

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

今井 正治(いまい まさはる)は、日本の工学者京都情報大学院大学教授[1]



  • ACM Service Award
  • 電子情報通信学会 功労賞[10]
  • SWEST ベストポスター賞[11]
  • LSI IPデザイン・アワード 奨励賞[12]
  • IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Japan Chapter Academic Research Award[12]
  • The IEEK Semiconductor & Device Society paper award[13]
  • 情報処理学会 組込みシステムシンポジウム 優秀論文賞[14]


  • Yoshinori Takeuchi, Masaharu Imai, “Very Tiny Inner Bladder Pressure Sensing System for Long Term Ambulatory Urodynamic Monitoring,” Trans. of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering, Vol. 51, p. M-119, Oct. 2013. NAID:130004947616
  • Salita Sombatsiri, Yoshinori Takeuchi and Masaharu Imai, “An Efficient Performance Estimation Method for Configurable Multi-layer Bus-based SoC," IPSJ Trans. on System LSI Design Methodology, Vol.8, pp. 26-37, 2015. NAID:130004952369
  • Yuuka Hirao, Jaehoon Yu, Yoshinori Takeuchi, Masaharu Imai, "Arrhythmia Detection Using a Deformable Part Model and Time Domain Features," in Proc. of International Workshop on Smart Info-Media Systems in Asia (SISA 2016), pp. 94–99, 2016, (SISA Best Student Paper Award).
  • Tomoki Sugiura, Arif Ullah Khan, Jaehoon Yu, Yoshinori Takeuchi, Seiji Kameda, Takatsugu Kamata, Yuki Hayashida, Tetsuya Yagi and Masaharu Imai, "A Programmable Controller for Spatio-temporal Pattern Stimulation of Cortical Visual Prosthesis," in Proc. of IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS 2016), pp. 432–435, Shanghai, China, 2016. DOI:10.1109/BioCAS.2016.7833824
  • Tomoki Sugiura, Masaharu Imai, Jaehoon Yu, Yoshinori Takeuchi, “A Low-Energy Application Specific Instruction-Set Processor towards a Low-Computational Lossless Compression Method for Stimuli Position Data of Artificial Vision Systems,” Journal of Information Processing, Vol. 25, pp. 210–219, 2017. NAID:130005395244


  • 「実践ソフトウェア作法」,CQ出版社,ISBN 4-7898-3474-3 C3055,1988年
  • 「超LSI設計シリコンコンパイレーション」サイエンスフォーラム社,1988年
  • 「コンピュータ基礎工学」昭晃堂,ISBN 4-7856-3081-7,1992年
  • 「ASIC技術の基礎と応用」 電子情報通信学会(コロナ社)ISBN 4-88552-119-X,1994年
  • "Compiler Generation Techniques for Embedded Processors and their Application to HW/SW Codesign," in Ahmed A. Jerraya and Jean Mermet (Eds.), System-Level Synthesis, pp. 293-320, Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 0-7923-5748-5, 1999.
  • "ASIP Meister," in Prabhat Mishra and Nikil Dutt (Eds.) Processor Description Languages, Chapter 7, Springer, ISBN 978-0-12-374287-2, 2008.
  • "Design Methodology for Reconfigurable Processors," Lap Lambert Academic Publishers, ISBN 978-3-8383-8928-8, 2011
  • 「論理回路」オーム社, ISBN 978-4-274-21806-4, 2016年


  1. ^ https://www.kcg.edu/faculty/professor/m-imai
  2. ^ a b c https://www.ipsj.or.jp/10jigyo/taikai/67kai/67program/html/event/event.html
  3. ^ a b c https://www.ipsj.or.jp/annai/aboutipsj/fellow/m_imai.html
  4. ^ a b https://www.ist.osaka-u.ac.jp/japanese/introduction/meritus-professor.html
  5. ^ https://nrid.nii.ac.jp/ja/nrid/1000050126926/
  6. ^ https://www.ipsj.or.jp/annai/aboutipsj/fellow/fellow.html
  7. ^ https://www.ieice.org/jpn/fellow/ichiran20.html
  8. ^ https://asip-solutions.com/
  9. ^ http://www.shindan-kyoto.com/kyo-entre/19_techsor/index.html
  10. ^ https://www.ieice.org/ess/ESS/ESS_awardee.html
  11. ^ https://swest.toppers.jp/SWEST7/report.html
  12. ^ a b https://researchmap.jp/read0019050
  13. ^ https://researchmap.jp/read0008831/awards/2477455
  14. ^ https://researchmap.jp/read0008831/awards/2477456
