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イギリスのジャーナリスト、トニー・スコットランドによる旅行記"The Empty Throne"には、かつての王宮の近くの粗末な小屋に住んでいた清朝皇帝の末裔の毓嵒を彼がどのように見つけたかが記されている[8]。溥儀の遠戚である毓嵒は、1950年に溥儀とともにシベリアに投獄されていたときに、溥儀から皇位継承者に指名する儀式を受けたと語った[9]。この主張を裏付ける公的な資料は存在しないが、清朝では皇帝が後継者を遺書や勅令で指名するのが通例だった。溥儀の自伝では、単にその考えを議論したことがあったと述べられているに過ぎない[10]。毓嵒は1997年に亡くなった。彼の長男は1944年に生まれた恒鎮である[11]。毓嵒が恒鎮を皇位継承者に指定した、あるいは恒鎮がその地位を主張しているかについては、スコットランドは記していない。



  1. ^ Terrill, Ross, The New Chinese Empire: And What It Means For The United States, Basic Books, Mar 5, 2009, p. 78-79.
  2. ^ The Manchoukuo Year Book 1941, "Text of the Law Governing Succession to the Imperial Throne", March 1, 1937, p. 905, Tōa Keizai Chōsakyoku (Japan). "In the absence of sons or descendants, the brothers of the reigning emperor, borne of the same mother, and their male-line descendants succeed according to age." (Article 5)
    Buyers, Christopher, The Royal Ark, "China".
  3. ^ Schmetzer, Uli, "Emperor-in-waiting recalls bygone age", Chicago Tribune, Oct. 25, 1992.
    "Pu Jie, 87, Dies, Ending Dynasty Of the Manchus", New York Times, March 2, 1994.
  4. ^ "The Imperial Throne of Manchoukuo shall be succeeded to by male descendants in the male line of His Majesty the Emperor for ages to come." (Article 1, "Text of the Law Governing Succession to the Imperial Throne", The Manchoukuo Year Book 1941, p. 905.)
  5. ^ a b Spencer, Richard, "The Chinese man who would be emperor", The Telegraph, 30 Nov 2008.
    McDonald, Hamish, "Heir to China's throne celebrates a modest life," The Age, November 27, 2004
  6. ^ "Life of Last Chinese Emperor's Nephew", People Daily, Dec. 11, 2000.
    金毓峑, Baidu.
  7. ^ 金毓嵐, Baidu.
  8. ^ Scotland, Tony, and Patrick Leigh Fermor, The Empty Throne: Quest for an Imperial Heir in the People's Republic of China, (1993).
  9. ^ Scotland, p. 180.
  10. ^ Henry Pu Yi, Paul Kramer, The Last Manchu: The Autobiography of Henry Pu Yi, Last Emperor of China, p. 244.
  11. ^ Scotland, p. 177.
  12. ^ Eiko Woodhouse (2 August 2004). The Chinese Hsinhai Revolution: G. E. Morrison and Anglo-Japanese Relations, 1897-1920. Routledge. pp. 113–. ISBN 978-1-134-35242-5. https://books.google.com/books?id=4TfPJpJRV_0C&pg=PA113&dq=#v=onepage 
  13. ^ Jonathan D. Spence (28 October 1982). The Gate of Heavenly Peace: The Chinese and Their Revolution. Penguin Publishing Group. pp. 84–. ISBN 978-1-101-17372-5. https://books.google.com/books?id=DwgvjqO5ivUC&pg=PP84&dq= 
  14. ^ Shêng Hu; Danian Liu (1983). The 1911 Revolution: A Retrospective After 70 Years. New World Press. p. 55. https://books.google.com/books?id=MmwKAQAAIAAJ&q= 
  15. ^ The National Review, China. H. Vetch. (1967). p. 67. https://books.google.com/books?id=vyM-AQAAMAAJ&q= 
  16. ^ Percy Horace Braund Kent (1912). The Passing of the Manchus. E. Arnold. pp. 382–. https://books.google.com/books?id=ldZAAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA382#v=onepage&q&f=false 
  17. ^ M.A. Aldrich (1 March 2008). The Search for a Vanishing Beijing: A Guide to China's Capital Through the Ages. Hong Kong University Press. pp. 176–. ISBN 978-962-209-777-3. https://books.google.com/books?id=TMMvxX67FpIC&pg=PA176 

