

This page provides a historical record of Special:GadgetUsage through its page history. To get the data in CSV format, see wikitext. To customize this message or add categories, create /top. 以下のデータは 2024-06-19T05:45:24Z に最終更新されたキャッシュです(日時は個人設定で未設定ならUTC)。

ガジェット 利用者の数 活動中の利用者
Blackskin 191 2
CommentsInLocalTime 1778 176
DisambiguationColors 475 144
ForkAPage 735 91
HotCat 2091 266
MarkAdmins 293 108
MarkBLocked 331 118
MassProtect 7 7
MassRevisionDelete 4 4
MassRollback 15 11
Navigation popups 4658 248
OldDiff 693 49
ProveIt 640 111
ReferenceTooltips 447 186
ScrolledReflist 1031 64
SummaryEnterPreview 1200 113
UTCLiveClock 1723 139
UsernameReplace 既定 既定
checkSignature-suppressWhenMinor 388 73
contribsrange 1028 114
dark-mode 1239 46
dark-mode-toggle 1228 101
edittop 2792 235
exlinks 3541 283
modifyEditsection 383 56
protectionIndicator 既定 既定
protectionLog 814 131
removeAccessKeys 666 49
rollbackBot 7 6
searchFocus 912 70
vpTagHelper 458 64
wikEd 1865 109