
利用者:Eloc Jcg

Hello there. I am Eloc Jcg from English Wikipedia. I am quite interested in the Japanese Language and plan to learn it and move to Japan to become a translator or an English teacher once I graduate High School. I am currently 16 years old and have the same username on English Wikipedia, Guild Wars Wiki and GuildWiki. If you can speak to me in English, that would be much appreciated.--Eloc Jcg 2007年6月4日 (月) 19:38 (UTC)

I am interested in many Japanese Bands, such as 12012, D'espairs Ray, Dir En Grey & High and Mighty Color. I would appreciate if some people would help me with learning the basics of Japanese or something. I have already found my way around the site just based on the English version.--Eloc 2007年6月4日 (月) 19:49 (UTC)