



  • month, Kirovles sued Navalny for the 16.1 million rubles' declared pecuniary injury; Navalny declared he had not expected the suit, as Kirovles did not…
    336キロバイト (29,063 語) - 2024年6月25日 (火) 00:37
  • of the local Kirov Oblast corporation Kirovles to sign a deal with the new company on unfavorable terms. Kirovles allegedly lost millions of dollars while…
    38キロバイト (3,837 語) - 2024年5月31日 (金) 04:53
  • leader and a former Russian advocate who was deprived advocate's status in November 2013 after the judgement in the Kirovles case had entered into force…
    75キロバイト (6,973 語) - 2024年6月26日 (水) 16:21
  • five-year suspended sentence for embezzlement of timber from the company Kirovles, when Navalny was working as an aide to Governor Nikita Belykh of the Kirov…
    121キロバイト (7,873 語) - 2024年6月5日 (水) 17:32
  • suspended sentence for accused embezzlement of timber from the company Kirovles. The Russian Supreme Court overturned his sentence in November 2016 after…
    112キロバイト (3,881 語) - 2024年6月6日 (木) 19:04