



  • languages (e.g. the Latin alphabet) should be the dominant mode. Some Lojbanists extend this principle of cultural neutrality and assert that Lojban should…
    48キロバイト (4,383 語) - 2024年7月22日 (月) 19:18
  • literally meaning "far-away-in-stan" Lojbanistan – the fictional country Lojbanists imagine themselves inhabiting Moldovistan – a fictional island country…
    43キロバイト (3,183 語) - 2024年7月10日 (水) 15:57
  • programming—resources that were unavailable to the designers of earlier languages. Lojbanist Bob LeChevalier summarized one advantage of Lojban grammar as follows:…
    70キロバイト (7,364 語) - 2024年4月14日 (日) 01:17
  • reported it to a Lojbanist group at a convention, who informed her that it was incorrect. She notes that this is a common problem for Lojbanists, giving the…
    25キロバイト (3,185 語) - 2023年12月16日 (土) 21:21
  • linguists call roots or root words, Loglanists call primitives or prims, and Lojbanists call gismu. The lexeme of Loglan and selma'o of Lojban have nothing to…
    8キロバイト (962 語) - 2024年4月30日 (火) 03:48