


「*604 is GOA*」について


英語版では、既に削除されてるんで「どうしようかなぁ?」と思ってる部分があります。 『そのまま、ゴアと呼ばれたり、604(特に海外では符丁としてこう表記する場合もある)などと呼ばれたりもする。』 この下り。 英語版では、下記の議論の後削除されてます。(反論してる人も居るけどね)

"The opening line comments that Goa is refered by the number 604. I have been involved in the Goa scene for years and have never heard of this - can anyone second this term use (is maybe something used by only a handful of people, in which case it should be removed)? *604 is GOA*"

確かに僕自身、GOA=604なんて聞いた事も無かったし。 日本でも、わかる人間ってこの記述にもあるようにごく一部ではないかと。 最近の記事ではちょこちょこ出てくるんですけど、少なくとも全盛期にそういう使い方してた人っているんでしょうか? 皆さんのご意見をお聞かせ願えれば幸いです。


Oct 28, 1996 from Braden L. Albert:
Hey Everyone,
I had a very weird thing happen to me while at a party in Cleveland on Saturday night. I was in the main room of this rave at the time. It must have been about 4:00 A.M. or so. I had been dancing to this great hypnotic trance for a couple hours. It winded its way from acid to psychedelic to tribal and back to psychedelic trance like the thumping, swirling swing of a grandfather clock on LSD. Anyway, after working up a righteous sweat, I took a breather on a bench. The venue was a converted roller skating rink, so there were plenty of benches on which to sit. As I was grooving in my repose to the still rising tide of scintillating tunes, I looked at this object in front of my and my mouth dropped. It was this huge mail bag that had the letter "604" inked on the canvas. But the inking was done in such a way that the "6" looked just like a "G" and the "4" looked like an "A". So "604" was actually "GOA" in disguise. Considering the music and where my head was at the time, it was quite a moment. Talk about signs, huh?
Braden Albert
--Love S. Dove 2007年12月20日 (木) 04:00 (UTC)[返信]