
ジョン・スミス (植物学者)

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ジョン・スミス(John Smith、1798年1888年)はイギリス植物学である。王立植物園(キューガーデン)の最初の学芸員を務めた。



  • Smith, John. Catalogue of Ferns in the Royal Gardens at Kew. HMSO, London, England. 1856. 8pp, 210x140mm, PB.
  • Smith, John. Cultivated Ferns: Or a Catalogue of Exotic and indigenous Ferns Cultivated in British Gardens, with Characters of General Principal, Synonyms, etc. William Pamplin, London, England. 1857. xii,84pp, 163x103mm, HB. Also possibly an 1864 edition.
  • Smith, John. Ferns: British and Foreign, Their History, Geography, Classification and Enumeration of the Species of Garden Ferns with a Treatise on Their Cultivation, etc. 第1版: Robert Hardwicke, London, England. 1866. xiv,412(2)pp, 195x125mm, HB; Web: https://archive.org/details/fernsbritishfore00smitrich. 第2版 (1877) 第3版 (1879),副題 The History, Organography, Classification and Enumeration of the Species of Garden Ferns.; Web: https://archive.org/details/fernsbritish00smitrich.
  • Smith, John. Historia Filicum: an exposition of the nature, number and organography of ferns, and review of the principles upon which genera are founded, and the systems of classification of the principal authors, with a new general arrangement; characters of the genera; remarks on their relationship to one another; their species; reference to authors; geographical distribution; etc., etc. MacMillan & Co., London, England. 1875. (2)/xvi/429/(5)pp, 190x120mm, HB; Web: https://archive.org/details/historiafilicume00smitrich (reprinted in 1981).

