



  • become best known for his science fiction, including his novel War with the Newts (1936) and play R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots, 1920), which introduced…
    41キロバイト (4,253 語) - 2024年6月17日 (月) 00:08
  • series, and based on the fictional textbook of the same name written by Newt Scamander and used by students at Hogwarts. Many of these creatures are derived…
    113キロバイト (15,495 語) - 2024年6月27日 (木) 21:19
  • confirmation of Justice Elena Kagan, Greenwald described Goldstein as "heaping obsequious praise on every nominee to the Court, while attacking and mocking all…
    10キロバイト (1,060 語) - 2024年5月17日 (金) 07:17