

もしかして: freak
  • for(v A((u A((e A((r-2?0:(V A(1[U])),"C") ),system("stty raw -echo min 0"),fread(l,78114,1,e),B(e),"B")),"A")); 118-(x =*c++); (y=x/8%8,z=(x&199)-4 S 1 S…
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  • fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open \"%s\" in read mode.\n", fileName); return -1; } len = fread(&v, sizeof(double), 1, fp); if (len != 1) { fclose(fp); fprintf(stderr,…
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  • George Herbert (1899). Insects, their structure and life. Philips, Chris; Fread, Elizabeth; Kuhar, Tom, Leatherwing (Soldier) Beetles (PDF), archived from…
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  • (<)< <)+{+i.f>([180*/1* (r),q);if(y[u ]&16)k=A;if (y[u]&2)k--;if(i/* ("^w^NAMORI; { I*/==a/*" )*/){/**/i=a=(u)*11 &255;if(1&&0>= (a= fread(b,1,1024,p))&&…
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  • from the original on January 18, 2018. Retrieved January 17, 2018. "David F. Larcker". Stanford Graduate School of Business. Archived from the original…
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  • Phillip L.-F. Liu 1977 Ted B. Belytschko; G. Wayne Clough; David H. Marks; James P. Tullis; and Harry G. Wenzel 1976 Zdenek P. Bazant; Danny L. Fread; Lester…
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