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en:Mulla Sadra(22:24, 15 January 2012‎ UTC)を翻訳

2012年3月28日 (水) 15:35時点における版

サドル・アッ=ディーン・シーラーズィー(ペルシア語: ملاصدرا شیرازی‎)
生誕 1572年
死没 1640年
時代 ポスト古典イスラーム哲学
地域 イラン
学派 イスラーム哲学
研究分野 照明主義, 超越論的神智学, 実存主義
主な概念 実存主義

サドル・アッ=ディーン・シーラーズィー、通称モッラー・サドラー (ペルシア語: ملا صدرا‎あるいはサドル=オル=モテアッレヒン ペルシア語: صدرالمتألهین‎;) (年1572–1640年)はイランシーア派イスラーム哲学者、カラームウラマー。17世紀イランの文化的ルネサンスを主導した。イスラーム哲学・ユダヤ哲学東洋哲学を研究しているオリヴァー・リーマンによれば、モッラー・サドラーは最近の四世紀間では最も重要で影響力のある哲学者だと言えるという[1][2]








1612年に、モッラー・サドラーはファールス地方の有力な領主アラーウィルディー・カーンに隠遁生活から復帰するよう要請され[7]、知性に基づく学問を行うために新しく設立されたマドラサを運営し、教育を行うためにシーラーズに招待された[5]。モッラー・サドラーは巡礼を行った後バスラで死に、今日のイラクに埋葬された。 彼が埋葬されたのはイラクのナジャフ市である。




モッラー・サドラーによれば、「実存本質に優先する。そのため何かあるものは本質を獲得する以前に存在しなければならないので、実存こそが第一のものである。」 モッラー・サドラーにとってこのことが特にイスラーム黄金時代の宇宙論的哲学やコーランの章句における神の位置づけを調停するという文脈において他でもない神や宇宙にける神の位置づけに適用される問題であることは注目に値する[8]

モッラー・サドラーの形而上学では本質よりも実存に優越性、あるいは「ab initio」を持たせている。これはつまり、(アンリ・コルバンの定義を使えば)本質は存在の「強度」によって決定あるいは変化し、またそういった本質は不変のものではない[9]。この構想の利点は、これまでのイスラーム哲学者たちのアリストテレス的あるいはプラトン的な土台をゆるがせにしなくともクルアーンの基本的な言明を受け入れられるという点にある。



この実存主義の帰結として、「理性と理性によって捉えられるものとの合一」(: Ittihad al-Aaqil wa l-Maqul)ということになる。アンリ・コルバンは以下のように言っている:



モッラー・サドラーの哲学のもう一つの中心的な概念は「実体的運動」(アラビア語:al-harakat al-jawhariyyah)の理論である。これは「celestial spheresも含んで自然法則の支配下にある全てのものは自己フロー(fayd)と存在の陥入(sarayan al-wujud)の結果、実体として変化・変質を被る。ここで存在の陥入とはそれを受けた存在をあらゆる具体的・個別的な実在に与えるものである。アリストテレスや、四つの範疇、つまり、(kamm)、(kayf)、位置(wad’)、空間(‘ayn)のみを認めたイブン・スィーナーとは対照的に、サドラーは、変化を実体(jawhar)の範疇をも含んで宇宙全体を通じて普遍的に広がる実在であると定義した[13]。」



モッラー・サドラーの実存主義宇宙論を換言してファズルール・ラフマーンは次のように言っている: 実存が、そして実存だけが実在である。つまり実存と実在とは同一なのである。実存は全てを包括した実在であって、実存の他には何もない。否定的な実存も何らかの実在を要求し、それゆえに存在する。そのため実存は否定されえない。それゆえ実存は無効になりえない。実存は無効になりえないため、そういった実存が神であることは自明である。神は存在の領域の中に求められるべきではないが、あらゆる存在の基盤を成す[15]。注目すべきこととして、実在はアラビア語で"Al-Haq"といい、クルアーンで神の名前の一つとして挙げられていることがある。


1) 何らかのものが存在する

2) その存在はあらゆる完成を超えた完成である

3) 神は完全であり、存在における完成である

4) 実存は一つであって、複合的でない実在である

5) その一つの実在は完成の尺度における強度によって量られる

6) その尺度には限界点、最高強度にして最大の存在の点がなければならない

7) それゆえに神は存在する




1) 始まりには純粋な原因が存在する 2) 終わりには純粋な結果が存在する 3) 原因と結果の連鎖が存在する





  • Al-Hikma al-muta‘aliya fi-l-asfar al-‘aqliyya al-arba‘a [The Transcendent Philosophy of the Four Journeys of the Intellect], a philosophical encyclopedia and a collection of important issues discussed in Islamic philosophy, enriched by the ideas of preceding philosophers, from Pythagoras to those living at the same time with Mulla Sadra, and containing the related responses on the basis of new and strong arguments. In four large volumes; also published several times in nine smaller volumes. He composed this book gradually, starting in about 1015 A.H. (1605 A.D.); its completion took almost 25 years, until some years after 1040 A.H. (1630 A.D.)
  • al-Tafsir (A commentary upon the Qur'an)
  • Diwan Shi’r (Collection of Poems), a number of scholarly and mystic poems in Persian.
  • Si Asl, Mulla Sadra's only extant book of philosophy in Persian. Here, by resorting to the main three moral principles, he has dealt with moral and educative subjects related to scientists, and advised his contemporary philosophers.
  • Sharh al-hidayah, a commentary on a book called Hidayah, which had been written on the basis of Peripatetic philosophy.
  • ‘Arshiyyah, also called al-Hikmat al-‘arshiyyah, a referential book about Mulla Sadra's philosophy. As in al-Mazahir, he has tried to demonstrate the Beginning and the End concisely but precisely. This book has been translated by Professor James Winston Morris into English with an informative introduction.
  • al-Mabda‘ wa’l-ma‘ad, also called al-Hikmat al-muta‘aliyyah, considered to be a summary of the second half of Asfar. He called this book the Beginning and the End, since he believed at heart that philosophy means the knowledge of the Origin and the Return.
  • al-Mazahir This book is similar to al-Mabda‘ wa’l-ma‘ad, but is shorter than it. It is, in fact, a handbook for familiarizing readers with Mulla Sadra's philosophy.
  • Huduth al-‘alam, on the issue of the origination of the world, which is a complicated and disputable problem for many philosophers. He proved his solid theory through the theory of the trans-substantial motion.
  • Iksir al-‘arifin, a gnostic and educative book.
  • al-Hashr, a theory of the resurrection of animals and objects in the Hereafter.
  • al-Masha‘ir, on existence and its related subjects. Professor Henry Corbin has translated it into French and written an introduction to it. This book has recently been translated into English, too.
  • al-waridat al-qalbiyyah, a brief account of important philosophical problems, it seems to be an inventory of the Divine inspirations and illuminations he had received all through his life.
  • Iqad al-na‘imin, on theoretical and actual gnosis, and on the science of monotheism. It presents some guidelines and instructional points to wake up the sleeping.
  • al-Masa‘il al-qudsiyyah, a booklet deals mainly with issues such as existence in mind and epistemology. Here, Mulla Sadra has combined epistemology and ontology.
  • al-Shawahid al-rububiyyah, a philosophical book, written in the Illuminationist style, and represents Mulla Sadra's ideas during the early periods of his philosophical thoughts.
  • al-Shawahid al-rububiyyah, a treatise not related to Mulla Sadra's book of the same name (see above). It is an inventory of his particular theories and opinions which he had been able to express in philosophical terms.
  • Sharh-i Shafa, a commentary upon some of the issues discussed in the part on theology (Ilahiyyat) in Ibn-Sina's al-Shifa.
  • Sharh-i Hikmat al-ishraq, a useful and profound commentary or collection of glosses on Suhrawardi's Hikmat al-ishraq and Qutb al-Din Shirazi's commentary upon it.
  • Ittihad al-‘aquil wa’l-ma’qul, a monographic treatise on the demonstration of a complicated philosophical theory, the Union of the Intellect and the Intelligible, which no one could prove and rationalize prior to Mulla Sadra.
  • Ajwibah al-masa’il, consisting of at least three treatises in which Mulla Sadra responds to the philosophical questions posed by his contemporary philosophers.
  • Ittisaf al-mahiyyah bi’l wujud, a monographic treatise dealing with the problem of existence and its relation to quiddities.
  • al-Tashakhkhus, explaining the problem of individuation and clarified its relation to existence and its principality, which is one of the most fundamental principles he has propounded.
  • Sarayan nur wujud, a treatise dealing with the quality of the descent or diffusion of existence from the True Source to existents (quiddities).
  • Limmi’yya ikhtisas al-mintaqah, A treatise on logic, this work focuses on the cause of the specific form of the sphere.
  • Khalq al-a’mal, a treatise on man's determinism and free will.
  • al-Qada’ wa’l-qadar, on the problem of Divine Decree and Destiny.
  • Zad al-Musafir, demonstrating resurrection and the Hereafter following a philosophical approach.
  • al-Mizaj, a treatise on the reality of man's temperament and its relation to the body and soul.
  • Mutashabihat al-Qur'an, a treatise consists of Mulla Sadra's interpretations of those Qura’nic verses which have secret and complicated meanings. It is considered as one of the chapters in [Mafatih al-ghayb].
  • Isalat-i Ja’l-i wujud, on existence and its principality as opposed to quiddities.
  • al-Hashriyyah, a treatise on resurrection and people's presence in the Hereafter, it deals with man's being rewarded in paradise and punished in hell.
  • al-alfazh al-mufradah, an abridged dictionary for interpreting words in the Qur'an.
  • Radd-i shubahat-i iblis, explaining Satan's seven paradoxes and providing the related answers.
  • Kasr al-asnam al-jahiliyyah (Demolishing the idols of the periods of barbarism and man's ignorance). His intention here is to condemn and disgrace impious sophists.
  • al-Tanqih, dealing with formal logic.
  • al-Tasawwur wa’l-tasdiq, a treatise dealing with issues of the philosophy of logic and inquiries into concept and judgment.
  • Diwan Shi’r (Collection of Poems), a number of scholarly and mystic poems in Persian.
  • A Collection of Scientific-Literary Notes, some short notes of his own poetry, the statements of philosophers and gnostics, and scientific issues have been left from his youth, which comprise a precious collection. This book can familiarize the readers with subtleties of Mulla Sadra's nature. These notes were compiled in two different collections, and it is likely that the smaller collection was compiled on one of his journeys.
  • Letters: except for a few letters exchanged between Mulla Sadra and his master, Mir Damad, none of his letters has survived. These letters have been presented at the beginning of the 3-volume


  • Nasr, Seyyed Hossein, Sadr al-Din Shirazi and his Transcendent Theosophy, Background, Life and Works, 2nd ed., Tehran: Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, 1997.
  • Rahman, Fazlur, The Philosophy of Mulla Sadra, Albany: State University of New York Press, 1975.
  • Morris, James (trans.), The Wisdom of the Throne, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1981.
  • Chittick, William (trans.) The Elixir of the Gnostics, Provo: Brigham Young University Press, 2003.
  • Rizvi, Sajjad, Mulla Sadra Shirazi: His Life, Works and Sources for Safavid Philosophy, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.
  • Peerwani, Latimah (trans.), On the Hermeneutics of the Light Verse of the Qur'an. London: ICAS, 2004.
  • Jambet, Christian, The Act of Being: The Philosophy of Revelation in Mulla Sadra, Trans. Jeff Fort, New York: Zone Books, 2006.



  1. ^ Leaman (2007), p.146
  2. ^ Mulla Sadra (Sadr al-Din Muhammad al-Shirazi) (1571/2-1640) by John Cooper
  3. ^ Kamal, Muhammad (2006), Mulla Sadra's Transcendent Philosophy, Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., pp. 9 & 39, ISBN 0754652718 
  4. ^ Leaman (2007), pp.146 and 147
  5. ^ a b Rizvi, Sajjad (2002), Reconsidering the life of Mulla Sadra Shirazi, Pembroke College, pp. 181
  6. ^ http://www.iranica.com/newsite/index.isc?Article=http://www.iranica.com/newsite/articles/unicode/ot_grp8/ot_molla_sadra_20050615.html
  7. ^ a b c MacEoin, D. "Mullā Ṣadrā S̲H̲īrāzī Ṣadr al-Dīn Muḥammad b. Ibrāhīm Ḳawāmī S̲h̲īrāzī." Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition. Edited by: P. Bearman, Th. Bianquis, C.E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel and W.P. Heinrichs. Brill, 2010. Brill Online. Augustana. 13 April 2010 <http://www.brillonline.nl/subscriber/entry?entry=islam_SIM-5490>
  8. ^ (Razavi 1997, p. 130)
  9. ^ Corbin (1993), pp. 342 and 343
  10. ^ a b Sayyed Hussein Nasr, Persian Sufi Literature, Lecture, George Washington University, 2006
  11. ^ Ibid
  12. ^ Corbin (1993), pp.343 and 344
  13. ^ Kalin, Ibrahim (March 2001), “Sadr al-Din Shirazi (Mulla Sadra) (b. 1571-1640)”, in Iqbal, Muzaffar; Kalin, Ibrahim, Resources on Islam & Science, http://www.cis-ca.org/voices/s/sadra.htm 2008年2月4日閲覧。 
  14. ^ Fazlur Rahman, The Philosophy of Mulla Sadra State University of New York Press, 1975, pp 27 and 28
  15. ^ Fazlur Rahman, The Philosophy of Mulla Sadra State University of New York Press, 1975, pp 125
  16. ^ Rizvi, Sajjad Mulla Sadra and Metaphysics, 2009, pp126
  17. ^ Rizvi, Sajjad Mulla Sadra and Metaphysics, 2009, pp59-62

