フィートのフェンスと自主的な警備を推奨したが、ナルコノンの役員は反対した[65]







薬物の真実を知ってください」(Drug Free World)の屋台。こうした名前の下で、ナルコノンとサイエントロジーはそのプログラムを売り込んでいる。


  • 「薬物のない大使」(Drug Free Ambasadors)は、学校と青年団体を標的としたナルコノンのプログラムである[70]
  • 「イスラエルは薬物にノーと言う」(Israel Says No to Drugs)は、ヤツファ(Jaffa)に本部のあるサイエントロジー関連組織である[71]
  • 「ピュア・デトックス」(Pur Detox、またウムラウト記号のあるPür Detox)は、カリフォルニア州デイナポイントにあるサイエントロジー関連診療所である[72]。診療所は元患者の訴訟によって捜査された[73]
  • 「レインボー・キャニオン・リハビリ・センター」(Rainbow Canyon Rehabilitation Center)あるいは単に「レインボー・キャニオン」は、ネバダ州カリエンテにあるナルコノン施設の名前である[69]
  • 「薬物にノーと言い、人生にイエスと言う」(Say No to Drugs Say Yes To LifeあるいはYes to Life, No to Drugs)はナルコノンとサイエントロジーのフロント団体であり、レースやストリート・フェスティバルを組織しナルコノンを支援する[74][75]
  • 「オレンジ郡で禁断して生きる」(Sober Living in Orange County)は、オレンジ郡におけるサイエントロジー組織そのものであり、ピュアリフィケーション・ランダウンを運営している[76]
  • 「サンコスート・リハビリセンター」(Suncoast Rehabilitation Center)は、商品名やカリフォルニアにおけるナルコノン・スプリング・ヒル法人の子会社である[77]
  • 「匿名の十代」(Teen-anon)や「街の猫」(Streetcats)は、ビスタ湾のナルコノン施設におけるナルコノンのプログラムである[78]
  • 薬物の真実を知ってください」(The Truth About Drugs)と薬物のない世界のための財団は、サイエントロジーとナルコノンが、サイエントロジーの由来を隠しながらプログラムを宣伝している[79]



  1. ^ Phillip Charles Lucas, Thomas Robbins, ed (2004). New Religious Movements in the Twenty-First Century: Legal, Political, and Social Challenges in Global Perspective. Routledge. pp. 376. ISBN 9781135889012. オリジナルの2014年6月30日時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://books.google.com/books?id=BIk5EqcTIxoC&pg=PT112 2014年3月20日閲覧。 
  2. ^ a b California Healthy Kids Resource Center; Deborah Wood, Ph.D. (January 2005). Narconon Drug Abuse Prevention Program Evaluation (Report). California, US: California Department of Education / California Department of Public Health. 2012年9月7日閲覧Some drug-related information presented in the NDAP [Narconon] and supplementary resources — although aligned with the Narconon drug rehabilitation methodology — does not reflect accurate, widely accepted medical and scientific evidence. Some information is misleading because it is overstated or a distinction between drug use and abuse is lacking. ... This information reflects hypothesized processes of drug metabolism, bioavailability, and psychoactive impact, and is the premise for the Narconon detoxification regimen. This theoretical information does not reflect current evidence that is widely accepted and recognized as medically and scientifically accurate. ... Inaccuracies and misleading inferences were not limited to a single material, but were evident in NDAP elementary, middle and high school presentation outlines and delivery scripts and in the supplementary drug prevention materials available to schools ... Narconon program materials were independently reviewed by fourteen reviewers and three CHKRC staff. Reviewers included five doctors (M.D.s), four board certified in pediatrics and adolescent medicine[要曖昧さ回避] and/or with specific expertise in addiction and substance abuse; two doctors (Ph.Ds) with expertise in child and adolescent development; one doctor (Ph.D.) with expertise in prevention research and program evaluation of substance abuse programs. Reviewers also included nine school health education specialists (with teaching credentials and/or masters level health or education degrees) including elementary, middle, and high school teachers, university faculty, and school district/county office of education tobacco, alcohol, and other drug abuse prevention education coordinators.
  3. ^ Narconon of Oklahoma, Inc Credentials”. 2013年10月16日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2014年3月20日閲覧。
  4. ^ 10 News Investigators: Is the Narconon drug treatment program a Scientology front?”. 2014年3月20日閲覧。
  5. ^ Duff, John S.; Carr, Clark (1996年9月21日). “Healing drug and alcohol addiction in the family”. New York Amsterdam News: pp. 24 
  6. ^ Narconon International Contact Info”. Narconon. 2010年12月25日閲覧。, "Narconon International 4652 Hollywood Boulevard Hollywood, CA 90027."
  7. ^ Narconon license agreement”. Narconon International. Association for Better Living and Education. 2004年7月15日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2014年3月20日閲覧。
  8. ^ Reitman, Janet (2011). Inside Scientology. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. p. 257. ISBN 0618883029. https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=1Y1XBNDjjKMC&pg=PA257&redir_esc=y&hl=ja 
  9. ^ Rachel Mendleson (Sep 02 2013). “Narconon meets fierce opposition in Hockley Valley”. Toronto Star Newspapers. http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2013/09/02/narconon_meets_fierce_opposition_in_hockley_valley.html 2014年3月20日閲覧。 
  10. ^ Bromley, David G. (1999). "Scientology, Church of". In Wade Clark Roof (ed.). Contemporary American Religion. Vol. 2. New York: Macmillan Reference USA. pp. 648–650.
  11. ^ Narconon and Scientology”. 2013年10月24日閲覧。
  12. ^ “Scientology Presents Narconon Program”. Westlake Post. (1970年4月30日). http://www.xenu-directory.net/news/images/thecompiler-1970-5.pdf. ""The conference presented current programs effective in alleviating drug problems. No program which employs drug or electric shock therapy was presented, as it has been discovered that groups which condone these techniques have only been pretending to be effective in drug rehabilitation", said Max Prudente, Scientology spokesman. ... "Based solely on the philosophy and tenets of Scientology, the applied religious philosophy, this program has achieved new and dramatic breakthroughs in the field of drug rehabilitation. Its nearly 85% success ratio has earned high praise from Governors, state and federal officials and correction authorities across the U.S., " Prudente said." 
  13. ^ “The Four Basic Social Programs”. The Hawaiian-American. (1975年12月17日). http://i.imgur.com/cC7jj.png 2012年9月6日閲覧. "We talked with Rev. Diana Harris, Pastor of the Church of Scientology of Hawaii ... and she gave us a complete background on the church's social programs for those in need in our community. ... Another community program the church offers is Narconon - a program designed to assist persons to get off drugs and to keep off drugs. The program was utilized in Oahu State Prison for a while and enjoyed a very high rate of success, according to Pastor Harris. They [Scientology] have been asked to consider re-introducing the program to the prison at a later date." 
  14. ^ “NARCONON to give awards”. The Phoenix Gazette. (1970年5月19日). http://i.imgur.com/UghgI.png 2012年9月6日閲覧. "General information regarding the technology of Scientology, upon which NARCONON is based, can be secured from the Institute of Applied Philosophy" 
  15. ^ a b c Klotter, Julie (2007年). “Hubbard's Drug Rehabilitation Program”. Townsend Letter: The Examiner of Alternative Medicine. 2011年6月27日閲覧。
  16. ^ Tewksbury, Drew (2008). Scientology and the State: Narconon's Influence in the Prison System. Proquest. https://books.google.com/books?id=uomYmszKoSsC&lpg=PP1&pg=PR1#v=onepage&q&f=false 2013年12月10日閲覧。 
  17. ^ “Oklahoma Governor's Proclamation Celebrates Forty-Three Years of Saving Lives”. Thomas Tribune. (2009年2月19日). https://news.google.com/newspapers?id=PJdkAAAAIBAJ&sjid=I4UNAAAAIBAJ&pg=2769,751160&dq=narconon&hl=en 2013年10月21日閲覧。 
  18. ^ “Cruise Battles Journalist Over Scientology Boasts”. World Entertainment News Network. (2005年5月3日). "Hollywood hunk TOM CRUISE battled a German journalist over his controversial Scientology religion recently, claiming the faith ran the world's most successful drug rehabilitation program. ... When asked if Cruise had an official role to recruit new Scientologists, the MINORITY REPORT heart-throb replied, "I'm a helper. For instance, I myself have helped hundreds of people get off drugs. "In Scientology, we have the only successful drug rehabilitation program in the world. It's called Narconon." The Spiegel reporter quickly countered, "That's not correct. Yours is never mentioned among the recognised detox programs." Defiant Cruise replied, "You don't understand what I am saying. It's a statistically proven fact that there is only one successful drug rehabilitation program in the world. Period." The journalist answered, "With all due respect, we doubt that", before adding "Scientology is not considered a religion there (Germany), but rather an exploitative cult with totalitarian tendencies". After the reporter labelled Scientology a "cult", Cruise became defensive. He said, "We've won over 50 court cases in Germany. And it's not true that everyone in Germany supports that line against us. "A minority wants to hate - okay. For me, it's connected with intolerance."" 
  19. ^ Urban, Hugh (2011). “The 'Cult of All Cults'?” (Hardcover). The Church of Scientology: A History of a New Religion. Princeton University Press. p. 143. ISBN 978-0-691-14608-9. https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=8lgHtauc5R4C&lpg=PP1&ots=vK1iteSDFO&dq=hugh+urban&pg=PA143&hl=en#v=onepage&q=narconon&f=false 2012年9月7日閲覧. "Although Cruise would divorce Rogers just a few years later, he quickly became Scientology's most outspoken and controversial supporter. Among other things, Cruise claims that Hubbard's technology helped him overcome dyslexia and that Narconon is the only successful drug rehabilitation program in the world." 
  20. ^ a b Berg, Rigmor C. (September 2008) (PDF). A brief summary and evaluation of the evidence base for Narconon as drug prevention intervention. Oslo, Norway: Norwegian Centre for the Health Services. pp. 19–21. ISBN 978-82-8121-214-5. http://www.kunnskapssenteret.no/Publikasjoner/_attachment/4311?_ts=11d719f7891&download=true 2012年2月1日閲覧。 
  21. ^ Narconon The Origins of the Narconon Program (Retrieved 4 June 2006)
  22. ^ Narconon "L. Ron Hubbard and the Narconon program" (Retrieved 4 June 2006)
  23. ^ Robert W. Welkos; Joel Sappell (1990年6月27日). “Church Seeks Influence in Schools, Business, Science”. Los Angeles Times. http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-scientology062790,0,884315,full.story 2012年9月13日閲覧. "A fourth article did not mention Hubbard by name, but reported favorably on Narconon, his drug and alcohol rehabilitation program, which is run by Scientologists." 
  24. ^ Charles Rusnell Experts challenge claims of Scientology's sweat-it-out treatment for addicts Archived 2007年5月27日, at the Wayback Machine. The Edmonton Journal, 23 May 2006 pg. A2
  25. ^ Marc Sommer "Addiction Specialists Criticize Detoxification Program" Buffalo News 1 February 2005, pg A6
  26. ^ a b c Peters, Paul (2008年7月10日). “Scientology Nation”. Salt Lake City Weekly: pp. 20–22, 24. http://www.cityweekly.net/utah/article-230-1722-feature-scientology-nation-l-ron-hubbardrss-otherworldly-salvation-plan-erupts-on-montanarss-blackfeet-reservation.html?current_page=1 2013年8月22日閲覧。 
  27. ^ Inside Scientology's Rehab Racket”. 2013年11月5日閲覧。
  28. ^ Woolsley, Leigh (2005年11月6日). “Case for the Cure”. Tulsa World 
  29. ^ Knopf, Alison (2012年7月30日). “Scientology-based substance abuse program investigated for deaths”. Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Weekly. http://www.alcoholismdrugabuseweekly.com/Article-Detail/scientology-based-substance-abuse-program-investigated-for-deaths.aspx 2013年12月11日閲覧。 (Paid subscription required要購読契約)
  30. ^ Jeewa, A.; Kasiram M, PhD, Treatment for substance abuse in the 21st century: A South African perspective, a Minds Alive Rehabilitation Centre, Durban b School of Social Work and Community Development, University of KwaZulu-Natal, http://www.ajol.info/index.php/safp/article/view/13481/59641 5 February 2014閲覧。 
  31. ^ Folke Sjoqvist (26 November 1996). Expert advice on Narconon given to the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare (Report). The National Board of Health and Welfare.
  32. ^ First Step Program / The useful tool to help others be drug free, at your disposal / What is the Drug Bomb?”. Narconon. 2014年3月20日閲覧。 “"Drug Bomb" consists of: 1000mg of [niacin]. This helps counteract any mental disturbance. ... The formula should be given four times a day.”
  33. ^ a b Scientologist-run rehab centre ordered closed in Quebec”. CBC News (2012年4月17日). 2012年4月21日閲覧。
  34. ^ Findings of Fact regarding the Narconon-Chilocco Application For Certification by the Board of Mental Health, State of Oklahoma, 13 December 1991
  35. ^ Results of the Narconon Program”. www.narconon.org. Narconon International. 2012年2月1日閲覧。 “The Narconon Program has one of the highest success rates in the field of drug rehabilitation, with outside studies showing 75% of the graduates going on to lead stable, ethical, productive drug-free lives.”
  36. ^ "1650". Special Committee on Non-Medical Use of Drugs: Evidence (Report). Parliament of Canada (37th PARLIAMENT, 1st SESSION). 30 May 2002. Mr. Brad Melnychuk [(Executive Director, Association for Better Living and Education (ABLE Canada))]: You asked if we'd spoken or met with researchers coming up with this information. I personally have not. I also cannot say whether or not any staff from Narconon across the globe—because we have Narconons all over—have done that. I would tend to question it, based on the fact that our Narconons are improving, and some of them are very close to a 100% success rate.
  37. ^ Peter Gerdman (1981-05-01) (Swedish page scans). Utvärderingen av Narconon del 1: En studie om och med en länkrörelse bland drogmissbrukare i Stockholm. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/Narconon/sources/reports/gerdman.htm 2006年9月9日閲覧。.  (Scans hosted by David Touretzky)
  38. ^ Does Narconon work? - Studies - The Swedish Study”. Narconon Exposed (2003年1月2日). 2013年11月1日閲覧。
  39. ^ The Narconon® Program - 40 Years of Evidence of Recovery (PDF, 1.0 MB)
  40. ^ Shelby Oppel "School panel rejects anti-drug program" Saint Petersburg Times 13 April 1999
  41. ^ Cavanagh, Sean (2005-03-02). Education Week 24 (25): 4. 
  42. ^ "Schools urged to drop antidrug program", The San Francisco Chronicle, 23 February 2005. Retrieved 4 June 2006.
  43. ^ Revealed: how Scientologists infiltrated Britain's schools”. The Sunday Times (UK) (2007年1月7日). 2007年1月7日閲覧。
  44. ^ Schools alert on drugs group”. Church Times (2012年8月10日). 2012年8月17日閲覧。
  45. ^ Richard Lennox; Marie Cecchini (2008年). “The NARCONON™ drug education curriculum for high school students: A non-randomized, controlled prevention trial”. 2011年6月27日閲覧。
  46. ^ Tax declaration ABLE 2007” (PDF). p. 37 (August 2008). 2012年2月1日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2012年2月1日閲覧。 “ABLE funded a multi-year study of the delivery of the Narconon drug Education curriculum to high school students in Hawaii and Oklahoma, which was completed and written up in 2007.”
  47. ^ Beit-Hallahmi, Benjamin (2003-09-01). “Scientology: Religion or racket?”. Marburg Journal of Religion 8 (1). http://archiv.ub.uni-marburg.de/mjr/beit.html 2012年9月5日閲覧. "For Scientology, using fronts is one way of obtaining funds from government and charity sources (Mallia, 1998c). ... The so-called drug rehabilitation program known as Narconon has been an incredibly profitable front through federal grants and corporate donations (Mallia, 1998c). Fronts may help one another look respectable and make more money. Thus, the Association for Better Living and Education (ABLE) may come out in support of Narconon" 
  48. ^ Catt, David (2008-06-11). “Further request for clarification”. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy 3 (8). doi:10.1186/1747-597X-3-8. http://www.substanceabusepolicy.com/content/3/1/8/comments#302561 2012年9月7日閲覧. "In Table 9, item D22 shows that a greater percentage of the control group feel they can easily resist pressures to take drugs than the drug education group (78.8% compared with 74.5%). The text on page 11 of the report states that “students who received the curriculum were more likely to say they could resist pressures to use drugs than those who did not receive the program”. Could I ask the authors to account for this seeming contradiction?" 
  49. ^ County Court of Dijon: judgment of 9 January 1987 (No 118-87)
  50. ^ Messrs. Alain Gest, president, Jean-Pierre Brard, Mrs. Suzanne Sauvaigo, vice-presidents, Messrs. Eric DoligŽ, Rudy Rooms, secretaries, Jacques Guyard, reporter; Messrs. Jean-Claude Bahu, Pierre Bernard, Raoul BŽteille, Mrs. Christine Boutin, Messrs. Jean-Pierre Brard, Jean-Franois Calvo, Rene Chub, Mrs. Martine David, Messrs. Pierre Delmar, Bernard Derosier, Eric DoligŽ, Jean-Pierre Foucher, Jean Geney, Alain Gest, Jean Gravel, Jacques Guyard, Pierre Lang, Gerard Larrat, Claude-Gerard Marcus, Thierry Mariani, Mrs. Odile Moirin, Messrs. George Mothron, Jacques Myard, Mrs. Catherine Nicolas, Messrs. Francisque Perrut, Daniel Picotin, Marc Reymann, Marcel Castlings, Rudy Rooms and Mrs. Suzanne Sauvaigo. (22 December 1995). Report of LA COMMISSION D'ENQUÊTE SUR LES SECTES (Board of Inquiry into Cults) (Report). ASSEMBLÉE NATIONALE. Le Tribunal de grande instance de Dijon a, par ailleurs, été amené, dans un jugement du 9 janvier 1987 (no 118-87), à condamner le directeur-adjoint du centre Narconon de Grangey-sur-Ource pour non assistance à personne en danger. Ce centre, créé par l'Eglise de Scientologie, propose des cures de désintoxication en appliquant les méthodes de Ron Hubbard, à savoir la procédure de " purification " , fondée principalement sur plusieurs heures de sauna par jour, des " auditions " et une absorption importante de vitamines. En l'espèce, la victime était depuis longtemps soignée pour épilepsie et s'était adressée à cet organisme car elle souhaitait se " libérer des médicaments " . Le centre l'a, sans examen médical préalable, placée dans une chambre de " sevrage " . Or, les expertises médicales ont montré que le décès était dû à " un état de mal épileptique dû à l'absence de traitement suffisant à son début et de traitement d'urgence pendant l'état de mal. " Le jugement ne laisse aucun doute sur la responsabilité du centre :

    " Que si Jocelyne Dorfmann avait pris la décision de réduire sa consommation médicamenteuse, puis de l'interrompre au risque de compromettre son état de santé, les prévenus ne l'ont à aucun moment prévenue de la nécessité d'un examen médical d'admission, lequel aurait vraisemblablement permis de contre-indiquer la cure de sevrage ; qu'il est inconcevable que la victime ait pu être acceptée sans cet examen et sans entretien sérieux malgré ses déclarations sur son état de santé et son épilepsie, alors que les prévenus ont reconnu savoir qu'en cas de maladie grave, le traitement médical ne devait pas souffrir d'interruption ;

    " Que si lors de la survenue de la première crise, les prévenus ont pu se méprendre sur la nature exacte, la répétition des crises et leur intensité croissante devaient leur évoquer une origine distincte d'un état de manque qui, selon les médecins experts, ne peut être confondu avec un état épileptique ;

    " Qu'ils n'ont pas jugé utile de demander directement à la victime, alors qu'elle était encore consciente, si ces manifestations pouvaient correspondre aux crises d'épilepsie auxquelles elle avait fait allusion ou de faire appel au médecin le plus proche. (...) "

    --- Translation ---

    The County Court of Dijon, in addition, was brought, in a judgement of January 9, 1987 (No 118-87), to condemn the director-assistant of the Narconon center of Grangey- on-Ource for nonassistance to someone in danger. This center, created by the Church of Scientology, proposes detoxification by applying the methods of Ron Hubbard, namely the procedure of "purification," based mainly on several hours of sauna per day, "auditions," and a significant absorption of vitamins. In this case, the victim had been in long-term treatment for epilepsy and had addressed this organization because she wished "to be released from drugs." The center A, without preliminary medical examination, placed her in a "weaning" room. However, the medical experts showed that her death was due to "an epileptic seizure due to the absence of sufficient treatment at its beginning and of emergency treatment during the seizure." The judgement does not leave any doubt about the responsibility of the center:

    "That if Jocelyne Dorfmann had made the decision to reduce her consumption of medication, then to stop it with the risk of compromising her health, the defendants had not at any time prevented it of the need for a medical examination of admission, which would have probably made it possible to contra-indicate the cure of weaning; that it is inconceivable that the victim could be accepted without this examination and serious treatment in spite of her declarations as to her health and her epilepsy, whereas the defendants admitted knowing that in the event of serious illness, medical treatment was not to suffer from interruption;

    "That if at the time the first crisis occurred, the defendants could mistake its exact nature, the repetition of the crises and their increasing intensity were to evoke to them an origin distinct from a state of lack which, according to medical experts, cannot be confused with an epileptic state;

    "That they did not consider it useful to directly ask the victim, while she was still conscious, if these demonstrations could correspond to the epileptic fits to which she had referred or to call upon the nearest doctor (...)"
  51. ^ Biglia, Andrea (1995年2月20日). “Tragedia nella lotta alla droga [Tragedy while fighting drugs]”. Corriere della Sera 
  52. ^ “Una peritonite curata in ritardo ha ucciso la donna in comunità” (Italian). la Repubblica. (2002年10月11日). http://ricerca.repubblica.it/repubblica/archivio/repubblica/2002/10/11/una-peritonite-curata-in-ritardo-ha-ucciso.html 2012年9月18日閲覧。  Template:Source need translation
  53. ^ a b Fleischer, Jodie (2012年10月2日). “State investigates Narconon Georgia after Channel 2 reveals new evidence / Investigation sparked after death at Scientology-linked facility”. wsbtv.com / Channel 2 (TV news). http://www.wsbtv.com/news/news/local/state-investigates-narconon-georgia-after-channel-/nSRsC/ 2012年10月3日閲覧. "ATLANTA — A Georgia drug rehab program with ties to the Church of Scientology is now under a state investigation after Channel 2 Action News showed inspectors new evidence. … a Channel 2 investigation found an outpatient program that posed as inpatient to bring in more money and showed state leaders evidence they have missed for a decade. … sparking new questions about whether Narconon of Georgia is running an illegal residential treatment program." 
  54. ^ Patrick W. "Ricko" Desmond (1980-2008)”. findagrave.com. 2012年10月3日閲覧。 “Patrick W. Desmond died of a heroin drug overdose after receiving treatment at a Scientology drug rehab facility Narconon in Atlanta, Georgia. His parents filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Narconon of Georgia, Narconon International, and the Narconon medical director Lisa Carolina Robbins, M.D.”
  55. ^ Christian Boone (2012年10月7日). “Norcross drug facility under new scrutiny”. Atlanta Journal-Constitution. http://www.ajc.com/news/news/local/norcross-drug-facility-under-new-scrutiny/nSTF3/ 2012年10月5日閲覧. "Desmond’s death four years ago has focused attention on a decade’s worth of state investigations of the Norcross-based drug treatment program. Repeatedly, the state fielded complaints that Narconon, while licensed only for outpatient care, was illegally operating a residential facility." 
  56. ^ Leflore, Jeanne (2012年8月7日). “DA: Narconon Arrowhead under investigation by OKLA Dept. of Mental Health after four deaths”. McAlester New Capital. http://muskogeephoenix.com/statenews/x44831135/Narconon-deaths-investigation-expands 2012年9月5日閲覧。 
  57. ^ Narconon Arrowhead sued by parents of patient who died while in treatment”. KJRH-TV (2012年8月28日). 2012年9月4日閲覧。
  58. ^ Quigley, Rachel (2012年8月14日). “Rehab facility linked to Scientology blamed for deaths of three patients who underwent 'five hours a day in sauna and mega doses of vitamins'”. Daily Mail. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2188413/Rehab-facility-Narconon-linked-Scientology-blamed-recent-deaths-patients-undergoing-treatment--including-hours-daily-sauna-mega-doses-vitamins.html 2012年8月28日閲覧。 
  59. ^ Joe Childs; Thomas C. Tobin (2012年8月16日). “Deaths at Scientology drug treatment program Narconon bring investigation”. Tampa Bay Times. http://www.tampabay.com/news/scientology/deaths-at-scientology-drug-treatment-program-narconon-bring-investigation/1246054 2012年8月28日閲覧。 
  60. ^ “Scientology rehab center under fire after string of deaths”. New York Daily News. (2012年8月15日). http://articles.nydailynews.com/2012-08-15/news/33220631_1_sea-org-narconon-centers-scientology 2012年9月6日閲覧. "Stacy Dawn Murphy, 20, who died July 19 at Narconon Arrowhead in Canadian, Okla. ... Hillary Holten, 21, was found dead at Narconon Arrowhead in April, and Gabriel Graves, 32, died there last October, the Muskogee Phoenix reported. Another patient, 28-year-old Kaysie Dianne Werninck, died there in 2009." 
  61. ^ “Deaths bring probe of Narconon facility in Oklahoma”. Tulsa World. (2012年7月24日). http://www.tulsaworld.com/news/article.aspx?subjectid=11&articleid=20120724_12_A9_CUTLIN716524 2012年9月6日閲覧。 
  62. ^ “Discovery claimed in Narconon deaths”. Muskogee Phoenix. (2012年8月20日). http://muskogeephoenix.com/local/x257411807/Discovery-claimed-in-Narconon-deaths 2012年9月7日閲覧. "Narconon has been under investigation since the July 19 death of Murphy, 20, of Owasso. The investigation has expanded to include three other deaths: Hillary Holten, 21, of Carr, who was found dead at Narconon Arrowhead in April; Graves, 32, who died at the facility in October; and the 2009 death of Kaysie Dianne Werninck, 28, according to Pittsburg County Sheriff Joel Kerns." 
  63. ^ LeFlore, Jeanne (2013年8月7日). “Narconon Arrowhead loses state certification”. McAlester News-Capitol. http://www.mcalesternews.com/breakingnews/x1981930665/Narconon-Arrowhead-loses-state-certification 2014年3月13日閲覧。 
  64. ^ Dobuzinskis, Alex. "Proposed Narcanon rehab clinic raises concern among residents." Los Angeles Daily News, 22 July 2006.
  65. ^ Slutske, Reina. "Narconon Project Hearing Delayed Until January." Santa Clarita Signal, 5 October 2006.
  66. ^ http://www.newson6.com/story/21563100/narconon-arrowhead-officials-lose-counseling-certifications
  67. ^ CATHERINE SOLYOM (2012年4月18日). “Health officials shut down Narconon drug rehab centre; Treatments based on Scientology”. Montreal Gazette. オリジナルの2014年9月2日時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20140902100556/http://www.religionnewsblog.com/26724/health-officials-shut-down-narconon-drug-rehab-centre-in-canada 2014年3月20日閲覧. "Health officials have ordered the Narconon rehabilitation centre for drug addicts in Trois Rivières to evacuate and relocate its 32 residents, citing concerns over procedures that "may represent a risk to health" and a lack of doctors on staff." 
  68. ^ Narconon Centre in Rivières ordered to relocate its residents”. Montreal Gazette (2012年4月17日). 2012年4月21日閲覧。
  69. ^ a b Baca, N.. “I-Team: Patients Struggle at Scientology Rehab Center”. KLAS-TV Las Vegas. 2013年1月6日閲覧。
  70. ^ NarcononUK. “From Warrior to Emissary of Hope - Manchester's Drug Free Ambassador, NarcononUK press release”. freestylejournalism.net. 2012年9月26日閲覧。
  71. ^ Tarnopolsky, Noga (2012年9月20日). “Church of Scientology opens center in Israel, Scientology is expanding abroad, this time to the Middle East”. Mail Online. http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/regions/middle-east/israel-and-palestine/120918/church-scientology-israel 2012年9月21日閲覧。 
  72. ^ Reynolds, Matt (2012年9月8日). “Patient Sues Scientology-Based Clinic”. Courthous News. http://www.courthousenews.com/2012/09/18/50389.htm 2012年9月21日閲覧。 
  73. ^ Reynolds, Emma (2012年9月20日). “Former drug addict sues Scientology-based clinic after he jumped off balcony following week of treatment”. Mail Online. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2205951/William-Sweeney-sues-Scientology-based-detox-clinic-jumped-balcony-following-treatment.html 2012年9月21日閲覧。 
  74. ^ Abgrall, Jean-Marie (2001). Healing Or Stealing?: Medical Charlatans in the New Age. p. 193. ISBN 1-892941-51-1. https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:CvvF1-YT9pYJ:www.fk.unair.ac.id/pdfiles/ebook/Healing%2520or%2520Stealing.%2520Medical%2520Charlatans%2520in%2520the%2520New%2520Age.pdf+&hl=en&gl=uk&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESiaAqB8ye_YQOHTE0a4yshe-xhyTZH1Nh6lK8SojGzl2-xnF9vAL8ZRKaS851sVJmoZu4DTENhfAG1Z2r8C4nquVSHVFRp6d8itswdubevY50t02ct-s5BfbJmFZ74IP9OKCAdN&sig=AHIEtbQfXuB0dLigp4k18tHB0r2WKppaUA 24 September 2012閲覧. "Narconon, a subsidiary of Scientology, and the association “Yes to Life, No to Drugs” have also made a specialty of the fight against drugs and treating drug addicts. ... Drug addicts are just one of the Scientologists’ targets for recruitment. The offer of care and healing through techniques derived from dianetics is only a come-on. The detoxification of the patient by means of “dianetics purification” is more a matter of manipulation, through the general weakening that it causes; it is a way of brainwashing the subject. Frequently convicted for illegal practice of medicine, violence, fraud and slander, the Scientologists have more and more trouble getting people to accept their techniques as effective health measures, as they like to claim. They recommend their purification processes to eliminate X-rays and nuclear radiation, and to treat goiter and warts, hypertension and psoriasis, hemorrhoids and myopia. . . why would anyone find that hard to swallow? Scientology has built a library of several hundreds of volumes of writings exalting the effects of purification, and its disciples spew propaganda based on irresponsible medical writings by doctors who are more interested in the support provided by Scientology than in their patients’ well-being. On the other hand, responsible scientific reviews have long since “eliminated” dianetics and purification from the lists of therapies — relegating them to the great bazaar of medical fraud. ... Medical charlatans do not base their claims on scientific proof but, quite to the contrary, on peremptory assertions — the kind of assertions that they challenge when they come out of the mouths of those who defend “real” medicine." 
  75. ^ Church of Scientology, Toronto. “Scientology Anti-Drug Campaign: Say No to Drugs, Say Yes to Life”. 2012年10月7日閲覧。
  76. ^ Sober Living in Orange County home page
  77. ^ Behrendt, Barbara (2009年4月13日). “Neighbors protest plans to expand Suncoast Rehabilitation Center in Spring Hill”. Tampa Bay Times. http://www.tampabay.com/news/localgovernment/article991653.ece 2012年12月8日閲覧。 
  78. ^ Teen-anon home page at Narconon Vista Bay
  79. ^ Muir, Hugh (2012年8月13日). “Diary”. The Guardian. オリジナルの2014年3月22日時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20140322013316/http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2012/aug/13/hugh-muir-diary-papua-new-guinea 2014年3月20日閲覧. "Who else will be sad that the Olympics is over? Well there may well be a post-Games dip among members of L Ron Hubbard's Scientology organisation. For they seemed to be doing good business around Tower Bridge, handing out literature linked to the organisation. The little booklets promised The Truth About Drugs. Neither Scientology nor L Ron are mentioned. Just his Foundation for a Drug-Free World, the web address for which sits on the Scientology website. Everyone was fair game this weekend. Even a passing 15-year-old. That sort of opportunity might not come again." 
  80. ^ DeSio, John (2007年5月31日). “The Rundown on Scientology’s Purification Rundown: What Scientologists aren't telling you about their detox program (and how much it’s costing you)”. New York Press 
  81. ^ Proctor, Jeff. “Scientology Base Denied By Officials”. Albuquerque Journal. http://www.tradingmarkets.com/.site/news/Stock%20News/2141873/?lid=right-news-5 2010年6月27日閲覧。 [リンク切れ]



