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プリンスキロ系(プリンスキロけい、Princequillo line)は、(主にサラブレッド)の父系(父方の系図)の1つ。





Darley Arabian 1700
Bartlet's Childers 1716
 |Squirt 1732
  |Marske 1750
   |Eclipse 1764(→エクリプス系
    |King Fergus 1775
     |Hambletonian 1792
      |Whitelock 1803
       |Blacklock 181
        |Voltaire 1826
         |Voltigeur 1847
          |Vedette 1854
           |Galopin 1872  
            |St.Simon 1881(→セントサイモン系
             |Persimmon 1893
              |Prince Palatine 1908
               |Rose Prince 1919
                |Prince Rose 1928(→プリンスローズ系
                 |Princequillo 1940


Princequillo 1940
Hill Prince 1947
||Royal Living 1955
||Royal Union 1955
|||Lightning Orphan 1964
||Middle Brother 1956
||Royal Reverie 1957
||Keelo 1965
|||Bit of Class 1977
||||Classic Copper 2001
|||||FF Copley Square 2005
|Prince Dare 1950
|Blue Prince 1951
||Four-and-Twenty 1958
|||Haveago 1967
||Prince Tenderfoot 1967
|||Tender King 1979
||||Santiago 1988
|||Prince Rupert 1984
||||Favourite Prince 1991
|Dedicate 1952 → Natashka 1963
|Prince John 1953 ---↓プリンスジョン系
||Speak John 1958
|||Verbatim 1965
||||Summing 1978
||||Alphabatim 1981
|||Hold Your Peace 1969
||||Peace for Peace 1977
||||Meadowlake 1983 →Meadow Star 1988
|||||Meadow Flight 1991
|||||*ワシントンパイザー 1994
|||||Greenwood Lake 1997
||||Success Express 1985
|||||Al Akbar 1990
|||||Diamond Express 1992
|||||Mossman 1995 →Buffering 2007
||||||Love Conquers All 2006
||Rash Prince 1960
|||Berkley Prince 1966
||Beauquillo 1961
||High Tribute 1964
||Jean-pierre 1964
||Resurgent 1965
||Stage Door Johnny 1965
|||Johnny Appleseed 1973
|||*ニシノシーザー 1978
|||Crazy Moon 1980
||Silent Screen 1967
|||Nostalgia 1974
||||Nostalgia's Star 1982
|||Screen King 1976
||Harbor Prince 1969
||Head Table 1969
|||Pinguinho 1981
||Jack Sprat 1971
|||Glitter Please 1982
||||Legacy In Gold 1999
|||||R. H. F. Golden Globe 2011
||Transworld 1974
|Third Brother 1953
Round Table 1954 ---↓ラウンドテーブル系
||*ボールドリック 1961
|||*フォンタラバル 1967
|||Without Fear 1967
||||Driving Force 1977
|||||Malley Boy 1984
||||||Tiger Boy 1994
||||||Ashleigh Mallison 1995
||||Fearless Pride 1978
||||Proven Valour 1984
|||||Discretions 1990
|||*アイリッシュボール 1968
|||ヤマニンボールド 1976
|||キョウエイプロミス 1977
|||ヒダカスピード 1979
||*デュール Duel 1961
|||ビンゴガルー 1976
||||ホロトマイケル 1985
|||ヒカリデユール 1977
|||コンノート 1978
||Knightly Manner 1961
|||Stonewalk 1971
||||Sir Summer Knight 1977
|||||Good Knight Johnny 1992
||||||Scratching Post 1997
||Advocator 1963
|||Agitate 1971
||Poker 1963
||Sir Tor 1963
||Table Play 1963
||Around Two Turns 1964
||Dignitas 1965
|||Haulpak 1973
||||Tackle the Pak 1983
|||||Western Bronco 1992
||Illustrious 1965
||Tell 1966
|||Pompeii Court 1977
||Jolie Jo 1967
||Bicker 1969
||King's Bishop 1969
||Table Run 1970
||*ターゴワイス 1970
|||Red Target 1979
||||Redoble 1984
|||||Orient Express 1994
||||||Expreso Oriente 2006
||||Relincho 1984
||||Relampagueante 1996
|||Redoble 1984
||||Orient Express 1994
|||シヨノサンワード 1987
|||レッツゴーターキン 1987
|||ラジャマハール 1987
|||レッツチャレンジ 1989
||Apalachee 1971
|||Saratoga Game 1977
|||High Counsel 1978
|||Motavato 1978
||||Speeding Fine 1985
|||||Fine Action 1996
||||||Going Fine 2003
|||*ペンシルプッシャー 1982 →ドージマファイター 1992 c
|||K One King 1996
||Flirting Around 1971
|||Wolf Power 1978
||||Elan 2000
|||||Mocassin Call 2012
||*シャイニングナイト Shining Knight 1971
||*ダムウエイタ Dumbwaiter 1971
||Free Round 1972
||King Pellinore 1972
||*アーテイアス Artaius 1974
|||Day Is Done 1979
|||*ホーン Horn 1983
|||オースミロッチ 1987
|||キタサンプリンス(アア) 1987
||Banquet Table 1974
||*ブラームス Brahms 1974
||Telescopico 1975
|||Frank the Yank 1985
|||Giacometti 1986
|||Hollywood Champ 1987
||*リバーマーヌ River Marne 1977
||Lamerok 1979
|Misty Flight 1955
||Night Invader 1966
||Hasty Flyer 1971
|Sisters Prince 1955
|Whodunit 1955
|Scotland 1956
|*バーボンプリンス Bourbon Prince 1957
|Prince Blessed 1957
||Ole Bob Bowers 1963
|Songman 1958
|Bayou Bourg 1959
|Military Plume 1959
|Royal Ascot 1960
||Prince of Ascot 1967
|Sunny 1960
|More So 1961
|*ゴーマーチング Go Marching 1965
||Brinkmanship 1971
|||Ginger Brink 1980
|||San Marcos 1984
||||Manchuria 1992
|||||Rossli 1998
||カネショウホーライ 1984
|Earldom 1963
||Fatty 1970
|||Mister Fatty 1989
||Ingrato 1972
||Kingficher 1974
|||Empery Fischer 1985
||Krasmodar 1974
||Lapis Lazuli 1975
|||Quemay 1992
||Lone Wolf 1975
||Lucky and Fast 1975
||Mirandole 1976
||Never Doubt 1977
|||Never Hill 1989
||New Attack 1977
|||New Fan 1985
||Only Once 1978
|||Jex 1985
|||Mural 1988
|||Quinze Quilates 1992
||||Xao-Ra 2000
||||Zitromax 2002
||Kenetico 1979
|||Ronetico 1985
|||Vekrezo 1989
|||Xikote 1990
|||Escriba 2001
||Nice N'Easy 1979
|||Vutito 1989
||||Teixeirinha Tito 1998
||Incitatus 1980
||Quai Voltaire 1980
  • サイアーライン上は全て種牡馬もしくは種牡馬入りを発表した馬。→印の後は牝馬、セン馬などの非種牡馬の代表産駒の一部を示す。