



  • From 1151 onwards, Medina paid allegiance to the Zengids, and the Emir Nuruddin Zengi took care of the roads used by pilgrims and funded the fixing of the…
    91キロバイト (9,368 語) - 2024年6月22日 (土) 02:45
  • where Imad ad-Din Zengi acknowledged his debt and appointed Ayyub commander of his fortress in Baalbek. After the death of Zengi in 1146, his son, Nur…
    116キロバイト (15,355 語) - 2024年6月1日 (土) 13:44
  • the Sheikh Salman area north-west of Aleppo. It is named after Nur ad-Din Zengi, atabeg of Aleppo, an emir of Damascus and Aleppo in the 12th century. The…
    37キロバイト (3,265 語) - 2024年5月24日 (金) 21:03
  • Lawaih by Mawlana Jami (718AH/1414AC-898AH/ 1492AC), his actual name is Nuruddin Abdur Rahman Jami, he was prolific scholar and writer of mystical Sufi…
    56キロバイト (7,391 語) - 2024年4月10日 (水) 01:50