

First of all, sorry for not writing in 日本語, but I'm just starting to learn the language, so I can barely understand some words.

Well, I can't do any work here in the 日本語でウィキペディア except from adding interwikis, so that's the thing I'll do (if I can find the translation of the words in 日本語 :P).

I'm from カタルーニャ, a region in the north-east of スペイン, and I work mainly on the カタルーニャ語でウィキペディア. I'm interested in the following topics:

  1. アニメ漫画
  2. 日本語
  3. Linuxフリーソフトウェア
  4. 天文学

When I have time (it's not very frequent :P), I (will) translate some articles related to those topics from 英語 to カタルーニャ語.

If I can help you with something, feel free to contact me in 英語, カタルーニャ語 or スペイン語, as you wish ;)

And if you want to translate this page into 日本語, I would be happy to have it fully translated ^^