
ライヒェンバッハ条約 (1790年)

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
署名 1790年7月27日
署名場所 ライヒェンバッハ
締約国 オーストリアとプロイセン
主な内容 利害の調整

ライヒェンバッハ条約(ライヒェンバッハじょうやく、ドイツ語: Reichenbacher Konvention)は1790年7月27日ライヒェンバッハ英語版で締結された、プロイセン王フリードリヒ・ヴィルヘルム2世神聖ローマ皇帝レオポルト2世の間の条約。










  1. ^ Lodge, p. 466. By the treaty of Reichenbach (27 July, 1790) Austria engaged to restore all her conquests to Turkey and to grant an amnesty and their old constitution to the Belgians. Hertzberg, who was completely disconcerted at the turn which affairs had taken, could only secure the insertion of a clause by which, if Austria did make any small acquisition of Turkish territory, it should be with the free will of the Porte, and Prussia was to get an equivalent.
  2. ^ Williams, p. 497. "The status quo was accordingly accepted. Austria engaged herself to return to the Sublime Porte all acquisitions derived from the late war; only Chotin for the time being was to remain garrisoned, and the Bosnian frontier was to be protected. Prussia, in return, made herself responsible for several stipulated compensations. In a declaration commenting upon the arrangement, the expectation was expressed that during the continuance of the Russo-Austrian war Austria would hold herself aloof from any interference, and would refrain from giving direct or indirect assistance to Russia against the Porte. As to Belgian affairs, she declared that in the direction of subjugation as well as constitution she would be willing to throw her lot with the maritime powers."
  3. ^ Williams, p. 497. "This Treaty of Reichenbach, signed July 27, 1790, is a great and most diplomatic victory for Austria, which is due to Leopold's skill and moderation. With one stroke the situation was adjusted, the respect for Leopold among foreign powers strengthened, action in relation to the Netherlands and Hungary freed from all outside restraints, and the way was cleared for concentrating all Austria's strength on establishing conditions of peace throughout the country itself. That, moreover, Prussia was compelled to withdraw from her wide-reaching plans, and obliged to give up the idea of turning Austria's embarrassment to her own profit, was a very decided advantage, obvious to all observers."
  4. ^ Lodge, p. 466. The treaty of Reichenbach, as competent observers saw at the time, marks the first retreat from the policy of Frederick the Great and the first step in the decline of Prussia.


  • Lodge, Richard. The Student's Modern Europe: A History of Modern Europe. From the Capture of Constantinople, 1453, To The Treaty of Berlin, 1878. American Book Company, 1885 (Originally from Harvard University).
  • Williams, Henry Smith. The Historians' History of the World: A Comprehensive Narrative of the Rise and Development of Nations as Recorded by over Two Thousand of the Great Writers of all Ages. The Times, 1907.

