
「利用者:Dragoniez/scripts/RFD Helper.js」の版間の差分

削除された内容 追加された内容
RFD Helper v1.0

2022年5月27日 (金) 07:32時点における版

 * Name: RFD Helper         *
 * Author: Dragoneiz        *
 * Version: 1.0             *

// ******************** CONFIGS ********************

/* Config
rfdhConfig: {
    headerColor: '#FEC493',
    backgroundColor: '#FFF0E4',
    portletlinkPosition: 'skin-dependent',
    fontSize: 'skin-dependent'
}                                               */

if (typeof rfdhConfig === 'undefined') var rfdhConfig = {};
if (!rfdhConfig.headerColor) rfdhConfig.headerColor = '#FEC493';
if (!rfdhConfig.backgroundColor) rfdhConfig.backgroundColor = '#FFF0E4';

// ******************** SCRIPT BODY ********************

(function() { // Create a function scope

// ************************* VARIABLES *************************

// DebugMode
const debuggingMode = {
    'library': false,
    'portletlinkText': false,
    'targetPage': false,
    'scriptAd': false,
    'causeIntentionalError': false
const library = debuggingMode.library ?
                '' :
const portletlinkText = debuggingMode.portletlinkText ? 'リダイレクトの削除依頼β' : 'リダイレクトの削除依頼';
const RFDR = debuggingMode.targetPage ? '利用者:Dragoniez/test3' : 'Wikipedia:リダイレクトの削除依頼/受付';
const scriptAd = ' ([[User:Dragoniez/scripts/RFD Helper|' + (debuggingMode.scriptAd ? 'RFD Helper Dev]])' : 'RFD Helper]])');
const token = debuggingMode.causeIntentionalError ? '' : undefined;

// Font size
var fontSize;
if (rfdhConfig.fontSize) {
    fontSize = rfdhConfig.fontSize;
} else {
    switch(mw.config.get('skin')) {
        case 'vector':
        case 'vector-2022':
        case 'minerva':
            fontSize = '80%';
        case 'monobook':
            fontSize = '110%';
        case 'timeless':
            fontSize = '90%';
            fontSize = '80%';

// Others
const REDIRS = {}; // {source: goal, source2: goal2}...
const btns = [{ // Buttons of the dialog
    'text': '依頼',
    'click': submitRequest
}, {
    'text': 'プレビュー',
    'click': preview
}, {
    'text': '閉じる',
    'click': function() {

// ************************* DOM READY FUNCTION *************************

).then(function() {
    if (dragoLib.inGroup('autoconfirmed') && mw.config.get('wgAction') !== 'edit') appendPortletlink();

// ************************* MAIN FUNCTIONS *************************

var firsttime = true;
function appendPortletlink() {

    if (firsttime) {
        firsttime = false;
            '<style>' +
            '   .rfdh-needmargin {' +
            '       margin: 0.5em 0;' +
            '   }' +
            '   .rfdh-textarea {' +
            '       width: 100%;' +
            '       box-sizing: border-box;' +
            '   }' +

    // Define the position of the portletlink (skin-dependent)
    var lkPosition;
    if (rfdhConfig.portletlinkPosition) {
        lkPosition = rfdhConfig.portletlinkPosition;
    } else {
        if (mw.config.get('skin') === 'minerva') {
            lkPosition = 'p-personal';
        } else {
            lkPosition = 'p-cactions';

    // Add a portletlink
    $(mw.util.addPortletLink(lkPosition, '#', portletlinkText, 'ca-rfdh', 'リダイレクトの削除依頼を提出', null, '#ca-move')).click(openDialog);


function openDialog(e) {

    const votes =
    '<option value="">なし</option>' +
    '<option value="{{AFD|削除}}">削除</option>' +
    '<option value="{{AFD|全削除}}">全削除</option>' +
    '<option value="{{AFD|即時削除}}">即時削除</option>' +
    '<option value="{{AFD|全即時削除}}">全即時削除</option>' +
    '<option value="{{AFD|緊急削除}}">緊急削除</option>' +
    '<option value="{{AFD|緊急即時削除}}">緊急即時削除</option>' +
    '<option value="{{AFD|一部}}">一部削除/存続</option>' +
    '<option value="{{AFD|存続}}">存続</option>' +
    '<option value="{{AFD|全存続}}">全存続</option>' +
    '<option value="{{AFD|履歴統合}}">履歴統合</option>';

    const dialogHtml =
    '<div id="rfdh-dialog" title="RFD Helper" style="max-height: 80vh; min-width: 515px;">' +
    '   <div id="rfdh-dialog-header">' +
    '       <h2>リダイレクトの削除依頼</h2>' +
    '   </div>' +
    '   <div id="rfdh-dialog-body">' +
    '       <form>' +
    '           <div id="rfdh-redirectlist-div">' +
    '               <label for="rfdh-redirectlist-input">リダイレクト元 (ページごとに改行)</label>' +
    '               <textarea id="rfdh-redirectlist-input" class="rfdh-textarea" rows="8"></textarea>' +
    '               <input id="rfdh-redirectlist-cleanup" class="rfdh-needmargin" type="button" value="整形" style="margin-right: 0.5em;">' +
    '               <span>(余分な改行および重複項目を除去)</span>' +
    '           </div>' +
    '           <div id="rfdh-vote-div" class="rfdh-needmargin">' +
    '               <label for="rfdh-vote-select">依頼者票 <span style="font-size: smaller;">(複数選択する場合のみ中間表現必須)</span></label><br>' +
    '               <select id="rfdh-vote-select">' +
                        votes +
    '               </select>' +
    '               <select id="rfdh-votedelimiter-select">' +
    '                   <option value=""></option>' +
    '                   <option value="および">および</option>' +
    '                   <option value="または">または</option>' +
    '               </select>' +
    '               <select id="rfdh-vote-select2">' +
                        votes +
    '               </select>' +
    '           </div>' +
    '           <div id="rfdh-reason-div" class="rfdh-needmargin">' +
    '               <label for="rfdh-reason-input">依頼文 <span style="font-size: smaller;">(署名不要)</span></label>' +
    '               <textarea id="rfdh-reason-input" class="rfdh-textarea" rows="3"></textarea>' +
    '           </div>' +
    '           <div id="rfdh-summary-div" class="rfdh-needmargin">' +
    '               <input id="rfdh-summary-checkbox" type="checkbox">' +
    '               <label for="rfdh-summary-checkbox">要約を指定</label>' +
    '               <textarea id="rfdh-summary-input" class="rfdh-textarea" rows="3" style="display: none;"></textarea>' +
    '           </div>' +
    '       </form>' +
    '   </div>' +

    // Add the frame div to the page

    // Show dialog
        'resizable': false,
        'height': 'auto',
        'width': 'auto',
        'modal': true,
        'open': function() {
            dragoLib.dialogCSS(rfdhConfig.headerColor, rfdhConfig.backgroundColor, fontSize);
            $('#rfdh-vote-select').children('option').eq(1).prop('selected', true);
        'buttons': btns


// Check whether the necessary fileds are filleld
function editPrep1() {

    // Redirect sources
    const redirects = getRedirectSources();
    if (redirects.length === 0) {

    // Votes
    const $vote = $('#rfdh-vote-select'), $delimiter = $('#rfdh-votedelimiter-select'), $vote2 = $('#rfdh-vote-select2');
    var vote = $vote.children('option').filter(':selected').val();
    var delimiter = $delimiter.children('option').filter(':selected').val();
    var vote2 = $vote2.children('option').filter(':selected').val();
    switch (true) {
        case vote && vote2:
            if (!delimiter) {
        case vote && !vote2:
        case !vote && !vote2:
            if (delimiter) {
                $delimiter.children('option').eq(0).prop('selected', true); // Blank delimiter
                delimiter = '';
        case !vote && vote2:
            $vote.children(`option[value=${vote2}]`).prop('selected', true); // Move vote2 to vote
            $delimiter.children('option').eq(0).prop('selected', true); // Blank delimiter
            $vote2.children('option').eq(0).prop('selected', true); // Blank vote2
            vote = vote2;
            delimiter = '';
            vote2 = '';
    const votetext = vote + delimiter + vote2;

    // Get text for the request (at this point RFD templates are not included)
    var reqText = dragoLib.trim2($('#rfdh-reason-input').val());
    if (!reqText) {
    reqText = '** ' + votetext + ' ' + reqText + (reqText.substring(reqText.length - 4) === '~~~~' ? '' : '--~~~~');

    // Return values once (Go on to API query)
    return {
        'redirects': redirects,
        'reqText': reqText,
        'summary': generateSummary(dragoLib.getSection5('依頼'), redirects.length)


// Add RFD templates to reqText
async function editPred2(ep) {

    // Anonymous function to get redirect targets and update REDIRS
    const getRredirectTargets = async function(redirects) {   

        const queryRedirects = function(redirectsArr) {
            return new Promise(function(resolve) {
                new mw.Api().get({
                    'action': 'query',
                    'titles': redirectsArr.join('|'), // Max 50
                    'redirects': 1,
                    'formatversion': 2
                }).then(function(res) {
                    var resRdr, redirect;
                    if (res && (resRdr = res.query)) {
                        if (resRdr = resRdr.redirects) {
                            for (let i = 0; i < resRdr.length; i++) {
                                redirect = resRdr[i];
                                REDIRS[redirect.from] = redirect.to;
                        } else { // If the API doesn't return res.query.redirects, the queried titles are all non-redirects
                            for (let i = 0; i < redirectsArr.length; i++) {
                                redirect = redirectsArr[i];
                                REDIRS[redirect] = undefined;
                }).catch(function(code, err) {

        const redirectsArr = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(redirects)); // Prevent pass-by-reference (the variable will be spliced)
        const queries = [];
        while(redirectsArr.length !== 0) {
            queries.push(queryRedirects(redirectsArr.slice(0, 50)));
            redirectsArr.splice(0, 50);
        return await Promise.all(queries);


    // Return reqText and summary as an object
    const tlRfd = '* {{RFD|SOURCE|GOAL}}\n', tlRfdForRequest = [];
    var redirects = ep.redirects, reqText = ep.reqText, needQuery = false;
    for (let i = 0; i < redirects.length; i++) {
        if (!REDIRS[redirects[i]]) { // If the object doesn't know the target of any redirect, it can be retrieved from the API
            needQuery = true;
    if (needQuery) {
        needQuery = false;
        await getRredirectTargets(redirects);
    for (let i = 0; i < redirects.length; i++) {
        if (!REDIRS[redirects[i]]) needQuery = true;
        tlRfdForRequest.push(tlRfd.replace('SOURCE', redirects[i]).replace('GOAL', REDIRS[redirects[i]]));
    reqText = tlRfdForRequest.join('') + reqText;
    return {
        'reqText': reqText,
        'redirects': redirects,
        'summary': ep.summary,
        'needQuery': needQuery


function generateSummary(section, redirectsCnt) {
    var summary = dragoLib.trim2($('#rfdh-summary-input').val());
    summary = summary ? summary : '+' + redirectsCnt;
    summary = `/*${section}*/ ${summary}${scriptAd}`;
    return summary;

function preview() {

    // Check if the necessary fields are filled and get edit information
    var ep = editPrep1();
    if (!ep) return;

    // Preview dialog contour
    const previewDiv =
    '<div id="rfdh-preview-dialog" title="RFD Helper Preview" style="max-height: 80vh;">' +
    '   <div id="rfdh-preview-header" style="padding: 0.5em;">' +
    '       <p id="rfdh-preview-loading">' +
    '           プレビューを読み込み中' + dragoLib.toggleLoadingSpinner('add') +
    '       </p>' +
    '       <div id="rfdh-preview-warning" style="display: none;">' +
    '           <p>' +
    '               転送先が <span style="color: red; font-weight: bold;">undefined</span> と表示される項目は以下のいずれかに起因します:' +
    '           </p>' +
    '           <ol>' +
    '               <li>リダイレクト元のページ名が間違っている</li>' +
    '               <li>リダイレクト元として入力されたページがリダイレクトではない</li>' +
    '               <li>リダイレクト先の取得時に通信に失敗した</li>' +
    '           </ol>' +
    '       </div>' +
    '   </div>' +
    '   <div id="rfdh-preview-body" style="display: none; font-size: 1.1em; padding-top: 1em; border-top: 1px solid silver;">' +
    '       <div id="rfdh-preview-text" style="border: 1px solid silver; padding: 0.2em 0.5em; background: white;">' +
    //          previewHtml
    '       </div>' +
    '       <div id="rfdh-preview-summary" style="margin-top: 0.8em; border: 1px solid silver; padding: 0.2em 0.5em; background: white;">' +
    //          summaryHtml
    '       </div>' +
    '       <div id="rfdh-preview-checkbox-div" style="margin: 0.5em 0; display: none;">' +
    '           <input id="rfdh-preview-checkbox" type="checkbox">' +
    '           <label for="rfdh-preview-checkbox">プレビューを閉じる際に undefined 項目を自動的にリダイレクト元リストから除去</label>' +
    '       </div>' +
    '   </div>' +

    // Show preview dialog
        'height': 'auto',
        'width': $('#content').width() * 0.8,
        'modal': true,
        'open': async function(){

            // Initialize the design of the dialog
            dragoLib.dialogCSS(rfdhConfig.headerColor, rfdhConfig.backgroundColor, fontSize);

            // Update REDIRS and get text and summary to preview
            ep = await editPred2(ep);

            // Convert text on the dialog to html
            const parsed = await dragoLib.getParsedHtml(ep.reqText, ep.summary);
            if (parsed) {

                if (ep.needQuery) $('#rfdh-preview-checkbox-div').css('display', 'block').children('input').prop('checked', true);
                const previewHtml = parsed.htmltext;
                const summaryHtml = parsed.htmlsummary.replace(/API/g, RFDR);
                $('.autocomment a').css('color', 'gray'); // Change color of section spec in summary
                $('#rfdh-preview-dialog a').attr('target', '_blank'); // Open all links on a new tab
                $('#rfdh-preview-body').css('display', 'block');
                $('#rfdh-preview-warning').css('display', 'block');

            } else {
                $('#rfdh-preview-loading').text('プレビューの読み込みに失敗しました').css('color', 'MediumVioletRed');
                }, 5000);

        'buttons': [{
            'text': '閉じる',
            'click': function(){
                if ($('#rfdh-preview-checkbox').is(':checked')) {
                    const $input = $('#rfdh-redirectlist-input');
                    var inputVal = dragoLib.trim2($input.val());
                    inputVal = inputVal.split('\n');
                    inputVal = inputVal.filter(function(item) {
                        return REDIRS[item]; // Remove the undefined
                    .dialog({'buttons': btns})
                    .find('form').css('display', 'block');


async function submitRequest() {

    if (!dragoLib.inGroup('autoconfirmed')) { // Just in case
        $('#rfdh-dialog, #ca-rfdh').remove();

    const $dialog = $('#rfdh-dialog');

    // Check if the necessary fields are filled
    var ep = editPrep1();
    if (!ep) return;

    // Hide the form and buttons and show a message
        .append(`<p id="rfdh-editting">準備中${dragoLib.toggleLoadingSpinner('add')}</p>`)
        .dialog({'buttons': []})
        .find('form').css('display', 'none');

    ep = await editPred2(ep);
    if (ep.needQuery) { // If any redirect target failed to be fetched
        $('#rfdh-editting').prop('innerHTML', '<span style="color: MediumVioletRed;">転送先不明のリダイレクトを検出しました</span>');
            'buttons': [{
                'text': 'プレビュー',
                'click': preview
            }, {
                'text': '続行',
                'click': function() {
                    $(this).dialog({'buttons': []});
            }, {
                'text': '戻る',
                'click': function() {
                    $(this).find('form').css('display', 'block');
                    $(this).dialog({'buttons': btns});
            }, {
                'text': '中止',
                'click': function() {
    } else {


async function submitRequest2(ep) {

    $('#rfdh-editting').prop('innerHTML', '依頼を提出しています' + dragoLib.toggleLoadingSpinner('add'));

    // Get timestamps
    const ts = await dragoLib.getTimestamps(RFDR);
    if (!ts) return editDone(ep, 'ts');

    // Get section
    const section = dragoLib.getSection5('依頼');
    ep.section = section;

    // Get the content of the section to which the request will be submitted
    const parsed = await dragoLib.parsePage(RFDR, section);
    if (parsed) {
        var wikitext = parsed.wikitext[0];
        var sectNum = parsed.sectionNumber;
    } else {
        return editDone(ep, 'sect');

    // Check for duplicate requests
    const duplicateRequests = [];
    const redirectsEscaped = dragoLib.escapeRegExp(ep.redirects.join('|'));
    const redirectRegExp = new RegExp(`(?:${redirectsEscaped})`);
    const templates = dragoLib.findTemplates(wikitext, 'rfd'); // Extract RFD templates
    if (templates.length !== 0) {    
        for (const tl of templates) { // Loop through all the extracted RFD templates and check if the 1st parameter contains the redirect(s) to be RFD-ed
            let mtch;
            if (mtch = tl.split('|')[1].match(redirectRegExp)) {
                mtch = mtch[0].replace(/_/g, ' ');
                if ($.inArray(mtch, duplicateRequests) === -1) duplicateRequests.push(mtch);

    // Update ep
    const drEscaped = dragoLib.escapeRegExp(duplicateRequests.join('|'));
    const rqTxtRegExp = new RegExp('\\* \\{{2}RFD\\|(?:' + drEscaped + ')\\|.+\\}{2}\\n', 'g');
    if (ep.reqText.match(rqTxtRegExp)) {
        ep.reqText = ep.reqText.replace(rqTxtRegExp, ''); // Remove all duplicates from the report text
        ep.updated = true; // Create a new property in ep which signals that reqText has been updated
    var mtch;
    if (!(mtch = ep.reqText.match(/\* {{RFD\|/g))) return editDone(ep, 'dr'); // If reqText has no RFD template in it, all the redirects have already been reported
    ep.summary = generateSummary(section, mtch.length); // Re-generate edit summary

    // Edit page
    const result = await dragoLib.editPage(RFDR, '\n\n' + ep.reqText, 'appendtext', ts.baseTS, ts.curTS, sectNum, ep.summary, token);
    switch(result) {
        case true: // Edit succeeded
            editDone(ep, true);
        case false: // Edit failed with an unknown error
            editDone(ep, false);
        default: // Edit failed with a known error ('result' stores error info)
            editDone(ep, result);


 * @param {*} ep
 * @param {*} type 'dr' when request is cancelled because of duplicates, 'ts' when timestamps failed to be fetched, 'sect' when section number
 * failed to be fetcehd, true when edit succeeded, false when unexpected error occurred on edit, errcode when edit failed 
 function editDone(ep, type) {

    const drText = ep.updated ? ' (重複依頼分は除去されました)' : '';
    const $msg = $('#rfdh-editting');
    var editFailed = true, showCopyButton = true;

    switch(type) {
        case 'dr':
            $msg.prop('innerHTML', '<span style="color: MediumVioletRed;">中止: 指定されたリダイレクトは既に全て依頼されています</span>');
            showCopyButton = false;
        case 'ts':
            $msg.prop('innerHTML', '<span style="color: MediumVioletRed;">失敗: 報告先の最新版が取得できませんでした</span>');
        case 'sect':
            $msg.prop('innerHTML', '<span style="color: MediumVioletRed;">失敗: 報告先のセクション情報が取得できませんでした</span>');
        case true:
            $msg.prop('innerHTML', `<span style="color: MediumSeaGreen;">成功: 依頼が完了しました${drText}</span>`);
            editFailed = false;
            showCopyButton = false;
        case false:
            $msg.prop('innerHTML', '<span style="color: MediumSeaGreen;">失敗: ページの編集段階で不明なエラーが発生しました</span>');
            $msg.prop('innerHTML', `<span style="color: MediumVioletRed;">失敗: ${type}</span>`);

    const $dialog = $('#rfdh-dialog');
        'buttons': [{
            'text': '報告先',
            'click': function() {
                window.open(mw.util.getUrl(RFDR + '#' + ep.section), '_blank');
        }, {
            'text': '閉じる',
            'click': function() {
    if (editFailed && showCopyButton) {
            '<label for="rfdh-editfailed">手動編集用:</label>' +
            '<input id="rfdh-editfailed" type="button" style="margin-left: 0.5em;" value="依頼文をコピー">'

    $('#rfdh-editfailed').click(function() {


 * Check and update the redirect list textarea, and return its content as an array without duplicates
 * @returns {Array}
function getRedirectSources() {
    const $input = $('#rfdh-redirectlist-input');
    var inputVal = dragoLib.trim2($input.val());
    if (!inputVal) return [];
    inputVal = inputVal.split('\n');
    inputVal = inputVal.filter(function(item, index) {
        return item !== '' && inputVal.indexOf(item) === index;
    return inputVal;

// ************************* EVENT HANDLERS *************************

// Clean up the redirect list textarea when the button is hit
$(document).off('click', '#rfdh-redirectlist-cleanup').on('click', '#rfdh-redirectlist-cleanup', function() {

// Expand/shrink the summary textarea when the checkbox is (un)checked
$(document).off('click', '#rfdh-summary-checkbox').on('click', '#rfdh-summary-checkbox', function() {
    const $textarea = $('#rfdh-summary-input');
    if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
        let redirectsCnt, summary;
        summary = (redirectsCnt = getRedirectSources().length) === 0 ? '' : '+' + redirectsCnt;
        $textarea.css('display', 'inline-block').val(summary);
    } else {
        $textarea.css('display', 'none').val('');

// Remove the dialog html when closed
$(document).off('dialogclose', '#rfdh-dialog, #rfdh-preview-dialog').on('dialogclose', '#rfdh-dialog, #rfdh-preview-dialog', function() {
