

gregory lunar の結果を表示しています。Gregori-luxair の結果は見つかりませんでした。
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    Chondrites and Asteroids". Proceedings 37th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. League City, Texas: Lunar and Planetary Society. 2007年4月16日閲覧。 ^ a b…
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    Klemaszewski, J.A. (2001年). “Geological Evidence for an Ocean on Callisto” (PDF). Lunar and Planetary Science XXXI. p. 1818. 2019年1月29日閲覧。 ^ a b c d Anderson, J…
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  • Birger; Fletcher, Ian R.; Gregory, Courtney J.; Muhling, Janet R.; Suvorova, Alexandra A. (2012). “Tranquillityite: The last lunar mineral comes down to Earth”…
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    ^ Castillo-Rogez, J. C. (2011). “How differentiated is Callisto”. 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference: 2580. https://www.lpi.usra…
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  • (1966). “UBVRIJKL photometry of the bright stars”. Communications of the Lunar and Planetary Lab 4 (3). Bibcode: 1966CoLPL...4...99J.  ^ a b c d e f g…
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    to a Metal World: Concept for a Discovery Mission to Psyche (PDF). 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. March 17?21, 2014. The Woodlands, Texas…
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      ^ Tanaka, K. L. (1986). “The Stratigraphy of Mars” (英語). Lunar and Planetary Science Conference Proceedings 91: 139-E158. https://ui.adsabs…
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    Atmospheric Composition of Extrasolar Giant Planets”. 35th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Lunar and Planetary Science Conference) 35: 1152. Bibcode: 2004LPI…
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    and the Thickness of Mercury's Lithosphere” (英語). Abstracts of the 25th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 1994: 1994LPI....25.1203S. https://ui.adsabs…
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  • Triassic” (英語). ScienceDaily. 2024年1月13日閲覧。 ^ “LADEE Update 10-07-13: Safe in Lunar Orbit after LOI-1 | The Astrogator's Guild”. astrogatorsguild.com. 2024年1月13日閲覧。…
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    Masons”. King Hiram Lodge #566. 2013年10月7日閲覧。 ^ Famous Masons ^ “Private Lunar ESP: An Interview with Edgar Mitchell”. 2009年10月21日閲覧。 ^ Gardiner, Herbert…
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