

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

至上権承認の宣誓(しじょうけんしょうにんのせんせい、: Oath of Supremacy)は、イングランド国教会成立以降の近世イングランドにおいて、公職や教会の役職に就く者に対して国教会の最高統治者である君主に忠誠を誓うことを義務付けたもの。これを拒否した場合、反逆罪大逆罪)に問われた。元はヘンリー8世の時代に1534年の国王至上法によって制定されたが、後を継いだヘンリーの長女であるメアリー1世が廃止した。しかし、その後に継いだメアリーの異母妹であるエリザベス1世1559年の国王至上法英語版によって復活させた。この宣誓は後に代議士や大学で学ぶ者たちにも拡大された。カトリック教徒は1829年に初めて代議士となることが許され、オックスフォード大学の学生は1854年のオックスフォード大学法英語版により宣誓の義務が廃止された。


I (state your name) do utterly testifie and declare in my Conscience, that the Kings Highnesse is the onely Supreame Governour of this Realme, and all other his Highnesse Dominions and Countries, as well in all Spirituall or Ecclesiasticall things or causes, as Temporall: And that no forraine Prince, Person, Prelate, State or Potentate, hath or ought to have any Jurisdiction, Power, Superiorities, Preeminence or Authority Ecclesiasticall or Spirituall within this Realme. And therefore, I do utterly renounce and forsake all Jurisdictions, Powers, Superiorities, or Authorities; and do promise that from henchforth I shall beare faith and true Allegiance to the Kings Highnesse, his Heires and lawfull Successors: and to my power shall assist and defend all Jurisdictions, Privileges, Preheminences and Authorities granted or belonging to the Kings Highnesse, his Heires and Successors or united and annexed to the Imperial Crowne of the Realme: so helpe me God: and by the Contents of this Booke. — Oath of Supremacy 1535[1]



I, A. B., do utterly testify and declare in my conscience that the Queen's Highness is the only supreme governor of this realm, and of all other her Highness's dominions and countries, as well in all spiritual or ecclesiastical things or causes, as temporal, and that no foreign prince, person, prelate, state or potentate hath or ought to have any jurisdiction, power, superiority, pre-eminence or authority ecclesiastical or spiritual within this realm; and therefore I do utterly renounce and forsake all foreign jurisdictions, powers, superiorities and authorities, and do promise that from henceforth I shall bear faith and true allegiance to the Queen's Highness, her heirs and lawful successors, and to my power shall assist and defend all jurisdictions, pre-eminences, privileges and authorities granted or belonging to the Queen's Highness, her heirs or successors, or united or annexed to the imperial crown of this realm. So help me God, and by the contents of this Book. — Oath of Supremacy 1559[2]












  1. ^ Cromwell, Thomas (2012年2月25日). “Oath of Supremacy 1535 (Actual Text/ Sir Thomas Audley)”. queenanneboleyn.com. 2013年6月18日閲覧。
  2. ^ Life in Elizabethan England 21: More Religion”. Elizabethan.org (2008年3月25日). 2013年6月18日閲覧。
  3. ^ (Saint), Sir Thomas More (2004). A Thomas More Source Book. ISBN 9780813213767. https://books.google.com/books?id=AQtmzR9TXncC&q=thomas+more+resigned&pg=PA305 
  4. ^ Wilde, Lawrence (2016-08-12). Thomas More's Utopia: Arguing for Social Justice. ISBN 9781317281375. https://books.google.com/books?id=YU_UDAAAQBAJ&q=thomas+more+refusal+coronation&pg=PT173