



  • life stage; juveniles are able to bend their abdomens upwards, allowing them to easily resemble a flower. However, the adult's wings are too large, inhibiting…
    15キロバイト (1,065 語) - 2024年6月9日 (日) 14:39
  • 1769 復 彳 12 5 again フク fuku 1770 福 福  示 13 3 luck フク fuku 1771 腹 肉 13 6 abdomen フク、はら fuku, hara 1772 複 衣 14 5 duplicate フク fuku 1773 覆 襾 18 S capsize…
    353キロバイト (688 語) - 2024年3月6日 (水) 13:02
  • specially prepared burrow, where a single egg is laid on the spider's abdomen, and the burrow entrance is covered. Sex of offspring is determined by…
    10キロバイト (1,091 語) - 2024年5月28日 (火) 11:32
  • Hoverfly (Flower flyからのリダイレクト)
    called flower flies or syrphids, make up the insect family Syrphidae. As their common name suggests, they are often seen hovering or nectaring at flowers; the…
    24キロバイト (2,632 語) - 2024年6月6日 (木) 18:24
  • exoskeleton of the abdomen is divided into plates called dorsal tergites and ventral sternites. Wax is secreted from glands on the abdomen and extruded between…
    106キロバイト (11,518 語) - 2024年6月5日 (水) 17:38
  • long, the body is completely black, with two glossy yellow stripes on the abdomen. The wings have a smoky-dark color, with blue reflexes. Antennae of males…
    4キロバイト (366 語) - 2024年6月7日 (金) 11:22
  • slight pink iridescence. Female flower-loving flies possess specialized egg-laying organs on the last segment on their abdomens (acanthophorites). A single…
    27キロバイト (3,446 語) - 2024年6月9日 (日) 04:54
  • of neat black blotches, some solid and some hollow. The overside of the abdomen is dark blue with orange markings, while the underside is white with solid…
    9キロバイト (611 語) - 2024年6月1日 (土) 09:49
  • from the Latin abdomen, meaning belly. It refers to the similarity between the shape of the labellum (lip) and the shape of the abdomen of an insect. The…
    3キロバイト (186 語) - 2024年3月18日 (月) 01:59
  • flower mantis or giant devil's flower mantis. It is one of the largest species of praying mantises, and is possibly the largest that mimics flowers.…
    10キロバイト (903 語) - 2023年12月29日 (金) 16:21
  • Bee (Coevolution of bees and flowersからのリダイレクト)
    hooks along their margin which connect to a groove in the forewing. The abdomen has nine segments, the hindermost three being modified into the sting.…
    117キロバイト (12,217 語) - 2024年6月3日 (月) 09:56
  • subspecies rufipes they are black or dark brown. The head, the thorax, the abdomen are bright red or orange. The long antennae are reddish, with darker tips…
    3キロバイト (244 語) - 2023年1月12日 (木) 10:50
  • as to be reliably mistaken for them. Their narrow wings and streamlined abdomens are adaptations for rapid flight. The family was named by French zoologist…
    20キロバイト (2,255 語) - 2024年1月1日 (月) 01:11
  • eastern Africa. The adult has spiny structures on the underside of its abdomen, giving it its name. It is variable in colour, being typically light green…
    3キロバイト (376 語) - 2024年3月1日 (金) 16:43
  • downy hair and is glossy black in colour with two yellow bands across its abdomen which are sometimes divided to form four yellow spots. Females have shorter…
    7キロバイト (644 語) - 2024年3月26日 (火) 07:09
  • The cephalothorax (prosoma) is light yellowish to red-brown, but the abdomen (opisthosoma) is definitely green or yellowish green, with four pairs of…
    5キロバイト (498 語) - 2024年3月18日 (月) 14:55
  • Beetle (Abdomenの節)
    sternum is the most widely visible part of the abdomen, being a more or less sclerotized segment. The abdomen itself does not have any appendages, but some…
    155キロバイト (16,863 語) - 2024年5月26日 (日) 22:01
  • Orchid (Orchid flowerからのリダイレクト)
    enters into the flower, it touches a viscidium, which promptly sticks to its body, generally on the head or abdomen. While leaving the flower, it pulls the…
    60キロバイト (6,303 語) - 2024年6月15日 (土) 03:43
  • Hymenopus coronatus (Walking flower mantisからのリダイレクト)
    will land on and around the flowers, attracted by nectar as well as the small, black spot on the end of the mantid's abdomen, which resembles a fly. When…
    13キロバイト (1,535 語) - 2024年6月7日 (金) 21:46
  • male contacts the female, he mounts her back and attempts to push his abdomen under hers. Copulation then occurs, and it is almost always followed by…
    22キロバイト (2,909 語) - 2023年8月12日 (土) 20:28
  • Insects have a chitinous exoskeleton, a three-part body (head, thorax and abdomen), three pairs of jointed legs, compound eyes, and a pair of antennae. Insects…
    134キロバイト (12,781 語) - 2024年6月11日 (火) 21:16