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キリスト教実存主義(キリストきょうじつぞんしゅぎ、Christian existentialism)は、キリスト教神学に実存主義的な手法をとる神学・哲学運動である。
Kierkegaardian themes
[編集]- Cobb, John B. (1967). The Structure of Christian Existence(Philadelphia: The Westminster Press)
- Cochrane, Arthur (1956). The Existentialists and God (Dubuque: The University of Dubuque Press)
- Davis, George W. (1957). Existentialism and Theology: An Investigation of the Contribution of Rudolf Bultmann to Theological Thought (New York: Philosophical Library)
- Heinemann, F. H. (1958). Existentialism and the Modern Predicament (New York: Harper and Row)
- Jansen, G. M, A. (1966). An Existential Approach to Theology (Milwaukee: The Bruce Publishing Company)
- Jenkins, David. (1987). The Scope and Limits of John Macquarrie's Existential Theology (Stockholm: Uppsala)
- Kuitert, H. M. (1968). The Reality of Faith: A Way Between Protestant Orthodoxy and Existentialist Theology (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans)
- Macquarrie, John (1957). An Existentialist Theology: A Comparison of Heidegger and Bultmann (New York: The Macmillian Company)
- Martin, Bernard (1963). The Existentialist Theology of Paul Tillich (New Haven: College and University Press)
- Michalson, Carl, ed. (1956). Christianity and the Existentialists (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons)
- Slaate, Howard A. (1971). The Paradox of Existentialist Theology: The Dialectics of a Faith-Subsumed Reason-in-Existence (New York: Humanities Press)
- Spier, J. M. (1953), Christianity and Existentialism (Philadelphia: The Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company)
- Stagg, Frank. (1973). Polarities of Man's Existence in Biblical Perspective (Philadelphia: The Westminster Press)
- Williams, J. Rodman. (1965). Contemporary Existentialism and Christian Faith (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Fall)
- Woodson, Hue. (2020). Existential Theology: An Introduction (Eugene: Wipf and Stock) ISBN 978-1-5326-6840-1