



  • Acronym (Acronymousからのリダイレクト)
    develop as "orphan initialisms"; an existing acronym is redefined as a non-acronymous name, severing its link to its previous meaning. For example, the letters…
    119キロバイト (14,103 語) - 2024年6月15日 (土) 07:10
  • audits. In response to pressure from AOL, the program was renamed to the acronymous-but-lowercase gaim. As AOL Instant Messenger gained popularity, AOL trademarked…
    22キロバイト (1,993 語) - 2024年6月6日 (木) 05:55
  • The new, abbreviated title, for example, was a nod to the flurry of acronymous (and anonymous) bodies disseminating orders at will. {{cite journal}}:…
    5キロバイト (635 語) - 2024年6月18日 (火) 18:17
  • (Lambeth) in London – with the initial of each hospital making up the acronymous name of the school. The school in its current guise was formed following…
    31キロバイト (2,833 語) - 2024年6月24日 (月) 13:18
  • Mathangi Arulpragasam, rapper and activist, known by her stage name M.I.A. (acronymous for Missing In Acton), grew up in the town, which is referenced numerous…
    35キロバイト (3,930 語) - 2024年6月19日 (水) 20:18
  • per azioni (S.p.a.), Italian Automobile Factory of Turin, in 1899. Its acronymous name was changed to upper- and lower-case Fiat in 1906. Agnelli led the…
    85キロバイト (9,532 語) - 2024年6月15日 (土) 08:22
  • had appeared in Russia between 1903 and 1912". He gives the text the acronymous name, "PSM", from its Russian title (romanized) Protocoly sionskikh mudretsov…
    8キロバイト (1,007 語) - 2023年8月11日 (金) 13:44