




I can't believe no one has used this page yet. I'm sorry to write this in English, but I don't speak Japanese. I happened across this page trying to find a more extensive resource for Japanese verb conjugation (I'm trying to learn Japanese.), and I found a few tables of conjugation in Western languages. Spanish particularly caught my eye, because I am training to be a Spanish teacher in the United States. Other than the fact that the table only covers regular -ar verbs, I noticed that the table was incomplete. The imperative tense for tú and vosotro(a)s changes between negative and affirmative. This is very abnormal for Western languages, but it is necessary to keep in mind. Tú and vosotros get their own special conjugations in the affirmative (habla and hablad), but in the negative, their conjugation switches back to the subjunctive, just like the other forms (no hables and no habléis). I also changed the nosotro(a)s imperfect tense to "hablábamos". Also, the future él/ella form of hablar is "hablará", not "hablaba".

I don't know if you want to go this far, but there are a few more notes you could make for the imperative tense. For the affirmative tú and vosotros imperative forms, when you have a direct or indirect object, it must come attached at the end of the verb. For example, "me habla", while being a correct way to say "He/She speaks to me," is an incorrect way of saying "Speak to me." Instead, you should say "háblame." In the vosotros affirmative command (hablad), the final -d is dropped, and the final vowel gets an accent mark when you add a suffix pronoun, e.g. "habláme." These pronouns can -optionally- be used as suffixes in the present participle ("gerundio", e.g. hablando) and the infinitive (e.g. hablar). Examples of these are, "Estás hablandome," or "Me estás hablando," mean "You are speaking to me (right now)," for the gerundio, and "¿Podrías hablarme?" or "¿Me podrías hablar?" mean "Could you speak to me?" for the infinitive. Technically, all of the above examples I gave you are partially incorrect, because instead of an indirect object, Spanish speakers normally use a phrase with con (with) after hablar. I was just using the article's example verb. For almost all other -ar verbs, however, the above rules apply.

Also, perhaps you should note that in the United States (the primary Spanish-learning country), the vosotros form is almost never taught, since it is only used in Spain. Some countries, like Costa Rica, Argentina, Colombia, and a few others, use an alternative second person singular called the vos form. This takes the place of the tú form. Using vos is called "voseo". Using tú is called "tuteo". To form the vos, take take the i out of the vosotros form. Example: vos hablás (present), hablastes (preterite), hablabas (imperfect), hablarás (future), hablarías (conditional), hablés (subjunctive present), hablaras (subjunctive past), hablares (subjunctive future), hablá (imperative). This form is also almost never taught in the United States, probably because it isn't used in Mexico.

The past subjunctive -se form (hablase, comiese) is almost never used at all anymore. It's mainly found in old literature. The future subjunctive (hablare) is very archaic, and you'd be lucky to find someone with less than a Master's degree in Spanish who knows about it. Frankly, I'm impressed that it's in this article.

If you would like to also include regular -er and -ir verbs, I can provide conjugations for them here. (Honestly, there's not much difference between -er and -ir verbs, but the two as a unit are very different from -ar verbs.)

規則動詞の変化表(comer = eat)

  • 現在分詞: comiendo
  • 過去分詞: comido
叙法 直説法 接続法 命令法
時制 現在 点過去 線過去 未来 過去未来 現在 過去 未来
1人称単数 como comí comía comeré comería coma comiera
comiere -
2人称単数 comescomiste comías comerás comerías comascomieras
no comas
3人称単数 come com comía comerá comería coma comiera
1人称複数 comemos comimos comíamos comeremos comeríamos comamos comiéramos
2人称複数 coméis comisteis comíais comeréis comeríais comáis comierais
comiereis comed
no comáis
3人称複数 comen comieron comían comerán comerían coman comieran

規則動詞の変化表(partir = split, in any sense of the word)

  • 現在分詞: partiendo
  • 過去分詞: partido
叙法 直説法 接続法 命令法
時制 現在 点過去 線過去 未来 過去未来 現在 過去 未来
1人称単数 parto partí partía partiré partiría parta partiera
partiere -
2人称単数 partespartiste partías partirás partirías partaspartieras
no partas
3人称単数 parte part partía partirá partiría parta partiera
1人称複数 partimos partimos partíamos partiremos partiríamos partamos partiéramos
2人称複数 partís partisteis partíais partiréis partiríais partáis partierais
partiereis partid
no partáis
3人称複数 parten partieron partían partirán partirían partan partieran

Sorry if my comment bored you. I'm crazy about Spanish. I've also taken some French, but I'll spare you the grammar lesson on French verbs. They're a little more unforgiving. You can find me on the English Wikipedia as mellamoAndrés. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Mellamoandres 2009年8月3日 (月) 18:36 (UTC)[返信]