モーティマー・ジェローム・アドラー(Mortimer Jerome Adler, 1902年12月28日 - 2001年6月28日)は、アメリカ合衆国の哲学者、教育者である。
ハッチンスとアドラーは西洋の主要な古典をまとめた叢書「グレートブックス・オブ・ザ・ウェスタン・ワールド」(Great Books of the Western World)(54巻、ブリタニカ社、1952年)を編集、刊行した。アドラーはこの叢書の編集の中で、重要なIdea(概念)を102個挙げ、これをGreat Ideasと呼んだ。
グレートブックス運動は、Great Books Foundation、シカゴの哲学研究所の設立、Aspen Executive SeminorやPaideia Projectなど、多方面に展開した。[2]
[編集]- Dialectic (1927)
- The Nature of Judicial Proof: An Inquiry into the Logical, Legal, and Empirical Aspects of the Law of Evidence (1931, with Jerome Michael)
- Diagrammatics (1932, with Maude Phelps Hutchins)
- Crime, Law and Social Science (1933, with Jerome Michael)
- Art and Prudence: A Study in Practical Philosophy (1937)
- What Man Has Made of Man: A Study of the Consequences of Platonism and Positivism in Psychology (1937)[3]
- St. Thomas and the Gentiles (1938)
- The Philosophy and Science of Man: A Collection of Texts as a Foundation for Ethics and Politics (1940)
- How to Read a Book: The Art of Getting a Liberal Education (1940), 1966 edition subtitled A Guide to Reading the Great Books, 1972 revised edition with Charles Van Doren, The Classic Guide to Intelligent Reading: ISBN 0-671-21209-5
- C.V.ドーレン共著、外山滋比古、槇未知子訳『本を読む本』ブリタニカ、1978年/講談社、1997年
- A Dialectic of Morals: Towards the Foundations of Political Philosophy (1941)
- “How to Mark a Book”. The Saturday Review of Literature. (July 6, 1940)[4]
- How to Think About War and Peace (1944)
- The Revolution in Education (1944, with Milton Mayer)
- ミルトン・メイヤー共著、荘司雅子ほか訳『教育革命:岐路に立つ20世紀の教育』刀江書院、1961年
- Adler, Mortimer J. (1947). Heywood, Robert B.. ed. The Works of the Mind: The Philosopher. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. OCLC 752682744
- The Idea of Freedom: A Dialectical Examination of the Idea of Freedom, 1, Doubleday, (1958).
- The Capitalist Manifesto (1958, with Louis O. Kelso) ISBN 0-8371-8210-7
- ルイス・O・ケルソ共著、稲本国雄・訳『資本主義宣言』時事通信社、1958年
- The New Capitalists: A Proposal to Free Economic Growth from the Slavery of Savings (1961, with Louis O. Kelso)
- The Idea of Freedom: A Dialectical Examination of the Controversies about Freedom (1961)
- Great Ideas from the Great Books (1961)
- The Conditions of Philosophy: Its Checkered Past, Its Present Disorder, and Its Future Promise (1965)
- The Difference of Man and the Difference It Makes (1967)
- The Time of Our Lives: The Ethics of Common Sense (1970)
- The Common Sense of Politics (1971)
- The American Testament (1975, with William Gorman)
- Some Questions About Language: A Theory of Human Discourse and Its Objects (1976)
- Philosopher at Large: An Intellectual Autobiography (1977)
- Reforming Education: The Schooling of a People and Their Education Beyond Schooling (1977, edited by Geraldine Van Doren)
- Aristotle for Everybody: Difficult Thought Made Easy (1978) ISBN 0-684-83823-0
- 下島連、若林彰訳『アリストテレス・フォー・エブリボディー:やさしく書かれた知の体系』日本ブリタニカ、1979年
- How to Think About God: A Guide for the 20th-Century Pagan (1980) ISBN 0-02-016022-4
- Six Great Ideas: Truth–Goodness–Beauty–Liberty–Equality–Justice (1981) ISBN 0-02-072020-3
- The Angels and Us (1982)
- 稲垣良典訳『天使とわれら』講談社、1997年
- The Paideia Proposal: An Educational Manifesto (1982) ISBN 0-684-84188-6
- 佐藤三郎著『教育改革宣言』教育開発研究所、1984年
- How to Speak / How to Listen (1983) ISBN 0-02-500570-7
- Paideia Problems and Possibilities: A Consideration of Questions Raised by The Paideia Proposal (1983)
- A Vision of the Future: Twelve Ideas for a Better Life and a Better Society (1984) ISBN 0-02-500280-5
- The Paideia Program: An Educational Syllabus (1984, with Members of the Paideia Group) ISBN 0-02-013040-6
- Ten Philosophical Mistakes: Basic Errors In Modern Thought - How they came about, their consequences, and how to avoid them. (1985) ISBN 0-02-500330-5
- A Guidebook to Learning: For a Lifelong Pursuit of Wisdom (1986)
- We Hold These Truths: Understanding the Ideas and Ideals of the Constitution (1987). ISBN 0-02-500370-4
- Reforming Education: The Opening of the American Mind (1988, edited by Geraldine Van Doren)
- Intellect: Mind Over Matter (1990)
- Truth in Religion: The Plurality of Religions and the Unity of Truth (1990) ISBN 0-02-064140-0
- Haves Without Have-Nots: Essays for the 21st Century on Democracy and Socialism (1991) ISBN 0-02-500561-8
- Desires, Right & Wrong: The Ethics of Enough (1991)
- A Second Look in the Rearview Mirror: Further Autobiographical Reflections of a Philosopher At Large (1992)
- The Great Ideas: A Lexicon of Western Thought (1992)
- Natural Theology, Chance, and God (The Great Ideas Today, 1992)
- Adler, Mortimer J. (1993). The Four Dimensions of Philosophy: Metaphysical, Moral, Objective, Categorical. Macmillan. ISBN 0-02-500574-X
- Art, the Arts, and the Great Ideas (1994)
- Philosophical Dictionary: 125 Key Terms for the Philosopher's Lexicon, Touchstone, (1995).
- How to Think About The Great Ideas (2000) ISBN 0-8126-9412-0
- How to Prove There is a God (2011) ISBN 978-0-8126-9689-9
[編集]- Scholasticism and Politics (1940)
- Great Books of the Western World (1952, 52 volumes), 2nd edition 1990, 60 volumes
- A Syntopicon: An Index to The Great Ideas (1952, 2 volumes), 2nd edition 1990
- The Great Ideas Today (1961–77, 17 volumes), with Robert Hutchins, 1978–99, 21 volumes
- The Negro in American History (1969, 3 volumes), with Charles Van Doren
- Gateway to the Great Books (1963, 10 volumes), with Robert Hutchins
- The Annals of America (1968, 21 volumes)
- Propædia: Outline of Knowledge and Guide to The New Encyclopædia Britannica 15th Edition (1974, 30 volumes)
- Great Treasury of Western Thought (1977, with Charles Van Doren) ISBN 0412449900
[編集]- 須賀由紀子「Great Books Seminarの理念と方法」(実践女子大学生活科学部紀要42、2005年)