

利用者の編集は1回。 2017年2月9日 (木)にアカウント作成。

2022年11月25日 (金)

  • 14:542022年11月25日 (金) 14:54 差分 履歴 +14 薔薇戦争More accurate depiction as the Tudors intended, they depicted their dragon with a pizzle, some will argue that many depictions found on old carvings & paintings does not include the pizzle.. this may be true.. but it's the context that matters, where was those depictions made?, many people did not support the Tudor's Welsh line as being authentic, so they would omit the pizzle out of protest.. so when depicting the dragon, we must use references seen within royal residencies タグ: ビジュアルエディター: 中途切替