
1000 Heartbeats

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
1000 Heartbeats
ジャンル クイズ番組
原案 Paul Farrer
司会者 Vernon Kay
出演者 The Quartet
Sarah Chapman
Catriona Parker
Hayley Pomfrett
Llinos Richards
声の出演 Dilly Barlow
作曲 Paul Farrer
国・地域 イギリス
言語 英語
シリーズ数 2
話数 55
各話の長さ 60分 (inc. adverts)
製作 Hungry Bear Media
配給 NBCUniversal Formats
映像形式16:9 (HDTV)
放送期間2015年2月23日 (2015-02-23) - 2016年1月15日 (2016-1-15)

1000 Heartbeatsは、ヴァーノン・ケイが司会を務める、2015年2月23日から2016年1月15日までITVで放送されたイギリスクイズ番組[1]



電子心拍数カウンターを身に着け、「The Plate」と呼ばれる照明付きの円形プラットフォームの上に立ち、1人の回答者が質問に答えて合計7ラウンドで賞金を獲得する。ラウンドの進行中、回答者の心拍数は継続的にカウントされ、最初の合計1,000から1づつ引かれていく。残り心拍数がゼロになると即ゲームオーバーとなり、獲得賞金は全額没収となる。また、BGMは弦楽四重奏団によって生演奏され、指揮者は回答者の鼓動に合わせて指揮を行う。



  • ラウンド1–£250
  • ラウンド2–£500
  • ラウンド3–£1,000
  • ラウンド4–£2,500
  • ラウンド5–£5,000
  • ラウンド6–£10,000
  • ラウンド7–£25,000



Round 1 – £250
  • Compare: The contestant is shown a single comparative question, followed by several pairs of answers, and must choose the answer from each pair that satisfies the question. Seven correct answers are required to advance. This game was added in Series 2.
  • Contrast: The contestant is shown a single pair of answer options, followed by several statements. For each one, the contestant must choose the answer that satisfies it. Seven correct answers are required to advance.
Round 2 – £500
  • Reflection: The contestant is shown an analog clock that has been reflected horizontally and must correctly announce six different times to advance. This game was added in Series 2.
  • Reorder: The contestant is shown a list of six items and must place them in a specified order to advance.
  • Unravel: The contestant is shown a rotating circle of six, seven, eight or nine letters which spell out a word in the proper order. The contestant must find six words to advance.
Round 3 – £1,000
  • Assemble: The contestant is shown a photograph of a celebrity for five seconds. The image then disappears and is replaced by a copy with five pieces missing and three intact. One hole is highlighted, and the contestant must choose the correct piece to fill it from 12 options. Some of the possible pieces may have been rotated from their original orientation, increasing the difficulty. The contestant must fill all five holes in order to advance.
  • Definition: The contestant is shown a row of blanks corresponding to the number of letters in a word and the word's definition. One letter is given to start, and others fill in as time goes on. The contestant must guess five words to advance. This game was added in Series 2.
  • Unscramble: The contestant must form five sets of scrambled letters into words that fit a given general category. The contestant can ask for one clue to narrow the category down, at a cost of 25 heartbeats.
Round 4 – £2,500
  • Identify: The contestant is shown a statement and eight possible answers, and must choose the four that fit it. If the contestant's four choices are not all correct, they are penalized 25 heartbeats and told how many choices are correct, but not which ones. The contestant continues to guess until all four correct answers are found in one turn.
  • Link: The contestant is shown two columns of six answers each and must complete four pairs as instructed, linking one item from each column to form the pairs.
Round 5 – £5,000
  • Keep Up: The contestant is shown an initial number and a mathematical calculation instruction, the result of which becomes the initial number for the next one. The contestant must complete three sequences of calculations to win the round (8 steps each in Series 1, 6 steps each in Series 2).
  • Pinpoint: The contestant is shown a grid of numbers and must perform calculations with them as instructed, with each correct response removing the affected numbers from the grid. The contestant must complete three grids (four calculations each) to advance.
Round 6 – £10,000
  • Decipher: The contestant is shown a list of five statements, only one of which fits a given question, and must choose that one statement. The contestant must play through two lists in order to advance.
Round 7 – £25,000
  • Recall: The contestant is shown an alphanumeric sequence of 11 characters and must recite it in exact order to win the round. The sequence remains on screen until the contestant says "recall." If a mistake is made, the contestant loses 25 heartbeats, the sequence is shown again, and the contestant must restart it from the beginning.

The contestant must correctly answer five consecutive true or false statements in order to keep the money in their bank. Each incorrect answer breaks the chain and deducts 25 heartbeats (50 in series 2); the contestant may not step off the Plate during this game.

A contestant who successfully cashes out at the £10,000 level may be given a chance to play Recall unofficially, using the remaining heartbeats on the counter, and see if they would have been able to win the full £25,000.




シリーズ 開始日 終了日 エピソード
1 2015年2月23日 2015年3月27日 25
2 2015年11月23日 2016年1月15日 30


放送日 内容
2015年12月18日 Text Santa Special



タイトル チャンネル 司会者 初回放送日
フィリピンの旗 フィリピン 1000 Heartbeats: Pintig Pinoy TV5Viva

Sari-Sari Channel

Xian Lim and Chad Kinis 2021年5月20日



